Sprint Burst Exploit No Bans? Devs?

I mean there was an exploit that gave a pretty good advantage to the survivors and no one is getting banned over it? Y'all gave a good example of how you should handle this kinda stuff with Legion, but for some reason didn't do the same thing with SB? Clearly it wasn't intended and that's why it was just patched. I guess exploiting your game isn't bannable now? Where do you draw the line when it comes to stuff similar along the lines to this. I don't want to say its because the devs favor survivors, but you do how this looks right?


  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    It's just like the Wake Up exploit, They'd have to ban a hell of a lot of people including Fog Whisperers which isn't going to happen.

    I think Exploits should be bannable but it's best we just forget about it for now and hope that this is just a change in policy going forward regarding exploits and not just because it was an exploit on the survivor side.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    I enjoyed my time as an Ebony mori wielding Enforcer.

    Back to hoarding those things

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    People didnt get banned from Wake up nor they get banned from SB exploit.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @Condorloco_26 Did you mori EVERYBODY, or just the ppl you spotted using the exploit?

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    Or, just like the Asylum Exploits, which is literally when/why they created temp/soft bans in the first place, so they didnt have to ban a ton of streamers, who some have now gone on to be Fog Whisperers LUL

    its a cycle isnt it? LUL

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    I'm not him but I also brought Moris and Mori'd every Quentin I could find.


  • Remi1993
    Remi1993 Member Posts: 88

    Imagine killers with some speed exploit...

  • Loit
    Loit Member Posts: 61

    Yes, let's ignore the blatant abuse by Survivors. BAN TEH KILLAHS though!

    Seriously, it's this attitude that drives me nuts. Why the double standard? If there was a Killer bug that let them suddenly rush forward for 3 seconds whenever they wanted, you'd be DAMN sure they'd hotfix that and ban players using it.

    But if I Survivor abuses bugs... nono, don't look, move on, we don't really need to discuss it any further. No penalties, we only ruined the gameplay for 20% of our playerbase, it's fine.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The did ban players including streamers for the Asylum exploit. One in particular got banned for going to the safe place just to heal someone but they all got unbanned after it was fixed.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Nobody got perma-banned for using the (original) legion blades bug, it was treated almost the same as the Asylum bug with soft bans. (Iirc) the Asylum got disabled but the legion blades didn’t. The double standard doesn’t exist and we have no point discussing a fixed bug.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    what was the asylum exploit?

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    Legion can guarantee a 4K just by hitting everyone once.

    Survivors can run fast for 3 seconds.

    Are killer mains seriously this stupid? These are not even close to the same level of game-breaking power.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @CoffengMin survivors could reach a point that no killer could (iirc) which caused hostage situations.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    yeah as I said, they created temp/soft bans during that

    In the end though they were unbanned.

    Post edited by DrDeepwound on
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    Also to anyone still reading this thread. This isn't about what exploit was worse or not. An exploit is an exploit and should be treated as such. We can all agree that no one side should have an advantage through the use of an unintetional bug. So please stop bickering about the killer v survivor bugs, we could stop any use of this if we just work together and stop bickering like fools. Not everything needs to end in an arguement.

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    If Billy had an exploit that'd make his chainsaw chargeless, you bet that every billy using it would have been banned lmao. Ironic how a similar type of exploit gets ignored.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    edited July 2019

    @Condorloco_26 In this trial did they get at least a public defender or appeal process? Hell even a last meal?

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @DuckApproved it totally is... You could have just asked the question. How come no one was a banned for the sprint burst exploit.. and left it at that.

    but the last part about "...the devs favor survivors..."

    Don't you think that is a bit foolish to imply the Devs favour one side over the other?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I personally would like to see exploiting punished, I’d also like them to put a warning up every time a new exploit is out so that people would be informed of it and know if they abuse it, punishment can be served.

  • Loit
    Loit Member Posts: 61

    Are you seriously this myopic? You think that exploiting some bugs is okay and others deserve bans?

    How about exploit = ban? Or is that too complex for you?

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    But how would they ban them? Just ban everyone who used sprint burst in the last couple of weeks? That would be a lot of rank 20 Megs gone for nothing. I agree that all exploiters should be banned but how can you expect BHVR to know which people exploited sprint burst and who used it normally?

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @indieeden7 That's the problem is that this shouldn't have happened in the first place. They should have just disabled and hotfixed it. Although there is proper evidence of people using it like Usslyis. Unfortunately a ban wouldn't be possible. Although they could take measures in the future to prevent this.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @DuckApproved Didn't have to cherry pick any part of it, I just don't feel like quoting your whole comment. I'm also not the one getting upset cause you got called out for your bias.

    Why you mad bro?

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714


    Nyet. Summary execution, Old-school Russian style.

