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General Discussions

The Freddy rework sucks because... I have another killer I want to main.

He is so much fun to play as now! He actually feels menacing like he does in the movies. A big thank you to the Devs for taking their time on this rework as it’s really paid off. 💙


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  • Member Posts: 3,293
    edited July 2019

    I'm an og Freddy main.

    I'll take this rework over the old one. I'm not even upset I have to relearn everything. He feels so much better.

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    @Mc_Harty He’s so good now. Him being able to teleport to gens is so useful. He just feels like a really viable killer. I’m very impressed.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    I used to be just a Doctor main who would sometimes play other Killers like Spirit, Billy, and Myers.

    Now I am a Doctor and Freddy main who will play the other Killers even less.

  • Member Posts: 926

    You click jubated me. GG

  • Member Posts: 1,476

    Freddy 2.0: A Trapper who can teleport to generators and yet somehow has even less map control.


  • Member Posts: 909

    I've been having a blast playing new Freddy today! I was a Freddy main back on his original release and I think I might be going back to him again. I love teleporting to gens to cut people off and surprise them when they thought I was behind them.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I was ready for a fuss.

  • Member Posts: 373

    He needed a SLIGHT buff but as usual devs overdone it without considering balance. I really want to send each one of them a thesaurus... ALso like to send a few of the mods one too but I cant cause some of the mods are good (and on my friends list so eh) I will just send one to the devs and let them share it.

  • Member Posts: 835

    I have been only playing Spirit and Billy for past 2 months beside dailies so its really fresh to play m1 killer that has something going on for him. Im also really glad that he doesnt need addons.

  • Member Posts: 502

    Freddy has become an exciting new experience. Part of me wants even more dream abilities. But, I am currently happy with how things turned out.

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