Is it good that I am a friendly killer ?

hi its me again and question Is it good that I am a friendly killer ?

I say this because I am angry when I play a killer because I have all the time gen rush or toxic survivor

and I thought then if it was worth being friendly killer and that's why I'm asking you (probably the survivors will be happy because of what I'm doing at the moment)


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Being a friendly killer is fun especially if you use NOED and blood warden and wait til the egc timer is at the appropriate meter then hook them and watch the blood bath happen. I don't do this personally when I meme and play friendly but I've seen other killers do it lmao.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Be really friendly. Club them over the head, invite them for tea, then hook them up for the night in your basement. Friendly killers are very misunderstood.

  • Otwell121611
    Otwell121611 Member Posts: 22

    Depends on your rank. If you are on the high end then probably you should stop, on the low end survivors would probably really appreciate it.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    As long as devs lack a good way to to respond in a timely manner to in games reports of harassment, toxic behavior and comments, and in general just support toxic players through continued inaction the game is going to produce worse and worse survivors. Same goes for toxic killers who act very much outside rules of the game proper. A lot of behavior can be curved with mechanical changes to the game so those options no longer exist. Stiffer punishments and stricter rules for how people can interact with one another will calm a great deal of people down or see them removed from the playerbase.

    Being very strict is the only way to get the playerbase in line if they've been out of hand for this long. None of this will likely happen though.

    Try not to take other players' nonsense to heart and enjoy what you can about the game. If you ever find yourself not enjoying the game just stop playing for a while. Come back after a month or so and see if you can get any fun out of the game. If you can't, quit and never look back. This game isn't worth it and I don't want to see other killers wasting hundreds of hours being unhappy here. You as a person deserve better.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
    edited July 2019

    There's nothing wrong with being a friendly killer I'm one.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I am also pretty friendly, give my bbq stacks and you can leave

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Oh what joy I feel when I realize I'm close enough to take them down those stairs.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    being a friendly killer is great, I've gotten some award winning reactions from people after I've hooked everyone twice and downed half the team only to let them up to escape...

    but there are times, when the survivors want to act like spoiled little monsters... and that's when you need to stop being nice and remind them that you hold the cards in the game.

    toxic behavior gets a toxic response...

    camping, tunneling, specifying the 3-gens you want them to get stuck at for the final push... all of it.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I play with the no tunneling and no camping, but I break no tunneling if said survivor is the only one at the hook when I get there for my MYC proc. Otherwise i agree with your post 100%

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Are we talking about friendly as in farming or friendly as in nice?

  • Creepytaco
    Creepytaco Member Posts: 36

    Play by your own code, that's what I do. I'm also friendly in a sense that I call myself fair. For example, if someone rage quits early in the game which effectively screws the other three remaining survivors, I always let 1 - 2 go.

    If I'm chasing someone and they unhook a survivor literally right in front of me, I let the newly unhooked would be bait go, and continue to chase the offender. I will also let someone go if their dead team members were useless the whole time, If they impressed me enough by trying to play well. I also do not camp or tunnel

    Course that all goes out the window for those that are toxic. In the censored words of the legion "smart#$$es get killed" I do my best to see to that.

  • TheEndOfSolace
    TheEndOfSolace Member Posts: 16

    Being nice has never gotten me anywhere. Survivors dont slow down for me if I'm nice or an #########. So do it play by play if they're cranking ######### out hit them hard if you're dominating play easier if you like it's all up to you man but dont farm that's dumb.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    You can be a friendly killer if you want but i wouldn't expect the toxicity to stop because of it.

  • Benzinjiq
    Benzinjiq Member Posts: 17

    Sorry but some of the things you said shouldn't be done. First of all what kind of toxicity? Chat swear words and such or ingame gameplay? The game will die out if devs implement some chat bans or something just because someone said #########. Sorry but this game isn't for children who get their feewings hurt so easily if you do you shouldn't be playing this is a game not your anti trigger safe space. As for ingame toxicity it isn't toxic in itself just people are annoyed at some of its aspects to which i agree but it isn't toxic its a part of the game but i agree some things should get rebalanced or changed like flashlights camping and tunneling to which i have ideas but is it necessary stating them?

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    No, being a friendly killer is not nice, it is not OK. The survivors will never be your friends! Kill them, kill them all!!!!

    Have fun killing them, if they have fun too that's just a happy accident.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    This is why we need the down vote back. Mate you'e an dick, you're right this game isn't for children so maybe you and all the other toxic players should stop acting like one. The game won't die because plenty of people can play this game without being a dick about it. I'm not easily offended but my medical problems constantly leave me on the cusp of depression and suicide so who the hell are you to tell me i don't have the right to play this game just because you need to put people down to get any enjoyment.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Please don't be a friendly killer. It'll give survivors a false sense of security and boost their egos, making them more toxic in the long run.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Well you can always tell which ones come into the match with the total intention of being an ahole towards you, those are the ones you should be friendly with lol

  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    I don't think that I have exhibited any "toxic" behavior as a killer since I got a grasp on the game (admittedly campy when I first started playing), but I do find myself being "friendlier" as time goes by. I try not to tunnel (unless you teabag, then you're just asking for it), I stopped running ruin on all of my killers (until the red ranks), and every once in a while I let the last survivor escape. But if I get owned in round A, I show no mercy in round B.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm probably one of the few friendly killer mains out there. Example: Letting survivors farm when one disconnects.

