Make Killers Great Again, a Discussion About the Current State of Killers

RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

I'm gonna start off by informing you that I play both roles so that you won't assume that I only favor one role and start bashing me for it. As a player who's been playing Dead by Daylight since it launched on console (yes I don't have a pc unfortunately) I can say that the role of the killer is no doubt the most stressful role to play as at low ranks (I can assume that the majority of you can agree with me on this). Your forced to play killers like nurse, hillbilly, and spirit because you get the most out of their powers. Not to mention that you have to rely on perks like "hex: ruin" or "pop goes the weasel" to slow the gens down because there's no useful in game mechanic to help with the gens or no secondary objective for survivors that can buy you more time. Also the amount of distance that is put between you and the survivor when they drop a pallet or vault a window on some loops (*cough cough* unlimited's and long loops) is ridiculous, allowing them to continue to run that loop or buying them time to run to another area when your forced to vault the window or destroy the pallet (map may vary). Now for the biggest moment you've been waiting for, drum roll please!.... playing against "Survive with Friends" Groups! This is the one thing that makes most killers just want to kill themselves, because their able to provide info to each other on what their currently doing and advise each other on what they should be doing; they also be like "i'M aBoUt To GeT dOwN, tAkE a HiT or "fLaShLiGhT sAvE mE" which their teammates will then proceed to do just that. Swf groups show that if survivors are that dedicated to their teammates and the objective; whether their a swf group or not, their very hard to play against as killer. Me personally I haven't played against that much swf groups but when I do, it's hell. Heck, even if i'm not playing against a swf group it sometimes feels like I am.

The only time I struggle as a survivor is when i'm getting tunneled, dealing with lag, or have teammates who are potatoes.

Dead by Daylight dev: "well how can we approach this issue?"

Me: "buff killers, remove unlimited's, close up holes & cracks on buildings so survivors can't use them to gain vision on the killer, less pallets in main buildings on some maps, shorten loops, and add shortcuts for killers to take so they can catch up with the survivor more easily."

Dead by Daylight dev: "Hmm... nah we rather cater the survivor players for they are the reason why the player base is being kept at large."

Killer players: "Are we seriously a joke to you?"

Also killer players: quit's playing Dead by Daylight

Survivor Main who complains about everything: "I can't find a lob... Oh right all the killers left. I would play killer but I rather not because I want everything to be easy for me."

Survivor players: *quit's as well*

Make Killers Great Again!

Ps. Don't forget to vote this post up

Post edited by RaginRendon on


  • I agree that Killers need more options. Maybe even more ways to chase and hunt.

  • Raidoku
    Raidoku Member Posts: 69

    I AGREE times 10 im sick of low rank killers all running the same perks and using same killers.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    I know, facing the same killers over and over again can get quite boring.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited July 2019

    I don't think the issue is with the Killers. IMO I the issue is the game doesn't scale properly to high rank play.

    Even if you balance killers to play at rank 10, you still have extremes, of high and low rank play that can frustrate people.

    So you have a mixture of killers who seem geared for different levels of play, but killer players would like the option to play ANY killer at ANY level of play and not get frustrated over nonsense.

    IMO the game itself needs to scale properly for higher level players. It isn't the killer characters themselves, but the mechanics of the game.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2019

    Yeah, it's annoying to have to ring around the rosie a pile of wood for the majority of the trial.

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    There are many different ways that you could fix this, but regardless of how it's done, every Killer needs to feel viable. It's healthy for the game to have more variety.

    Right now, the game is not balance in a way that gives every Killer or Perk a use, but since with enough time Survivors are just skins and don't have their perks attached to them, you can play any Survivors and run the best perks. You can run the best perks on any Killer and still suffer because most Killer Perks are balanced around the idea that the Killer has a Power as well. The problem here is that most of the Killers have a Power that is currently not viable.

    Some ways to address this are..

    ~Go through each Killer and buff their Powers on an individual basis, keeping in mind what makes Nurse and Spirit the best Killers and pushing them up to their level.

    ~Nerf Suvivors indirectly by adjusting how fast gens can be done or by adding a secondary mandatory objective. F13 did this best by having certain Survivors excel at different things, but since DBD doesn't work like that another route must be taken.

    ~Going through the perks and adjusting them on an individual basis and raising the power of Killer perks with the idea that Survivors are currently the Power Role.

    ~Doing some major map layout changes that make it so Suvivors don't have nearly as many "Get Out Of Jail Free" cards when a Killer punishes them for making mistakes.

    I currently can't think of anything else that would be a way to solve this issue of there only being two truly good Killers.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    All of this needs to happen, it's just a matter of seeing whether the devs will do it or not. All we can do for now is just hope.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2019

    As much as I agree with you from the bottom of my heart and mind, we need to stop living in this illusion where every killer is pushed to the point of viability. It's never going to happen, the devs themselves don't want it to happen, the survivor mains don't want it to happen (and the devs have already proven they listen to survivors first, killers second). The best we'll get is killers going from low tier to mid tier, and even that is too much to expect from these donkey devs.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Is that so?... Well best of luck to dead by daylight in the future, it's gonna need it.