100ac to 100k bp, 400ac to 500k

prettyf Member Posts: 442

looks theres few people can't play this game from their lack of free time

we can't make them better but we all agree early stage of this game very grindy

so for those people or want 3prestige for their most like characters

actually i been through all those grind but i think no much reason for mega ac pack as well

with this option you don't have to wait your new character reach certain usable point


  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    I see a contradiction, but no. Devalues players time spent on the game, game will become play to win. No just no, and even if such thing were to happen, 100VC is too low for 100k BP, sorry.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    No, but I have to say 100 AC for 100k BP is way too little. You can spend 2000 Iridescent Shards for 150k BP. 100 AC would be worth a lot more imo. Either way I don't think buying BP should be an available option. I think if you want a payable option for learning perks, the BEST possible idea would be to pay money for the option to reroll the shrine once per week. It wouldn't be pay to win, and wouldn't be predatory as you could only do it once a week. I believe the Shrine however is tied to the server and not the players though, which would have to be changed for this to work.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    well its not pay 2 win

    i already have all perks and of course it could be iredescent shards

    always i convert them for bp

    and you know what? this option doesn't needs for everyone

    but theres really needs for saying yes

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    This idea is better than the one above, but since the shrine is RNG, its still lootboxy. I hate lootbox mechanics I have to pay for, i would rather pay money on certainty. The bloodweb is okay because I DONT have to pay for it.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    you know shrine is rng, thats even worse than pay to grind

    cause you can't control anything of that, i hate to see some people saying

    they don't start this game until system release ruin or bc at shrine

    can't like when people new at this game saying they limited at low rank

    because of teachable and feel so out of meta

    whatever above green all people have things their needs

    so what? i think they not only can't adapt this game fast enough

    they have to grind first, if they doesn't have least 100h of times they will quit this game

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Paying for BP is still P2W sorry...

    And I said I was against the shrine Idea.

    I said my piece, and Ill say it again ... If this game goes to BP buy, Im finding another game, and so will many others.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
    edited July 2019

    I will quit this game if they add this.

    EDIT: Grammar.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    @Onionthing Eh, not really lootbox-like. More like gambling, but with a limit on how much you can gamble. I wouldn't find it that problematic if it was once a week, just for like a "reroll the shrine". The shrine is already "lootbox-like"(You just don't pay for it with real money) in it's current version, this just gives you an option to reroll it for money once. It's not really something I feel a need for, but it'd definitely be better than buying BP.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    Paying for bloodpoints can never happen as it's the very definition of P2W. You can pay to buy more of the strongest and rarest add-ons gaining an in game advantage.

    The game itself needs to stay as play to earn with pay options for DLC and cosmetics only.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Farming bloodpoints is not hard in the first place you can make more then a million BP in the span of a few hours if you know how to. This idea is foolish and will ruin the game quite a bit creating a vast gap between players who work for a living and those who dont yet have a job. This game already has a great divide in the community's between PC vs Console and Survivors vs Killers. No need to bring something else into those divides.

    DLC is cheap enjoy that and have fun. They pump out new content a lot.

    Cosmetics are quite expensive, but hey at least some are really quite good, but I still wish non licensed cpsmetocs could be bought with shards not just cells like they have been doing recently.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922


    Pay to win is bullshit and if this game ever adopted that i would drop it immediately despite my love for it.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    And why exactly? People who play a lot already have everything they want and could basically use the strongest ######### the whole time

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited July 2019

    Yes to less grind.

    No to pay to win bullshit.

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    How it is a problem to have the shrine you just save up theyll always have them non stop even the ones that rarely show up thats how i been getting them from the shrine even if you do one perk a week from the shrine that is not hard to do especially if your double pipping on one game cause that goes by levels not rank to get them. Who would even pay for bps when you already have to buy cosmetics which about 10$ an outfit no way buying bps is P2W

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    This isn't call of duty.

    No P2W.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    thats what i said

    noobs can't compete with people already been through bp x2 events

    and still 50h noob player can have all with x2 bp works

    its already not fair for everyone

    did you saw your teachable at shrine just next week?

    and i can't understand whats the pay to win much

    even you can use money on items they are not worth that much

    second, if this is real pay to win for truly rich people

    devs can limit its viable bp per account to control it,

    so people can only viable to get certain level and teachable

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    @Peanits has already mentioned this in another "Can we buys currency" thread that they have no plans for this currently. However, they are looking to reduce the grind. If it is really bad pick up BBQ and Chili and go gain stacks.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    This has got to be the funniest post I’ve ever read on here and I’ve seen some stupid things

    not to mention the near impossible to decide what you’re trying to say (good English btw), but this little “buy bp” idea I don’t think you thought through well enough to see the countless of issues it would cause.

    I get you’re trying to help out the little guy and the people that don’t have time to dedicate to a game but if that’s the case, they shouldn’t be playing a game this Grindy to begin with if you’re not willing to put time into it and just EXPECT there to be some way to get “end game” perks immediately.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Not gonna lie, some people have some heavy double standards. BBQ&C showing up just twice in the shrine and is otherwise locked behind a DLC paywall is fine and not pay2win. But paying for bloodpoints which only reduces the grind is pay2win? Doesn't make sense at all

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    If they do this then I will stop playing the game. Prestige is an accomplishment. If you can buy bloodpoints then you have pretty much bought your prestige and it no longer becomes an accomplishment. Prestige is the only thing that keeps me going. Without it I would have quit a long time ago.

