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Punish killers who camp hooks? /Main killer here



  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    Also until you implement a blood point penalty for camping that is visibly showing the decrease on the screen, it should be 100% fine for us to implement our own if a camping killer downs us to deny them hook and sacrifice points by disconnecting.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    Well in all honesty, i dont think hanging time should be longer. Its not getting the problem over. People will still camp and tunnel. Instead, killers need to be punishment in their points and emblem points for tunnelling and camping. More then they do now. And lets face it, if they can punish a survivor for doing an unsafe unhook, they can most definitely half the points to a killer if he hangs the same person twice without hooking anyone else. Or no points at all.

    Its easy to say survivor should just do gens. But with one categroy already hard to get, you cant miss out on altruism too. You need the points for pipping and some points. And people will always go over to the safe to see whats going on when someone doesnt get saved. Its survivors nature. Its time you are waisting to punish the killer. So 3 gens while someone gets camped? Hardly. And with one person gone, its hard doing gens alltogether. Its why camping and tunnelling are so damn popular in all ranks. Cause it is the most succesful strategy because of the points system. And unless this changes, it will always be the most popular strategy under killers. and lets face it, at least looping requires skill from a survivor. Stare at a survivor is no skill at all. Just easy points and pips.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Camping is only viable if survivors make it viable.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    DCing hurts your team more than the Killer. It's wild seeing the hoops survivors jump through to rationalize DCing.

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    Reward robbers for not stealing! "Wow Mr Thief, you went a whole month without doing despicable acts of thievery, here's 1k dollars"

    Yeah, no. There should be punishment for doing the wrong thing, not reward for not doing it.

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    I play killer way more than survivor for this very reason. It's wild the accusations trash make to somehow make it seem like camping is ok. PS I'm typically one of the last ones alive when I play survivor. The DC helps the last person or hurts the killer. Try again.

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    It's 100% viable unless you're playing SWF on comms. This garbage response needs to stop being given. If it wasn't viable they wouldn't do it.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @Glisurd if that is the case can you vote up the main post of the suggestion. I want to show how many people agree with the change. See if we can change something.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Didn't say camping was okay. Just that it's funny watching people justify rage quitting. But hey you do you. Doesn't affect me at all.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    At least there is some common sense people which is rare

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    It's more like two survivors swarm the hook while the other do gen. Forces the killer to leave the hook and give a free unhook.

  • ThanosHatesDBD
    ThanosHatesDBD Member Posts: 14

    Soooooo let me get this straight lol. Since I'm a killer main and get told to "try playing survivor" then get camped by a D bag killer I'm supposed to be OK with the D bag camping me because I personally do the exact opposite??? ######### are you talking about lmao

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Yes lets screw EVERY killer over by giving survivors even more time to do gens when someone is hooked. It isn't like they can already blast through 2 gens or so as it is. Lets make it 3?

    "Main killer here" lol

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    They aren't made up rules considering the devs have finally acknowledged that camping is not appropriate. So try again. Their current punishment is too weak though.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Abused is such a dirty word. Easy to upvote!

    Are you sure the survivors didnt just make good use of the extra time, and killers complained that it was abuse? Lmao. How can you even abuse a few extra seconds on a hook......

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't think killers should be punished for camping whatsoever if there is at least one survivor close to the hook.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    A reminder everyone that the hook phases have already had a substantial increase before. In patch 1.5.0 the base repair time of a generator was increased from 70 to 80 seconds, but the same patch decreased the time on a lot of other survivor interactions like cleansing totems and disarming bear traps. It seemed logical to anyone who reads the patch-notes rather than skims them.

    For people who do skim them though(survivors), it was outrageous that gens now took longer to complete. The devs responded by increasing the time for each hook phase from 45 to 60 seconds to compensate for the gen progression change, in patch 1.5.3.

    No matter what they get though, survivors are never happy. Killers have to respond to whatever changes and the response is usually bad for survivors, who then demand yet another unjustified change to compensate for it. The devs must stop listening to them, seeing as we can't ever seem to get them to listen to killers.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Survivors abused infinite time for phase one on the hook. In the PTB, a survivor would not progress to phase 2 over time, but could only get to phase 2 by making successive failed attempts to self-unhook or by being hooked a second time.

    In previous threads I have incorrectly stated that this applied only when the killer was close to the hook. I am correcting that error now so people are aware. The PTB patch notes are here:

    The issue remained however that survivors gamed the system. In one scenario, they had no intention of ever rescuing the person on the hook, who had the catch-22 of deciding to wait for what happens only to not ever be rescued or to try self-unhooking but ended up going to phase 2 with a similar result. They of course would not do this if the killer was near for the obvious reason; sensible people do not Kobe and expect the killer to 'respect the percent', which was 5% in that PTB. There was however a 25% chance on each attempt to go to stage 2 instead of there being a fixed limit of 3 on attempts.

    The other scenario concerned hook-swarming. In the usual system, if survivors swarm the hook and run the killer around near it, they were risking the hooked person going to phase 2 because they were not leading the killer away. As long as a killer doesn't see anyone else waiting to make the rescue, it's often better to trade the person on the hook for the person they are chasing. When you can see other survivors there though, you have no reason to leave the hook. You can have two survivors permanently occupying the killer just by being visible, whilst the third person is doing gens and the forth guy is on the hook watching everyone else play the game.

    The one thing it definitely proved was that survivors concerns about the experience of the person stuck on the hook were bunkum: they were consistently disregarding of them in practice.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696
    edited July 2019

    @ThanosHatesDBD the point i'm getting at is a killer main who doesn't like the idea of camping won't camp. They won't say that camping should be punished because they'll now that sometimes you may need to or find yourself in situations where they are camping.

    A switch like myself doesn't camp hooks unless a situation calls for it like 0k's by EGC or having all 3 survivors at the hook. I don't like how often i get camped by inexperienced killers, unskilled killers who are happy with a cheap/easy kill rather then learning or just straight toxic players. My opinion is camping shouldn't be allowed early on in the game but not to punish every form of camping because sometimes it's legit.

    Then there are survivor mains who only know camping from their POV and accuse every killer who uses camping as a toxic or unskilled killer. 1 person goes on the hook and all 3 survivors storm the hook and won't leave giving the killer no reason to leave. That killer is a dirty camper and should be punished in their mind because they don't have the killer knowledge to see their bad playing caused the person to die.

    My point is killer main won't want to be punished for it.

    Switches are 50/50 on if camping should be.

    Survivors mains posing as killer mains will absolutely want to see it punished.

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    I already did. It's when they implemented a penalty on your chaser emblem for camping. That flat out says they believe camping is wrong and are actively punishing it..... Sorry, you're wrong. If it's a legit strat why the punishment?

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    The only thing I think needs to really be done is the survivor on the hook needs to gain extra BP if the killer is in the vicinity of the hook while there are no other survivors in the vicinity of it. It's unfair to be a team player by staying on the hook and then ending the game with a meager amount of points. You're wasting valuable time in getting points doing this, and you're still gonna depip.