Making survivors a little more unique

Ispn Member Posts: 9

I've always felt the survivors needed something to make them stand out from each other a little more, basically all you get is a new skin when playing a new survivor, so I thought maybe there was a way to give you more reason to play different survivors. I made up a few "intrinsic perks" for each survivor. It cannot be removed, and doesn't take up a perk slot, and cannot be taught to other survivors. Each one has a positive effect and negative effect, and I just thought it might be cool to share the idea. Sorry for the long text.

Intrinsic Perks

Dwight Fairfield: A perfectly average life is all you've known, and as a result you see no benefits, but no disadvantages to your trials.

Meg Thomas: A life of constant training has honed your body to near perfection. You now recover from exhaustion while sprinting, but no longer recover while not sprinting, and your action speed is reduced by 25% while exhausted.

Claudette Morel: You've spent your life learning, and caring about others. You heal other survivors 25% faster, but heal yourself 15% slower.

Jake Park: Your time in nature has made you more intune with the world around you, this may not be your world, but you still feel a connection. When sabatoging hooks, or traps, you see The Killers aura within 8m of yourself, but The Killer sees your aura as well. 

Nea Karlsson: A lifetime of fighting authority has made your fighting spirit stronger. You gain an extra sixty seconds to your bleedout and on hook timer, but the entity hates your defiance, and makes you struggle the entire time you're on the hook. This does not remove the first hook phase, only makes you struggle during it.

Laurie Strode: A life of fighting being the victim as everyone you've held dear falls around you has filled you with resolve. Anytime you are the obsession your action speed is increased by 25% anytime you are performing an action by yourself, unfortunately your aura is shown to The Killer for an extra two seconds anytime it would be shown.

Ace Visconti: You've always been a gambler through and through. Anytime you unhook a survior, or repair a generator within The Killers terror radius, all survivors see every generator within 24m of themselves.

Bill Overbeck: You've survived one apocalypse, whats another? You wiggle off the killers shoulder five seconds quicker than usual, but your aura is shown to The Killer for two seconds, five seconds after you wiggle off.

Feng Min: A life of competition has always fueled you, you will always be the best, you won't just survive, you will win. Anytime you are performing any action with another survivor, you gain 10% action speed for each other survivor performing that action, but they lose 5% action speed (10% for other Feng's)

David King: You've always enjoyed a good fight, and risking everything for the reward. Anytime you are chased for thirty consecutive seconds you gain a token, up to a maximum of three tokens. While injured, anytime you hit a skill check, it consumes a token, if the skill check was a great skill check, you gain 5% progression to the action.

Quentin Smith: You've dealt with this before, you've seen the struggles, and you know how to handle it. Survivors performing the same action as you recover from exhaustion 15% faster. 

David Tapp: You've chased killers before, you've come to understand how they work. Anytime a survivor is picked up, you see their aura while on the killers shoulder, but your brash nature prevents you from hiding in lockers

Kate Denson: Your music has always inspired others, and that's not going to change. You hum a soft tune, anyone within 8m can hear the hum, and if they are performing the same action as you they gain 10% action speed. This does not stack.

Adam Francis: You've taught yourself your whole life, you've taught others how to do things, what makes this world any different? Anytime an action you would preform would give you a stack, instead gain two stacks.

Jeff Johansen: You've always found creative solutions to your problems. Your chances to pull yourself off the hook are doubled, but you only get one chance, and you cannot gain more chances.

This chance caps out at 100%, I. E. 50% luck. 

Jame Romero: You've always loved the spot light and can't think of yourself any other place. While within 24m of other survivors your action speed is increased by 10% but you lose 10% action speed when no other survivors are within 24m of you. 

Ash Williams: You consider yourself a groovy guy, you've fought evil before, and you've won each time before, because you're a team player. Each time The Killer hits you, both your own, and The Killers aura are revealed to each other survivor for five seconds.


  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    if only they did something like this🤤

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218

    Dwight - Who would play him?

    Meg - I feel this would make Sprint Burst too unbalanced.

    Claudette - Okay, this one isn't so bad.

    Jake - To close to the Killer. If it showed you their aura 8 or more meters away from yourself, but showed you to them, then I would be okay with it.

    Nea - If the thread about removing the struggle pressing says anything, it's that people HATE the struggle phase.

    Laurie - Requires you to be the Obsession... There are 4 Survivors Obsession perks and 7 Killer Obsession perks. To little chance to actually be useful, since Laurie's perks are not that great.

    Ace - Not that bad.

    Bill - I think this is balanced. The hooks are generally close enough that this wouldn't really affect things that much.

    Min - Just... no. Slowing your teammates down just because you are playing a certain character is a big no. People will start lobby dodging like mad when they see her on their team.

    David K. - Not bad.

    Quentin - More specification please. Are they required to be working on the same thing? Or is your description very literal and you are literally saying that as long as they perform the same action, they recover from Exhaustion faster?

