Super nice + forgiving killer

Yet still get trashed at the end chat. What gives?

Lately I've seen 3 categories of survivors.

Ones that are grateful I didn't punish them when their teammate left after first down and five gens left.

Ones that think they are progod status, juked the ######### out of you when you purposely left them alone etc.

Ones that think they are progod status, juked the ######### out of you when you purposely left then alone and then proceed to exclaim about how bad you are at killer.

This is totally a rant but it really does leave me scratching my head trying to figure out, like what?

I'll still keep being nice for the time being but man does that nonsense wear on your nerves.

Sorry for the rant. If you're a killer main please enjoy this :


  • ToastFace
    ToastFace Member Posts: 3

    I'm a killer main, I enjoy running Ghostface with his base perks (Even though I'm not the best killer) I try my best not to tunnel and I certainly don't camp. I sneak around sporadically switching from player to player just trying to have fun. I often let survivors go because I've genuinely had a good time and I'm not trying to pip up or farm. It's annoying when survivors take the game way too seriously and belittle you for trying to have a fun match. IMO it's a lot worse right after rank reset. It's sad to see how toxic some of the community can be.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    The toxicity disgusts me. I have had all three categories before.

    Sometimes, they are not toxic, just awkward in post chat or say something I question. One time, Slug sparing as Wraith, then one guy said "You got rekted!" And another "You know you are supposed to hook people,right?" And another, "Are you drunk?" So do you want me to hook you all and get at least a 3k?

    And the toxic survivors are always there. I was ranting about gen rushing and Legion needs buffs when a guy just randomly said "You just angry because you suck." Well, ouch.

    And when I was trying out Nurse, (having fun and practicing) a group of swf Claudettes were spamming "GG EZ EZ CLAP LMAO BABI NURSE" the one innocent Kate there was clueless. (If I ever see a full team Claudette again, I will activate kill mode)

    Honestly, in order to actually have new players more willing to play the game, these bad examples should be reportable as harrassment and these toxic players needs punishment of some sort.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Full SWFettes really outta activate kill mode every time. Just like David's shirtlessness gives me tunnel vision (and then usually hatch mercy).

    For when toxicity gets you down, just remember: it doesn't matter which side they're on, only insecure people are desperate enough to need to type "ez" after a "gg", or resort to other self-aggrandizing hype. I tend to feel sorry for them, frankly.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    This would be the time I give moral suport to my fellow killer main brothers and sisters. Tell them to ignore whatever the survivors write and play again, that you will get them next time, you can't win them all, etc..... But you are not even trying! "Nice and forgiving killer"? What is that??? We are here to destroy survivors body and soul! Survivors are less than nothing, you have to discard that empathy you feel.

    Why do I waste my time, you probably are one of those killers that allows the last survivor to leave. You make me sick :-(

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    95% of my killer games I let at least 1 survivor escape ;)

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Disgusted by my empathy? >;)

    (Don't worry, I accept disconnects and suicides, and if I hook people and a survivor leaves them to die, I make sure they don't escape)

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I play Leatherface, Myers or Hillbilly to destroy groups.

    I'm playing Killer, empathy or feelings of sorrow for them doesn't matter.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    People are bad word, doesn't mean you have to become like them. Play the way you want to play.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Don't do stuff in hope of getting appreciated, you will be dissapointed.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Listen to @Shaped he/she is one of the good killers ;-)

    And I mean "good killer" by killer's standars, not survivor's

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Who cares how you play? I just do it because it will at least give a good game to at least one person.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    It's not really a good game if you had to provide charity.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Is it charity to try make it so everybody is having fun?

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    When I play as killer the only person I make sure is having fun is ME. If anyone else is having fun, that's just a happy accident

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    No. But not having fun so others can have it is not it. Don't get me wrong I try to make games fun for everyone but sometimes you need to think about yourself also.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    That is true but i do have fun. I have fun with the chase and the hunting not standing in front of the hook. If i can't have fun i'll try for making a match profitable. Getting 4 kills super quick isn't fun for me, standing behind a corner and having survivors run into me is.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited July 2019

    I used to be very generous to survivor players and I still am. When I first started I would often give the last survivor the hatch if I felt they did well, were new, had a username I liked and so forth. Once we got to end chat I found I made a mistake as the survivor would go ranting at me or their team and just generally being a brat. I still believe in making the game fun for everyone to play. After all even if you won if you had to try hard your butt off and be really nasty when all you wanted to do was have fun did you even win? But I've learned to be far more conservative when it comes to my generosity as even though I want the game to be fun for all players

    Not very many share this mindstate. Especially Twitch players who I've found just trash-talk me during the entire game in their stream, even if they don't do so in end-chat. I used to let them go to show survivors watching that killer players aren't the "inhumans" they believe them to be. But I've found it to be a wasted effort most of the time

    Worked out great when I ran into Zubat as old Freddy though, lol I'll never forget that one

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Yeah, it's kinda why I proxy camp and have no second thoughts about running scummy builds or punishing bad saves, and now have a mori list for special people. These people are so miserable that they need to bully others who just wanna have fun, and honestly I had enough of it long ago. Occasionally I'll depip down to rank 12 just to find sweatlord Swf squads (I can tell decently quickly who is who) when I play against bad people I play as weak as possible to give them a shot, against salty players I dumpster them. I started doing that after my friend (who is a real rank 12, kept getting Swf squads over and over again, with a bunch of people in purple ranks and then 2 gray ranks who very obviously are smurfs) and it just made me annoyed, he wants to run a meme build like no perk Bubba? Commodious/Insta heal spam with BNP and teabag at the exit gates.

    Yet they still wonder why awful killers (not the player themselves but the killer) are rarely ever seen use in high ranks, because you will get bullied, you can play as nice as you want but pieces of garbage are gonna be pieces of garbage.

    Thanks for reading my rant if you did.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Just played killer for the day, all the games survivors were nice and appreciative except for one. A suicide and a disconnect, and I was sparing 2 people obviously in a SWF, and afterwards, one of the survivors said "You must be ######### or something." For what, slugging and not killing both of you? Keep in mind I double hooked all survivors including the suicide and disconnected as well. Well, at least all the other games the survivors were very nice. Even the two purple ranks I managed to hook as Nurse were great too.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Playing nice isn't bad but at the same times isn't good. Sometimes those players you are nice to might end up thinking everything that happens in this game must go their way or favor them which usually lead up to them having a toxic playstyle when they aren't given what they want.

  • mdlat
    mdlat Member Posts: 6

    To everyone that is a killer main on dead by daylight. It is without a doubt absolutely not our jobs to take it easy on anybody. Would you want them to do the same to you? Whether you do fishing tactic, patrolling tactic, or trapping tactic, killers are to use every single kind of tactic that is available to them regardless of how much people want to complain about how you're playing. More often than not they're just kids or grown-ups who have never left their mom's house. So I say play how you want to play Let Them complain it just proves that you're a better gamer than they are.

    Kill them all and have lots of fun.

  • mdlat
    mdlat Member Posts: 6

    P.S. sorry for posting this on the forgiving killer discussion