Is cheating still possible?

dbd_noob Member Posts: 225
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

I had a match vs a billy yesterday with a few friends. He did not have bbq, still always, and i mean always knew the exact position of all players. It was shelter woods and whenever he was sprinting through the map, he would stop at the exact tree someone was hiding.

We did not run, were full life, he had no whispers, no bbq, no perk that would show an aura and also no stridor. (of course as the match went on, we were half life, but I was running iron will) The build was not that good...

I played against a lot of good billies, but this one was just too damn good. I can take a L against an obviously better killer. I played al lot of hrs and have never experienced such precision of knowing where a survivor is.

So the game was over after 4 minutes, he got 14k, all survs ~3k.

Is it still possible to use cheats or wall hack of some kind? I thought that there were only lagswitches, but nothing else.

Or was that just the best god damn billy god that exists out there. Then GZ billy, whose name i forgot!


  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    It could be either that or luck. Your survivor also makes breathing noises and if he has his volume up enough, I may hear your survivor breathing. Some survivors are louder than others, too.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

    that billy was god tier. as I said, I was just hiding somewhere, no crows, no movement, he sprinted through the whole map right in my face and pulled that trick multiple times to other survivors.

    in 1k hrs in this game i have never seen a billy that good then.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Yes. it happens much more often than anyone on this forum will ever openly admit.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    People will cheat, but EAC has been good about stopping it. If you have footage of the match it would be easier too tell, but there are many factors that could of told Billy where you were, such as Crows or simply seeing a survivor ducking behind a tree since Shelter is such an open map. Without evidence it's hard too say but my guess is that it was prob just luck/skill.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225
    edited July 2019

    Yes i know that without footage it is hard to tell.

    I just wanted to know if there are still such cheats like wallhacks.

    I really just want to know if that billy was that good, which is possible, but ive never seen it before.

    Guess we will never know :).

    If you happen to have played a billy in shelter woods that steamrolled me yesterday evening, kudos dude. if you cheated ######### you^^

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    A lot of people like to assume if they got outplayed then people are cheating, but unlike other games there arnt a lot of working cheats for Dbd, the standard FPS cheats like autoaim and the like don't work/have an effect on DBd, and I have never seen people writing custom hacks for it. The only cheating is lagswitching and even that is pretty rare. (99% of times its just the game lagging.)

    Saying that its pretty easy on open maps to just zoom around with the saw and listenien for breathing, if you have enough hours you can hear breathing anytime you are within 8m or so even while sawing, and tiles are set up so that if you know someone was in an area, its no hard to see the most likley tree/rock/object they would hide from.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    It's possible, but not likely. We often think were hiding better than we actually are. The game does a lot of things that give away people's position. If you can read them right you can get very precise information.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Yesterday I had a game against Wraith that got his first 2 hooks from lag switching(really obvious one) and then I guess he decided to not cheat that obviously anymore and just tunneled people.

  • Papamodzz
    Papamodzz Member Posts: 57

    Also depends who you were playing cause some surviours hair glitch and you can see it from a far

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile.

    i had a match where I was leatherface and I just found people without bbq left and right, won every mind game and ended chases quit. Killed all 4 without camping, closed the hatch. They called me god tier, it was simply a really fortunate game.

  • A couple of months ago, a public bypass was released and players flooded the game with cheats, mainly insta-heal spawning etc etc.

    It was fixed incredibly quickly and is no longer a problem.

    Before that, DBD was clean for a couple of years.

    EAC is very good at doing it's job, it's one of the reasons I play this game so much.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    I've been playing ever since the newest killer was the Nurse, and I can say that cheating in this game is the easiest thing. Easy anticheat is so easy to bypass it's like having a gate in the middle of an open field with no fence. Of course this isn't to say I myself have cheated, I simply bypassed it to get the different art styles for the perks, but there is practically no anti cheat on DBD.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Is it possible? Sure. No matter how many times we detect their cheats, new ones are going to pop up sooner or later. They're definitely not common, though. I would sooner assume that they're just a good billy and they saw someone's arm poking out or something, or they're just good at predicting survivor movement.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Are you guys catching cheaters by yourself or you need hints from players who report the cheater and you can take a look at that?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Both. The anti-cheat catches as many as it can, and then we manually deal with the ones that get through. Reports help a great deal with the latter part.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    This thread brought to you by the amazing cheat called: Whispers Perk.

    Billy most likely had whispers on and did nothing wrong. I got accused of wallhacking awhile back for running Nurses Calling, survivors who dont know killer perks quickly accuse killer of cheating when in fact, its just a perk

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Had a survivor complain about how overpowered bbq&c is and how hard it is to avoid. Called me all sorts of names until I listed out the counters then they thanked me.

    BbQ&c Op PLeAsE nErF!

    Already was nerfed...

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73


    Hard to tell really. I use headphones because when I play either side, it helps with immersion and sound. So when I play killer, there have been times where I have heard the grass crunching under a survivor walking nearby, and found them that way. Were you guys running at all? You leave bright orange scratch marks if you do (not calling you out, but god there are a lot of people who don't know that you leave scratch marks when you sprint. It's honestly shocking). And did you still until everyone was dead or escaped? You can no longer see killers perks until the game is fully over now.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Sounds efficient, I like that. Do you noticed and increase/decrease of cheaters over the time? Hopefully a decrease and hopefully not because the cheaters got better tools not to be detected but you guys have better tools to make them afraid to even try.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Peanits Is it enough to report in-game or is video proof needed to report cheaters?

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Its not even aura perks that can give players away. Veteran killers will understand certain behaviors from survivors who use certain perks. This gives an idea of if they are going to be stealthy or not. Killers who are observant and have kicked the generator for the umpteenth time, will know someone is close by. Some killers like myself will tilt the camera down in chases to catch the occasional Claudette sneaking by. After a while you start to understand the way scratch marks develop to catch people who double back and try to hide in their own tracks.

    Sometimes you just get outplayed, not every killer is cheating, some are actually ... dare I say it? Experienced.

  • killerman
    killerman Member Posts: 20

    Im sorry if you felt that if you were play at 330pm et north American time then i can explain how i did what i did user name rolltheblunt420 if not me kudos to who ever did it not saying i was the billy but i did just what you where talking about to a 3 man Squad yesterday

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Videos are always helpful, but they're never necessary. If you aren't recording or you can't record, don't worry, reporting in-game alone would be okay.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Yes, it's possible. You can find it in the bloodweb: moris

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2019

    As others have mentioned, yes, it might just be a statistical fluke.

    If you've been playing long enough, you kinda memorize/get a strong intuition on where survivors are going to head next after a generator.

    That and you kinda learn where survivors spawn at the start of the game.

    That being said, yeah... It's possible they were wall hacking. It would however require them to be using some variation of hack that's never been seen before and logged, so that being said, it's unlikely... But definitely not impossible.

  • BurnFire2Ash
    BurnFire2Ash Member Posts: 2

    I brought up a new discussion that might be a good explanation as to why the Billy could always spot you.

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433
    edited July 2019

    I've always had the crazy and controversial opinion that cheating in online games shouldn't be allowed. Just make it so people can't cheat.

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    I was playing earlier and i could of sworn i was hearing the same sound you hear when your using whispers as a killer but i completely forgot to check at the end if they had it so if they did then I guess it possible. I also had a game where I was getting the sound of skill checks but not the animation and this was a bit into the game so i dk