Hints for top level

gazzy_g Member Posts: 28
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

Any tips for high ranks (about 5)? Seems basically impossible to catch a coordinated team and you just get teabagged and flashlighted at the exit by 3, whilst the last hovers over the escape hatch. Kiting for eternity round the convenient spots unless you give up and try elsewhere for the same effect. Generators popping left right and centre in the meantime even with generator stalling perks.

Other than going nurse or billy. The game shouldn't be so broken that only two killers stand a chance.

And other than "Git gud Lolz m8".

Alternatively, do the devs have any plans to combat this toxic high level survivor game? At least to make it a more level playing field. Don't expect to be able to kill them all, but even one without resorting to camping at high levels would be nice. If they don't ######### up, no matter how crafty and skilled you are, you're not catching them.


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The teams you’re describing are rare, and they are beatable but you’re right you have to either use the top killers or crazy addon combos. The problem is BHVR makes it easier otherwise rank 15-20 survivors would never live and as a result the higher ranks are busted.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Practice mindgames to counter those pesky loops, I'd suggest watching Ardetha or maybe Monto for some visual reference.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Just keep playing and learning until you become really optimal with your chases. That's the biggest hurdle.

    But also keep in mind there are certain matches that you simply cannot win. If you're playing Wraith on Haddonfield against competent survivors, that's gg. All you can do is suck it up and move on.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    "... there are certain matches that you simply cannot win..." Win is 4k?

  • gazzy_g
    gazzy_g Member Posts: 28

    Cheers for the tips guys, I do want to enjoy this game and I loved it at about rank 12 where it was a nice mixture of wins and losses (almost all of which I felt were fair). Just frustrating now that even when I do outskill the one target it seems irrelevant as the others just plough through the gens. I'll keep at it and try and work through the frustration for now and improve the chase, I can just see me getting fed up of it before that occurs =/.