This game makes me want to not play killer

I'm a survivor main usually going in with one or two friends, we never run flashlights and we try not to gen rush. I play one game as Billy, because he's supposed be be easier. I've never played killer before and I go against a rank 14, 11, 3, and 9. Every pallet stun I get t-bagged and blinded.
After every game they call me a ######### and trash, now I'm seventeen so it really shouldn't effect me, but it happens every game and it's really starting to get to me. I just don't see the point in playing killer.
The problem is that most killer (expect nurse) are just too weak against the strong survivers. the chases are too long and the gens are too easy as objectiv and some perks from the surviver side are very strong that gives them more time. And even with all the meta perks from the killer side the surviver perks are stronger.
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@Just_Playing gave some solid reasons
Another problem is he map design, many maps are awful for either side
Let's say you're playing killer. Haddonfield is probably the worst map to play in as killer, many survivors, especially SWF, will bring an Haddonfield offering and most if not all of them will have Balanced Landing to abuse the map design. Yamaoka Estate, now this isn't as problematic, I don't have a problem with it, but if you're not experienced enough you will have a hard time finding survivors, especially if they have Iron Will and Urban Evasion.
Many maps have long loops, giving killers more time to waste. One of the biggest offenders is the infinite loop in Macmillan Estate, I don't remember which map exactly, if a survivor reaches it you will have a hard time catching them unless you have Bamboozle
I know the devs are going to rework maps, but I'm afraid it's going to rake a long time
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Sorry for the spelling mistakes but I can't edit them because mobile is still bugged
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Well there are plenty of options to try to outwit them. Sometimes i will just play a 3 gen defence. Focus on those 3 gens that are close together and keep them away, let them get the rest with relative ease. When they come for the final 3 keep downing them. Doctors overcharge perk helps keep them from getting the final gen easily. A good team can still win but more often than not they get frustrated and come to me for a quick death.
Also, with good perks and planning i usually score 20-30k bloodpoints even if all the survivors escape and for me that's a win win since i score good and the survivors score good and have a fun match.
Can't stand those try hard, sweaty killers that try to wipe the survivors out in five minutes.
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Just turn the end game chat off... Then your problem is solved.
You don't have to talk to people at the end of the match.. just leave right away... or turn it off if you want to look at your score etc...
Note, people don't play the same way... Just cause you don't do something in the game, for example use NOED, it doesn't mean others don't.
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nobody said something against the afterchat we talk about the balance from the game. and by the way noed has a counter destroy totems and trust me i got many matches where i got genrushed and all totems was destroyed. So even noed is against good survivers useless.
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Playing killer is not for everyone. Sorry if you are too soft to take the heat ;-)
Do as I do: If they start complaining, laugh at them when you have killed then and ignore them when they have escaped.
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@Cuddlez02 i'm sorry there people who are acting that way. I hope you reported them because people like that have no place in this community and should be banned. Unfortunately time is the biggest factor with any killer. Time to unlock perks, time to master using the chainsaw & time to pick up the killer play style.
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It is easier when you get used to it but there will be days when you can't play killer or survivor because of the toxicness. Just play something else and come back to it again. Multiplayer games leave mini ptsd's on you.