Define tunneling and tell me why its so bad please!

8BITLORD Member Posts: 27

So Ive got about 16 comments on my profile about how im a "gay ass ######### ######### who tunnels to make up for lack of skill".

What is tunneling in your opinions?
Why is it so wrong to kill the survivor who is injured when they get unhooked IN FRONT OF YOU BEFORE YOU GET A CHANCE TO LEAVE?

Yes im salty, but why do survivors hate it so much?
Doesnt it seem logical to hunt the easiest prey near you?
Its a game about time, and you save time by attacking the easier prey.


  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    unless they rework Tunneling its fine as it, on high ranked u got to tunnel since survivors have 3 lives.

    if u dont tunnel, survivors have massive chance of escaping together as 3/4 and gen time will be significantly faster

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Survivors just want second chances and "fun matches" and "fair chances" (even tho it's not remotely fair, but they want a proper 1v1 every rounds even tho it's a 4v1 game, even if they're bad.)

    Just ignore them as they try to make you to feel bad for using legit strategies.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    You can play as you wish, but if you have to take the easy route (unless the one who has saved then hides immediately) then you will probably get flamed for it. I mean, if they unhook in front of you then the one who saved should get "punished".

    At least hit the guy who got saved and then leave him and go after the idiot. It's a game, so if you're just tunneling one person out of the game it's not going to be fun for that person. If you don't care about that then continue, it's your choice.

  • NotBiasedAtAll
    NotBiasedAtAll Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2018

    They are mentally unable to disassociate a game from reality, so they take everything you do against their in-game avatar personally.
    You can also spot these people in the killer role when they get triggered by tea-bagging survivors and those who use broken mechanics (DS, looping, etc.) to their advantage.
    (getting flustered by tea-bagging can also be caused by other factors, but these tend to be easier to work through)

  • Cardinal_Copia
    Cardinal_Copia Member Posts: 139
    Just ignore. These people aren't worth my time and i don't want to argument with them. 
  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    I could care less if killer camps and I think a lot of survs think tunneling is simply getting chased after being unhooked.

    To me tunneling is first face camping from any distance (it is not possible to tunnel if you were not there for the unhooking) you face camp not so you can make a play for the rescuers but to knock down the unhooked before they can run away. Basically being the 2nd part of a "hook farmers plan" 

    A lot of things get called the worst thing in this game but imo "hook farming" is the worst thing you can do to someone and playing your part as a killer is toxic and wrong! I dont care if it's good strategy or not, like people say "it's just a game" so in a game sometimes good sportsmanship needs to out weight good strategy.

    With that being said, if you've given them a chance at all meaning they've had the short time it takes to not be considered "hook farmed" (10 seconds I believe. Not 10 sec. from the unhook to start of chase but 10 sec. until you down them) then they are fair game, you didn't tunnel, and they can suck it!! :)  
  • TheChanelOberlin
    TheChanelOberlin Member Posts: 80
    Tunnelling is when you focus a single survivor, chase them constantly, ignore everyone else for them, go straight for them after a hook save etc.
    as killers like Freddy you want to tunnel especially if it’s your obsession as it works in your favour. People call me a tunneller all the time, which I can be and I get called a camper even if my radius isn’t at the hooked survivor. Survivors are just salty, entitled children tbf
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Tunneling is when you go after a singular survivor, most likely because they are either the weakest or did something to piss you off.

    It's not generally a bad thing to do, it can however backfire by putting pressure off the other survivors, making them repair generators with ease.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    In my opinion a killer is ######### for not trying to tunnel because if someone just got off hook they are obviously injured and closer to a sacrafice so its a legit tactic that survivors hate because they believe it isnt "fair" yet flashlights, ds, and pallet looping is.

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    If you find yourself being tunneled a lot, then it might be you thats the problem. Hide better, run away better or dont have your teammates unhook in front of the killer and have them heal you fast afterwards.  
    Why would a killer go after a healthy survivor instead of an easy to find survivor that can be downed in 1 hit?  
    But its fine, because survivors are going to cry about bbq and chilli, even though its a perk that highly encourages killers not to camp and tunnel needlessly.
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    You heard what tunneling is.

    It's not "fun" because it can quickly end a player's game in a couple minutes with very little BP to show for their time. It's effective because tunneling and camping can get you to rank 1 once you get to know the game.