  • chieflongbong
    chieflongbong Member Posts: 2

    Uhm u can allready buy bp... All u have to do is spend your iridescent shards so no this wouldnt be a good idea just cause u can still get with iridescent shards

  • dcrici
    dcrici Member Posts: 1

    I was talking to my friend about this and I suggested to her that they should make it so when you prestige a character one of their perks become tier 3. So when you prestige someone 3 times their 3 unique perks will be maxed at lvl 1. It’ll help with the grind a bit.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304

    Give a new player all the perks in the game and they will still be absolutely garbage. Put me up against 100 other new players (less than 10 hours or so) with any perk they want and I'll use none, and outscore them nearly every single time. Playtime is the deciding factor in this game. It's one of the bright points imo, with the perk system. They make a diffrence, but not enough to be anywhere near as valuable as raw playtime and experience. (and skill/ability)

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I dig the idea of buying bloodpoints, I end up spending 300-500 Ac per week on outfits just because I'm bored lol so bring it on

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    I'd prefer 100k bp to 100 ac actually

  • sweaty_gamer
    sweaty_gamer Member Posts: 25

    There is many better solutions out there:

    -rank rewards

    -bloodwebs should have more than 2 perks at lvl 50 and/or increase by prestige

    -more BP events to refresh the game experience

    And so on..

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323


  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    If the devs sell BP it will kill this game, because then it will become P2W

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    no pay2win please

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Didn't you make the post about being afraid of the monetization in the game? Selling the one thing which does give players more add-ons, items and offering is the only p2w aspect that is possible in the game. It's also why the best killers are free.

    The fact BBQ has been in the shrine gives everyone around those times the chance to get it. It's not locked behind a pay wall if there have been chances to get it for free.

    Do you honestly want survivors to be able to buy the worst killer map offerings, purple flashlights with best add-ons, Insta heals or killers having the best rare or strongest add-ons, offerings at will just because they spent more money?

  • Nyder5
    Nyder5 Member Posts: 3

    Dude, if they don't have the grind spirit and don't have fun playing the game then it's their problem IMO.

    We all had to start from 0, we all had to get tunneled and face camped in the beginning because we were bad as survivors or we got bullied as a killer. That's part of the learning of the game.

    Changing this to a P2W would ruin the game. The player base that exists now would leave the game which would kill it.

    If they don't like DBD how it is because they want an easy game and not challenge themselves then it's their problem. Not BHVR.

  • MoonMoon23
    MoonMoon23 Member Posts: 4

    It has been shown time and time again that the majority of western crowds do not respond well to P2W. Many great games die in an attempt to bleed their customers. This game is really no exception and as you can tell many people are for reducing the overall grind, but not through P2W practices.

    Instead I think it would be neat if you could sell back some if your unused offerings and addons for small amounts of BP, something like 15% maybe of the purchase price.

    This would reduce the grind for all players and help get rid of things that are useless to you (green keys, bad maps and lesser mist as survivor, thicker mist as killer and splinters for killers you already own etc.) This could give you a moderate boost for prestige too as you would liquidate your entire inventory and assuming you are going in with a point stock already you have enough to gain several levels to get at least entry level perks of what you're looking for.

    I also think the shrine of secrets should reset twice a week instead of once. Either that or replace the perk once you purchase it from the shrine so you have some ability to reroll it instead of it just being a dead slot until next week.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Shrine of secrets, spend AC on perk you already have get free bloodpoints. I'll occasionally do that if i'n not looking forward to the grind.

  • SaveUsY2K
    SaveUsY2K Member Posts: 43

    No. No. Play the stupid game like the rest of us if you want perks and prestige skins.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Clearly just follows hyperbolic/uninformed videos but didn't actually understand any part of it.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    Hell no!

    Even if you have all perks you can use bloodpoints for BNP's, Insta-Heals, Mori's etc. Which is definitely an advantage over anyone who doesn't spend the money.

    The game would become an even more toxic insta-heal morifest

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    The Shrine is RNG,

    it is a Gamble Mechanic,

    paying for another spin on the wheel is just a GATCHA (Japanese rng collectible games) tactic. I play Gatcha games (FGO, Destiny Child), I dont want DBD to have any kind of element like that.

    I want to SEE what I want, BUY what I want, and NOT have to PLAY ROULETTE for what I want.

    Paying for Killers means I get a killer and THREE GAURANTEED PERKS.

    Paying for a Survivor means I get a Survivor and THREE GAURANTEED PERKS.

    Paying for Cosmetics means I BUY WHAT I SEE AND I LIKE IT.

    No extra spinning, no dopamine manipulation BS, no mobile game garbage.

    I hope that clarifies my stance on this.

    Buying BP to bypass the grind, kills one of the core elements of this game. I hope Im clear on that point as well.