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I'm afraid...

Member Posts: 656

I'm afraid about the future of DbD. Since BHVR is extremely secretive about their plans I'm not sure anymore if DbD Mobile is going to be a good thing for us guys. Not the mobile version by itself (couldn't care less, I don't play games on a touch screen lol) but that monetization "tricks" will swap over to our PC version once they see its working on mobile. Everyone who knows a little bit about the really big mobile games and is a logical person sees how manipulative the developers of those mobile games are. They squeeze money from you because u are kinda forced for the game experience.

I watched this Video from @SpaceCoconut and very thankful for those information. He seems to be the only person talking about that and his concerns are right imo. Take a look by yourself.

We should really clarify to BHVR that we will NOT accept that happening. Dont detroy your game

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  • Member Posts: 4,299

    The monetisation has been happening for a long time and it wont stop anytime soon.

    This was evident when the cosmetic store first came about, regardless the battlepass is happening and even though some vocal people were not happy about it nothing will change that.

    What DBD has become and is becoming isnt anything different from other PC/Console games as cosmetics and battlepassess are becoming the norm for a lot of online games. Its a sad fact but what can you do? the only reason they do it is because people will pay for it.

    Personally as long as its never becomes a P2W where you can by boosters to gain more an advatage in game I dont have an issue with any monetisation. I for one will never be part of their consumer base for those as I have never bought skins or battle passes for any game.

    We do know the mobile game as it is now is free but it only gives 2 survivors and killers the rest and how you get them is to be determined but I would say they may be pay only for the majoirty of them.

    If DBD on PC/console does go down the whole mobile game route then it would be bad for the game and their business imo but atm they dont seem to be and are just following what other online games have been doing so I am not so worried. Horvath did specifically state that the battlepass will not have any P2W aspects as he said it was a frequent concern raised by the players.

  • Member Posts: 776

    but you are part of the consumer base by providing an extra player for the whales to play against. you are the cattle that they need to keep the whales happy and spending.

    This is why they provide a "free" part to the battle pass and "free" skins that can be bought with shards by making you spend a hell of alot of time to grind them.

  • Member Posts: 43

    If you don't like it, don't buy it.

    How hard is that?

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    It doesn't come to that point. It comes to the point where you need to BUY stuff to be able to progress at a steady pace or you will be left behind.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    We all knew it was gonna happen sometime every company sells out not shocked behavior has.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited July 2019

    No actually I am simply part of the player base who enjoys the game. I am not part of the consumer base for the pass or shop or cattle for the "whales" I just enjoy the game.

    The reason people can grind for it is to tease people into buying it. The mentality of those consumers who will buy it are either supportive of BHVR and want to get the skins along with having the money or they see it as missing out.

    The latter is an issue with that consumer not being able to seperate a want and a need. I need food and water I never need skins for a game.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • Member Posts: 4,212

    DBD sadly can sell out all they want because they have no competition since this genre of game is low in demand :/

  • Member Posts: 797

    Its like console ports all over again, also what did you think was gonna happen when they maybe DBD for the phone lol

    Theyre just gonna milk the mobile community for their money and we can already see the mouth drooling pig players who already caved into to those overpriced pig skins.

    I'm just looking forward to see how much BHVR can ruin this genuine great game this 4th year

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Lmao, hyperbole at it's best.

    He's talking about how they "do mobile games". Which is laughable, it's not uncommon for western companies to partner with Chinese companies to help their games sell in that region as there's a lot more regulations on chinese game, just like how NetEase partnered with blizzard for a Chinese localisation of WoW, you know that SUPER popular mobile game, World of Warcraft? oh and that other popular mobile game Overwatch.

    Considering Dead by Daylight is coming to mobile it might be appropriate for them to partner with a Chinese company to better their roll out & translations & online infrastructure.

    but sure, netease do mobile games omegalul.

    What a 4head video.

  • Member Posts: 742

    Who even plays mobile games at all, it's just stupid. Tbh it's the worst decision BHVR did at all. Ofc there will be enough kids and naive mature people which will buy their crap mobile version and more moneyz will rain.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Mobile share is massie lmao "who plays mobile games".

  • Member Posts: 90

    They worked with Identity V and it's pretty solid.

  • Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2019

    The simple fact of the matter is at the moment, with the cosmetic store and soon to be battlepass (and rift thing), the dbd community has not been pay to win in any way. Most of the dark/seemingly OP clothing options like P3 claudettes or dark shirts mostly come with the base game, and as Horvath said the battle pass with have no aspects of P2W in it. Also, in previous dev streams when the cosmetic store was first announced, it was stated specifically that there wouldnt be an option in the store to buy bp, and there havent been.

    Behaviour has kept its word on not being p2W for the past 3 years and although the mobile game may become so, i have faith that the PC and console will stay relitively the same. If you don't want to get the cosmetics don't get em. and if it does come pay to win, theres really nothing much you can do about it so just don't worry. enjoy the game for what it is now.

    Edit: Besides, wasn't there like another company helping make the mobile version that isnt involved in the PC/Console versionss of the game? so mobile changes shouldnt overly affect PC/Console versions in that aspect.

  • Member Posts: 742

    That's actually what i meant, those numbers are really scary. Now guess from what kind or age of customers those sales come from, ofc kids. Which normal thinking mature person would play games on their mobile phone at all, I don't know anyone. I will always prefer the classic gaming because playing games on mobile phone is not the same, it's just stupid IMO.