    Method: Axe to the head, couple body blows just in case

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    They also didn't ban for Wake Up... or the PWYF, Thanatophobia and Legion Blades V2.0 bugs that were around at the same time.

    It seems pretty obvious that after the initial legion blades "incident" they simply decided they don't want to deal with bug-exploit situations like that with bans in the future, at least not on the scale of any of those or the SB one. Not everything is a bias lmao.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2019

    And to anyone reading the thread PLEASE read my other comments before you comment about how I or the devs are biased. It will save us some time and brain cells. This thread is literally spiraling into "Devs aren't biased killers cry to much" and "Survivor mains don't know what an exploit is." Can we just productively talk about how to fix issues like this in the future? ######### hell

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    The Legion exploit was one which could be considered holding the game hostage as they could hold them mending for a seriously long time and maybe why they decided to ban for it but it was a mistake and one they decided not to be repeated.

    There have been many bugs on both sides which they havent banned for. The problem with banning is it starts a precedent and would need to be a one for all system and they would have to make sure the player knew about it in advance as mistakes do happen but there will always be a risk of people who get unfairly banned.

    Many bugs on both sides have been in the game but consistency is needed and they have decided to be constant by not hitting the ban hammer for any now.

    That may change again depending on the severity of a bug but it is not for us demand it happens.

    One day you could end abusing a perk or addon you use frequently by mistake for a good few matches as they arent always aparrent and I am sure your viewpoint would not be the same if you ended up with a ban for it.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @DuckApproved It is ok if you are mad, I understand. [puts hand on your shoulder]

    The feeling like the world is crumbling down around you when you think the Devs no longer care for you killer mains.

    It will be ok, don't worry. They aren't banning for those kind of exploits anymore. The Devs don't actually favour one side over the other.

    [takes hand off your shoulder]

    I'm outta tissues, you'll just need to use your sleeve.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The devs are more likely to incorporate any exploit survivors use into a supported game feature than announce that it's bannable.

    No, statistically that is true.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @twistedmonkey Id say the Legion exploit was an almost perfect example of how to handle situations like this. They put up a notification that all players could see and gave a warning that if any of the add ons were used that they would be banned. Although what the devs should do is just disable and hotfix the issue. Plain and simple right? No need to ban and its fast.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @TheBean I understand the need to scratch that toxicity itch youve been craving is almost unbearable, but just take a moment to self reflect. I'm just a dude who is just tryna have a productive discussion over an internet forum over a game we all enjoy and you feel the need to insult everyone that doesnt agree with you. While I understand you are free to say what you please (especially over the internet due to the anonymity), it really doesnt do much for me. So I hope your day gets better or you do a good job of surviving. I will not be replying to your comments any longer (I'll read them though) and I hope you can one day join me and get over this killer v survivor crap that holds you back and make this game the healthiest it can be, gameplay and community wise. <33 xoxo

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    There are 2 reason this wasn't bannable where Legion mend bug was...

    1) Just because they equipped SB doesn't mean they were doing the bug. However, all you needed to do for mend bug was equip double knife add-ons and then play the game normally. It's a lot easier to pick out the people abusing mend bug than SB bug just by looking and the the results screen.

    2) Mend bug could be used to hold the game hostage. If killer wanted to they could just never hook you, forcing either a DC or for you to let yourself go down and bleed out. SB bug doesn't allow you to hold a game hostage. This is a major difference here.

    Hence why similar bugs were not bannable, but then the Asylum bug was... because it could be used to hold the game hostage. IDK whether or not the devs could check the game if you did it, but it sounds like most of the people that were banned was after some sort of video proof.

    I mean, if we are going to ban for EVERY bug in the game I'm pretty sure the population would be 0 because this game is so chock full of 'em.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291


    That is what I think needs to be done a system so they can disable certain perks and add-ons that may be bugged. Im not really a fan of someone being banned for not being aware and even if they are mistakes happen they could just change char and forget a perk or add on is equiped after playing a while.

    They could even stop some maps from being in the rotation when bugs appear where they can get to a safe spots and the killer can't reach then or vice versa the killer can get around a spot.

    To me these create more a sense of urgency that it needs fixed and lessens the reports to go through for the community it team.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714


    LMAO this really cracked me up. That's exactly how it happened.

    Some 20 times at least

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Devs have shown they don't care if survivors use an exploit. They only care if it's a killer exploit.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Its as simple as the devs dont know who was exploiting and who wasnt. With the legion blade add ons the devs knew they were exploiting in said games (also yeah mending for 15 mins is fine ig)

    By the way, no killer was banned for using tinkerer when it was bugged (giving the killer no terror radius for the entire match), sloppy butcher on Wraith (which caused the blood spew to continuously play and outright crash the game if the survivors got too close), the new Legion blade bugs after they were fixed (just making everything take longer to do. Basically an inverse wake up.) Oh. But theres a double standard i guess.