Clouded Mirrors (Fan chapter)

The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26
edited December 2020 in Creations

I'm really really hoping a Dead By Daylight staff member will read this! I had a wonderful idea and thought I should post it on here and maybe get it on the actual game! so if you are a DBD staff member, please read! If you aren't, Please leave feedback and try to get this to them for me! This is a suggestion for killer and survivor, but I don't know about a map yet

Chapter Name: Clouded Mirrors. When emotions stir, the brain creates a dark deception, wavering the very foundation of sanity. This can lead to a deep, dark rage, bringing out the darkness in every soul. To protect us from such thoughts, the mind creates a mask, a split personality, as a mirror image of our psyche. But some mirrors cloud and break, bringing out the evil in the pits of our heart, while inner demons infect our minds and body.

Killer: The Sadist

Power: Echolocation.

Overview: The Sadist, A killer able to leave scars on survivors and make sure they never forget him. His three teachable perks, "Scarring Cuts", "I'll get you", and "Scream for Me", Allow him to gain bonuses when hurting survivors and letting them escape, just to hurt them once more. His power, Echolocation, allows him to see the locations of healthy survivors that are healing, repairing, sabotaging, or moving by (Either laughing, clicking his tongue, or any other idea), but slowing his speed down tremendously.

Scarring Cuts: When hitting a survivor, that survivors repairing, healing, and sabotaging will be decreased by 5/10/15% when out of chase. Any failed skill checks will additionally increase the regression by 2/3/4% .This effect applies for the last 1/2 survivors hit. "Your blood is so addicting! So i'll never let you go!" -The Sadist.

I'll get you: When hitting the obsession, gain a token up to 3 tokens. Each token will decrease the terror radius by 5 meters to the obsession and decrease the terror radius by 3/4/5 meters to any other survivor. This effect ends when putting a survivor into the dying state. "No matter where you go, where you hide, I'll find you...I'll always find you.." -The Sadist

Scream for Me: When ever a survivor fails a skill check, they will let out a scream, revealing their aura for 2/4/6 seconds and regress the completion bar by 5/7/9%. This effect only occurs once per survivor and has a cool down of 60/40/20 seconds. "Oh how I love your screams! More! MORE!" -The Sadist


Movement speed: 4.6 m/s or 115%

height: 5 ft 6 in

Appearance: Black leather boots, Black ripped jeans, Pastel pink hoodie around waist with bandages covering torso and arms. white pixie cut hair and black earrings. Pale white skin (Albino).

Weapon: A small long dagger with engravings in the blade. This weapon was used by the ancient Mayans for human sacrifice and cannibalism for blessings from deity’s. After successfully hitting a survivor with this weapon, The Sadist will lick both sides of the blade to clean the blood off.

Next is the Survivor

Survivor: Lewis Brown

Overview: A fear driven survivor, able to complete objectives and get out of danger with added bonuses. His three teachable perks, "Get it over with!", "Watch out!", and "roulette" allow him to gain additional bonuses when in or escaping danger, and apply helpful effects to his teammates.

Get it over With!: When in a chase for 30/25/20 seconds, gain a token up to 2/3/4 tokens. Each token grants 5% Bonus speed when repairing generators with another survivor. This effect resets after completing 2/3/4 generators or whenever failing a skill check. This effect does not stack. "L-Lets just get this over with!" -Lewis Brown

Watch out!: When placed on a hook, The following will occur:

-Survivors within 36 meters of you will see the aura of the killer if they or yourself are in the terror radius.

-Survivors will gain a 5/10/15% haste effect for 3/4/5 seconds when in a chase within 20 meters from you.

-The survivor that saves you will gain a 20% bonus speed when repairing generators for 7/9/15 seconds, and be healed at 50% faster.

-Gain the Broken status effect for 30/25/20 seconds after being saved from a hook.

Increases the chance of being the obsession.

"Be cautious! Its near us!" -Lewis Brown

Self Reward: Whenever you cleanse a totem, you gain a token up to 5 tokens. Each token does the following:

-Gives a 5/7/10% bonus healing speed without a med-kit

-Gives a 10/15/20% bonus speed to being healed

-Gives a 2/3/4% bonus repair speed

-Gives a 3/4/5% bonus movement speed when not in chase

You lose a token whenever you get hooked

"Make sure to make yourself proud, my papa Taught me that...” -Lewis Brown

Lewis appearance: fuzzy white coat covered in soot, black jeans, and fuzzy boots. White pixie cut hair. Tan white.

That was my idea for a Clouded Mirror Chapter. I Didn't add a backstory because I'm not talented in that type of stuff, but I think I'm good with character design and game play mechanics...Thank you for reading this far and if you are a DBD staff member please consider putting this in Dead By Daylight, I think this would be really interesting for people who play killer and struggle with finding survivors, and giving a reward survivors that like to be in chase with the killer since they can be killed.

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