New Legion Power

When Legion was coming out I always thought his power was gonna switch bodies or there be more than one entity. This is what I thought they were gonna do from the go. I am not saying this should be exactly what the devs do but I think this is a better power.

New Power Idea:

Legions power is to swap with one of the other people (maybe max it at 2 and use addons for others or something.

Make there 4 Identities with 4 differences (even if there are just Frank and Julie), the power switches between the identities but they have different abilities. Like Frank would be able to hit and have the normal ability of the pulse where other survivors are and Julie would be fast and good at tracking survivors in deep wound state. Maybe Frank has 110% movement and Julie has 115%. Make them actually be a Legion and not a random dude/chick getting looped allday.

This just a basic idea, please help me refine it.