    I used to do this all the time until I started playing survivor. Not so fun then. :) Karma bit my ass hard but oh well.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Strong tunnel = weak killer. With the exception of obsession perks which give the survivor at least some warning or facing an elite SWF who basically ask for this treatment, tunnelers generally want the easy elimination and are not very confident in their ability to down another survivor quickly. They'll rush back to the hook if not already there to get the survivor who is now an easy to find one shot, ignoring other available targets or generators popping all around them. Campers I don't even consider worthy of being a killer. You'll pip, sure, you'll get your BP, maybe even your 4K - but you'll never evolve into a skilled killer. Tunneling will be the only thing you are ever remembered for, if you are remembered at all.

    As a killer you decided to become a host for a lobby and invite other players to join you, not the other way around - they don't get the option to see who they are up against until it is too late. Like it or not, there are responsibilities that come with that.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    darktrix said:

    Strong tunnel = weak killer. With the exception of obsession perks which give the survivor at least some warning or facing an elite SWF who basically ask for this treatment, tunnelers generally want the easy elimination and are not very confident in their ability to down another survivor quickly. They'll rush back to the hook if not already there to get the survivor who is now an easy to find one shot, ignoring other available targets or generators popping all around them. Campers I don't even consider worthy of being a killer. You'll pip, sure, you'll get your BP, maybe even your 4K - but you'll never evolve into a skilled killer. Tunneling will be the only thing you are ever remembered for, if you are remembered at all.

    As a killer you decided to become a host for a lobby and invite other players to join you, not the other way around - they don't get the option to see who they are up against until it is too late. Like it or not, there are responsibilities that come with that.

    Well said!!! :)
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    All jokes aside, here is a survivor description of tunneling:

    When a Killer ignores everybody but one survivor to make sure they die and do not escape. Most of the times its when Killers will willingfully drop chases and commit to one survivor until three hooks are prosecuted, not giving a damn about anybody else or whether or not generators are being completed. I'm pretty sure it comes from the term of "Tunnel Vision" such as a "hypothetical" narrow field of view focused on one survivor.

    It's annoying when they don't give a ######### about any generators or anybody else.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2018
    Existing on the map as a Killer. Tunneling is common sense most of the time. Why should I go after a Survivor who is healthy over a Survivor who is injured? The only exceptions I would make are if the Survivor is going to an infinite and/or I have an instadown perk, add-on, or power plus BBQ. 

    Survivors don’t like it because they expect you to give them a chance to escape. They think they’re entitled to that escape so they get salty when you kill them.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Google tunnelling in the urban dictionary.
    You are in for a surprise what tunnelling is.
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Tunneling is not bad! It’s a strategy your taking away the weakest link! It’s a smart play! But also remember they are in your lobby! Play how you want to play! Because you can’t dictate how the survivors are going to play.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The Survivor-speak term "Tunneling", known as "Playing smart/effectively" in English, is when you take out the weakest link first to increase your chances of success. It's no different from, say, going after the guy with 10% HP in an FPS instead of going for the guy at 100% with body armor.
    For some reason, Survivors believe that a Killer is only skilled if he purposefully plays poorly/casually. Efficient plays are not encouraged unless they're on the Survivor side.

    Rule of thumb: if a Survivor tells you not to play in a certain way that you have ascertained as being effective (in the sense that it gets you more kills), it's the right thing to do.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    I’ve played a lot of Killer (made it to rank 1 once) and I’ve now been playing a lot of Survivor again. It can be very frustrating when a Killer doesn’t let a player even get a chance to “play the game” is all I can say. You don’t need to force survivors into playing super altruistically to get points/pips. There’s many prime examples of this in our community.
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Tunneling is not bad! It’s a strategy your taking away the weakest link! It’s a smart play! But also remember they are in your lobby! Play how you want to play! Because you can’t dictate how the survivors are going to play.
         In rank 1-10 sure “tunneling” is probably the way to go, as high rank survivors know what they’re getting into, but low ranked fresh meat don’t deserve that kind of experiance.
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Tunneling is not bad! It’s a strategy your taking away the weakest link! It’s a smart play! But also remember they are in your lobby! Play how you want to play! Because you can’t dictate how the survivors are going to play.
         In rank 1-10 sure “tunneling” is probably the way to go, as high rank survivors know what they’re getting into, but low ranked fresh meat don’t deserve that kind of experiance.
    I can see what you’re saying but if you tunnel at low ranked fresh meat you’re not really playing for points (more for pips?) and that match would end really fast (too fast even) for me if I see survivors are struggling and I’m wiping the floor with them then I’ll go easier but that’s just my opinion
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    What if we switched it up and started calling out survivors for tunnelling gens...

    i kicked that that so you can’t touch it again till it’s at 0%.

