Poor pallet

Can someone explain to me why I drop a a pallet, get the stun, and I still get hit? I'm fine if I get hit to where I can't drop the pallet, poor timing on my part, but don't let the pallet die.
cause there is an opening when the pallet is dropping to be hit. You made a mistake the pallet deserves to die
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Ok so I'll just stop running away when a killer finds me. RIP my pip
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@Ohlookahook It's not an issue waiting to be fixed. It's intended that the killer gets the hit if he was close enough.
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@MRT464 You need more distance from the killer. Experienced survivors know "even if I drop this pallet, the killer is so close that he will get the hit anyway", so they don't drop the pallet in order not to waste it.
The more you play, the better feeling you'll get for distances and when dropping makes sense.
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Pallets don't drop instantly, you have to predict and either drop it slightly earlier or don't use it at all. Just like with dead hard. Adds slightl bit of skill floor to ridiculously easy survivor gameplay.
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@Ohlookahook It's not a free hit. You let the killer come too close, it's your mistake. You have to know the timing. If you don't have enough distance to the killer, don't drop the pallet because you would just waste it.
Experienced survivors know when there's enough distance and when the killer is too close. You'll get better the more you play.
I'm a survivor main btw.
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@NoShinyPony Your not allowed to be a survivor main and also have a killer for your icon...lol
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@LordGlint Mr. Face is not that powerful. I don't see a collision of interests here. XD
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The lunge is so unpredictable to me, sometimes I’ve seen killers start the hit from around the pallet but it still hits.
I think in some cases latency comes into play, cuz it looks like they hit the pallet and not you, but your hit box is there somehow.
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There is something like 0,5-1 second delay between you pressing space and the pallet hitting the killer's head. It's in a way realistic: it takes time for falling objects to... well, fall. The killer has this small window of time to hit you. Intended, not a bug, not a programming mistake. It can be countered too, by either dropping earlier, or baiting a hit but continue running, so killer will miss one. Risky, but may give you an extra round or two around the loop.
Lag can obviously make it really bad, but that's a whole different question.
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@NoShinyPony He holds a weapon, and his power allows for 1 shots. Since every pallet allows for "free" hits, even when thrown by MLG survivors who CLEARLY know what theyre doing and should never be questioned...Obviously he needs a nerf. (incase someone stupid is reading this, the whole post is sarcastic).
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If you want to die, sure go ahead!