  • Member Posts: 656

    From all members of this forum is it always the funniest to read YOUR posts. Really, it's funny that YOU call others 4head.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Except, everything I've said is correct information, what was said in the video was vague at best, even admits in the video he's making wild assumptions, if you're going to make assumptions so wild you open yourself up to criticism.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    When it comes down to it, the core issue I have a problem with is the predatory nature of some monetization systems.

    The current cosmetics shop isn't predatory since the items are available permanently and some are available through shards. I feel no pressure to obtain any skins.

    The incoming battle pass does have a predatory nature with the time limited availability meant to take advantage of players who are susceptible to these kinds of tactics. Along with the assumption that the pass won't be purchasable with iri shards, it makes for a system that doesn't reward players for grinding in the game, but punishes them for not paying for the premium grind.

    The point I was making about netease is that any monetization system that comes up in DbD mobile may come to the main game, which I can't imagine is a good thing for us as consumers.

    Also, the profitability of the mobile gaming market is also it's biggest problem. I don't know of a single game that doesn't have some form of predatory monetization. This is also part of the reason many countries are looking into these systems to see what regulation may be necessary for it.

    The fact that BHVR is implementing these systems focusing on the money rather than the customer experience shows me that we as players of their game are only as valuable as our wallets.

    It's just an opinion, but one that many share.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited July 2019

    When you see predatory I see optional.

    You are putting the sole blame onto the companies and nothing onto the consumer for making bad monetary decisions.

    That's the same as saying anything limited edition is predatory no matter what company sells it be it a special edition game or an item of clothing as someone will always feel left out. They can chose not to spend it but when the do spend more than they can afford for something it's not their fault?

    I wish I could have done that with many things I've bought in life. Sorry I felt forced to buy that last drink at the bar each time as I would have missed out before you closed.

    I really dislike this modern culture where no one has to take any responsibility for their own actions as someone puts a label on it and passes the blame onto someone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    I'd like to direct your attention to the news story about the very young and Special Needs individuals in the EU who fell victim to predatory monetization recently with your statement.

    While there's some truth to what you say, there is also truth to what I'm saying and the stories from my truth should make any normal person question some monetization practices.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Yea, lets not pretend his disabilities didn't have an affect on his morality & sense of right and wrong in this.

    The guy had a slew of debilitating illnesses so it seems more likely his parents just left their info on his console/tablet etc and he went ham on it.

  • Member Posts: 742

    Lets hope a good title comes out soon then I'm waiting for Hide or Die myself because its gothic and moody.

  • Member Posts: 742

    Why do you think games like Fortnite make billions every year? they prey on people who are loose with money or kids who don't know any better. I don't see how Bhvr is any better $10 a cosmetic add's up really quickly although I believe the cosmetic/graphic designers are really good one of the few departments who do their jobs right.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited July 2019

    What that says are those who have special needs may need other security measures in place such as the parents being more aware of what they let their kids do online. That is still blaming a game for lack of understanding on someone's part and while the kid themselves don't understand it's the parents responsibility for one not to allow a child to use their credit card as even those without special needs really have no concept of the value of money until a later stage.

    A kid will ask for anything and everything in a toy shop. Do you think those same parents would you let them have the credit card to use freely? It's the same in principle when a friend has something they want and feel left out it's just now it's not the parents fault it's the companies.

    When I setup my nephews ps4 when he was 14 I put in my details for the plus purchase and removed it straight away. I purchased PS cards for any purchases needed or a retail version which he repaid some by saving money over time. I made sure my card or anyones would never be used. I also setup the account so I had access to everything he did so he knew not to abuse the privilege he had and he never did. His parents asked me to as they weren't sure how too. That's the issue again lack of understanding.

    Letting a young kid have carte blanche with any money is a very silly thing to do.

    This statement screams of what I mentioned. It's never the person who spend the money fault. They couldn't help it. That skin and pass were just too attractive to not buy it. It's all that damned companies fault for offering it to me and giving me no choice.....oh wait I actually did have a choice. I chose to buy it so It was actually my own fault.

    You can guarantee the vast majority of people that buy them know damn well what they are doing even the ones who say they didnt or can't help it. Those that buy and chose to ignore the implications act ignorant to their part of the blame to pass the buck due to a mistake they feel they couldn't help but make.

    I guess the same can be said for shoplifters afterall they just couldn't help it, its an addiction so why punish them? I can see that happening eventually in this world as no one wants to take any responsibility for their own actions.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • Member Posts: 1,962

    The thing with this topic is that both the company and individuals are at fault to some degree. People can argue how much, but it's pretty irrelevant.

    Some people have the means to take advantage of other people in legal ways.

    Some people willingly and unwillingly let themselves be taken advantage of.

    The topic here is how far will BHVR go to take advantage of their playerbase and how many people will allow them to do so and willingly support their decisions.

    Bethesda took the monetization route as well... time will tell what BHVR becomes.

    Many players may not be playing their games by the time their fate becomes apparent though.

  • Member Posts: 742

    I don't think DBD is the type of game even worthy of a battle pass given how the game is built. It just seems really off to me that they would try a battle pass but they are gonna milk the game dry anyway. I think they are just gonna end up locking more stuff behind a paywall

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