    David T. - Handy, but at the same time, the downside is just too high.

    Kate - No one will play her, as the hum will give her position away to the Killer.

    Adam - There are so few stack-based perks to actually make this effective.

    Jeff - With a base of 8% to unhook, without offerings, the chance is still way too low.

    Jane - How often do you actually get to work with other Survivors?

    Ash - He is described as the "Alone Wolf". While this does seem useful, it does not fit his theme.

    Those are just my two cents on this. All things considered, it is much more balanced than most "Make Survivors Unique" threads, but the issue is always going to be the same. People are going to demand you play a certain character, and if you don't switch to the one they want you to be, they will likely leave. Especially if you want to be Feng Min.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Laurie and Dwight would be the exact same if Laurie isn't the obsession. Also there's too much "action speed increase" abilities. In addition survivors have a lot going for them as it is. Personally I'd much prefer one perk from every survivor is made into a base perk that unlocks a different tier every time you prestige them(P3 - tier 3 perk) into their base kit(With underpowered perks getting buffs), without taking up a perk slot, and those perks are unable to be used on other characters. For example, Meg being the only one able to have Sprint Burst, but tier 1 unlocks at prestige 1, and she doesn't need a perk slot for it. David getting Dead Hard, etc. It'd lower the amount of available perks overall, but the perks it'd lower would GENERALLY be ones that are used every game anyways, which would essentially open up other perks for use since they could have built in Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, etc.

    Also Ace: Let's just make people farm other survivors off hooks in front of the killer more than they already do. HARD no to his ability.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Some of these are like really really bad.

    Others would define them as "meta" and people would get flamed for using "bad" Survivors. Also RIP Kate. ]:

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    This would result in only 2-3 survivors, at least at higher ranks just like the killer situation.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Some of the survivors are just objectively better than Dwight since they lack a drawback. David king for example.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    I would love to see this!

    The Killers are all unique why not the survs?

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    I'm very surprised this for so much feedback! I assumed it would just get lost in the forums!

    In response to most of you, I know this isn't super balance, it's mostly just a quick general idea in how it woukd work. I know this would make certain survivors meta, but perks and killers already have a meta, and I feel like this would give more useful perk synergies to some less used perks.

    Thank you guys for all the feedback!

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    My idea with David was to make the drawback the players choice to be injured, and get chased on purpose, while also tempting the survivor to go for great checks, which arn't super hard, but still enough people struggle with them that they'd be hard pressed to hit it.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I mean look at the killers for what will happen. You see them migrate toward Nurse, Billy and Spirit. They might do other killers just because they need a change and the power is significantly different, but making advantages and disadvantages for survivors will most likely result in some survivors never getting played and other survivors becoming meta. And like someone said, it will be much easier to dodge certain survivors in lobby (by other survivors), which is probably why perks are not shown in pre-game among all survivors.

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    Meg - I kenw this one would get some attention. I tried to make her drawback pretty bad, sprint burst would be good with her, but she would always we'd exhausted if she's using it. As soon as exhaustion is cleared, she sprints again.

    Quentin - I shoild have clarified, when someone is working on the same thing as him, at the same time I. E. Both repairing the same Gen.

    In regards to the rest, I wanted to try to make each perk relevant to the other perks the survivors have, and kind of similar to their backstories. I'm not perfect though 😂

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    dwight's makes no sense to me someone explain please

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    My Idea with Dwight was to give people an option that's vanilla, so if they don't want to have a drawback, they can forgo an extra perk.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    He has no addition "perk" but he has no drawback so he is just how is currently live.

    Still better than suggested Kate. 😥

    Yes. I'm never going to let this go because that's my girl!

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    It's not exactly the most balanced set of bonuses and drawbacks, but the concept in and of itself is still a good idea. In fact, I think it's something that could work for all characters in the game - Killers as well as Survivors.

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    I agree 100% on the balance thing.

    I considered making some up for Killers, but the idea came to me based off of Killer powers, which I felt had drawbacks in some way or another. So that's what inspired me

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    Making Kate's was the hardest thing for me because she's my favorite as well. I may have gone too far lore wise and not enough balance wise.

  • shingouki121
    shingouki121 Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2019

    I think I have a fix for that version of Kate. Have the hum apply only when injured, so instead of grunts of pain she hums but the real downside is that perks like iron will will be super bad on her. Also lower the bonus speed to like 4% but allow it to stack with other boost.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Totally needed. Yes, some survs will be meta and others will be low tier, but this is the same with killers. This can be a second life for this game

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76

    In terms of flavor/worldbuilding, I love the idea.

    In terms of gameplay and the meta, the devs would need to be extra careful to prevent causing a paradigm of "good/bad" survivors, and given how the numerous tweaks and balance changes over the years have made it obvious the game's meta is held together with rubber bands and a prayer, it would take a lot of work to figure that out.

    Now, if this game had more secondary objectives or different types of trials, it would be a bit easier.