    And honestly? Survivors are very polite and thankful 95% of the time when I'm nice to them as killer. So, I don't really mind being a nice killer.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I can get behind that. I was doing pig dailies when 2 people dc (don't know if it was intentional or not) so i made it a farming match. True be told if the 2 didn't dc it still would of ended with 0k. I put the focus on getting the objective and points and end up with 25,000 points 0k and a pip plus the daily bonus on top.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Depends what you like to get in return.

    As I had play the game, I was most times a friendly killer. Besides a few matches where I was in a bad mood (mostly because of things in rl and 1-2 times because of a really toxic behavior of the survs [the annoying flashlight sort of toxic behavior^^]).

    In return I had very often a friendly endgame chat. That said, in the match survivors were still sometimes toxic towards me, or at least what some killers see as a toxic behavior.

    I have never care if survivors have gen rush - it is after all their objective to gen rush as example. Or also tbagging was for me never a problem. Sometimes survivors have even do it, to show me something. The way to an afk guy or so as example, or to give them 1 last hit before they leave the match.

    What I had sometimes to "struggle" with, were dcs, but I was always happy about the fast earned bps and it was after all a loss for the dcing survs, if they had dc in a match with a killer like me imo, because as said before I was fair playing.

    If they had dc, just because they have not like the Killer I have played, it was their problem, not my shrug shoulders. Should they play against some facecamping killer in their next match, I don't care.

    But even with a mostly friendly endgame chat, I still had sometimes meet toxic people, but they haven't bother me, since the majority of the survivors in the endgame chat were either silent, or friendly. Sometimes other survs have even defend me for the toxic guys.

    Playing friendly and not tryhard on a success means to make a decision imo. You may never see rank 1 (but you will for sure meet red ranks thanks to the match making system^^ - something what I have seen as a challenge), but in return the game is more relaxing (or it was it for me at least) and you will meet more friendly people if your luck takes not a horrible unlucky path.

    I can everyone advice to play fair, if you not really like to reach 1 because after my experience those matches are for more relaxing and fun making.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Friendly killers deserve a special spot in Heaven ^-^

    I tend to always let survivors go, try to lead them to hatch, and I hook all survivors twice (I get guilty when they DC or suicide).

    If there is a toxic survivor though, I will play normally against them. Otherwise, you will win that adept if you meet me :)

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    Idk why people play frendly as killer but if you like it then do it. But i would say no Mercy to survivers.

  • Benzinjiq
    Benzinjiq Member Posts: 17

    You got it all wrong and do not think that because you have problems with suicide and depression people all over the world should cater to you mr snowflake. If you think an easy or gg ez is so toxic or some swear words should be bannable or censored i am glad close minded people like you dont get to decide this because censorship is never good and just because some people's feewings get hurt shouldnt be enabled. Of course ill put down entitled idiots such as yourself when they play the im special card.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696


    Wow did you really just play the censorship card, but what else do i expect from a person who attacks other people online from not wanting to deal with harassment. I'm not entitled and just sick of dealing with other peoples BS on a daily basis because they think the world revolves around them. If you can't deal with the fact that devs might prevent you from using racial slurs or telling people to kill themselves in the post game chat, then which one of us is the snowflake.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited July 2019

    I actually think of myself as a friendly killer, but I have my rules...

    1° I never camp

    2° You body block you get tunneled, never camped

    3° You're a looper you're not getting my attention, saving the best for last you know?

    4° If the game was fun enough I'm letting the last survivor go unless I brought moris, I never waste them

    5° If you got unhooked and I find you in the next 3 minutes I down you but go away for others to heal you

    EDIT: I'm a killer, I'm still doing my job.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I am both. I can be really friendly and let people go. But lets just say that if they bm me I go a "little" bit wild and do things no one could stay calm about, in game.

    We shouldn't let things get to us but boy does it feel good when you are able to punish someone. Now I am embarrased for telling you all this. -.-

    As a survivor I feel helpless when my teammates troll me but as a killer I can do stuff. Interesting stuff. I can be creative and play with my prey from time to time.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I thought "friendly killer" refers to farming killers (who farms with the group) and "nice killer" refers to someone who goes out of their way to be nice and considers the other side. I'm so confused. XD

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    @fluffymareep By friendly, I mean that I often allow survivors to farm when someone disconnects. For me, there is no satisfaction in killing three survivors.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    That would make sense. I was gonna say I do the same and people seem to take well to it. c: