Can't hear the hatch against the new Freddy

Mfeitz Member Posts: 31

Hi, I've just done a game against the new Freddy, and there was something that bothered me since a few games. When I'm the last one and in the Dream World, it's nearly impossible to find the hatch against Freddy. The combo of his lullaby + the chase music is so loud that I can't hear the hatch. It's the third game on which I have to search it but can't due to that. Is it just me ? ^^


  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Nope, not just you, they totally raised the volume on the music in the game (lullabies included). I used to use my ears more than my eyes to hear which direction the killer was moving behind a wall, now I can't do that, and locating the hatch during a chase or in the presence of a lullaby is only possible if you are within like 2 meters of it. Being injured is even worse because its music volume follows you everywhere and likewise makes hearing the killer and hatch crazy difficult. On the plus side, at least it's so loud that killers can't hear survivors footsteps, breathing, or groaning anymore, so survivors are loop ninja's again like they were before patch 3.0!