    Tunnel them it’s good game play
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    I do find it funny how people are using the word SKILL, like a 4K is t a real 4K if they do things I don’t like.

    how about you survivors stop tunneling and camping gens!!
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Look at survivor* Thinks about survivor* and all of the above would be considered as a "bad noob killer" action :P

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @8BITLORD said:
    So Ive got about 16 comments on my profile about how im a "gay ass [BAD WORD] ######### who tunnels to make up for lack of skill".

    What is tunneling in your opinions?
    Why is it so wrong to kill the survivor who is injured when they get unhooked IN FRONT OF YOU BEFORE YOU GET A CHANCE TO LEAVE?

    Yes im salty, but why do survivors hate it so much?
    Doesnt it seem logical to hunt the easiest prey near you?
    Its a game about time, and you save time by attacking the easier prey.

    You clearly don't understand this game. It is the killers job to help survivors locate generators and test the textile strength of pallets using your face. If you try to do harm to the survivor in any capacity then you need to reevaluate your job as the Killer. The hooks are clearly a safety violation and you should alert the attention of any Jake in the area to deal with them. Remember this is a daycare and you must maintain a level of professionalism around the children.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    Ok, so apparently going after the weaker target is bad because it takes the ability from one to play the game....

    The responsibility is always on the killer to play nice. Why do survivors get to use all tools of disposal, but killers cannot?

    Survivors will loop you, exploit you, ######### talk you for not playing within the margins they expect you to play in, etc. But cannot be bothered to think critically about the fact that us giv8ng you chances over and over would only ruin the game for us. We aren't your ######### battery for all the negative emotions you deal with at home, we aren't here to be a part of your "process", we just want to play our game and do the best job we can. 

    And you know what? If I feel I a game I need to camp and tunnel, or even if I feel that it relieves some of the stress of the current game from me, I'll do it because it's my choice and it works.

    It's crazy, around the time of Marth's experiment, every survivor main and their mom was claiming that wasn't representative of how survivors play. All survivors, you see, aren't as good as Marth's and his co-survivors, so that's just a fallacy. However, all killers are for some reason pretty much EXPECTED to be as good if not better than Marth at killer. You are expected not to camp (fine), not to tunnel (ridiculous tern for playing optimally), and to allow survivors to hit you with their decisive strike rather than dribble or try to prevent them from using it.

    This is just another stipend in the long list of survivor appeals to make the game more enjoyable for them at the expense of others. LITTERALLY had a thread where some guy tried to convince everyone that because at rank 18, after getting NO kills he was able to get a single pip, that this means killers don't have to even KILL to have a good time.

    I'm sorry, ######### off
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    @darktrix said:
    Strong tunnel = weak killer. With the exception of obsession perks which give the survivor at least some warning or facing an elite SWF who basically ask for this treatment, tunnelers generally want the easy elimination and are not very confident in their ability to down another survivor quickly. They'll rush back to the hook if not already there to get the survivor who is now an easy to find one shot, ignoring other available targets or generators popping all around them. Campers I don't even consider worthy of being a killer. You'll pip, sure, you'll get your BP, maybe even your 4K - but you'll never evolve into a skilled killer. Tunneling will be the only thing you are ever remembered for, if you are remembered at all.

    As a killer you decided to become a host for a lobby and invite other players to join you, not the other way around - they don't get the option to see who they are up against until it is too late. Like it or not, there are responsibilities that come with that.

    Well said. Campers and tunnelers are the bottom of the pile.

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    Sometimes tunneling is accidental also. Some survivors have a bad luck game and keep popping up in front of the killer no matter where they are on the map . I'm not going to turn around and look for someone else if the same survivor keeps running in to me. If I do get to the hook and see the unhooked person and the person that unhooked, I will go after the person that unhooked so I'm not ruining a game for someone that farmed them . Also, if you're an #########...  I'm tunneling you .
  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    @darktrix said:
    Strong tunnel = weak killer. With the exception of obsession perks which give the survivor at least some warning or facing an elite SWF who basically ask for this treatment, tunnelers generally want the easy elimination and are not very confident in their ability to down another survivor quickly. They'll rush back to the hook if not already there to get the survivor who is now an easy to find one shot, ignoring other available targets or generators popping all around them. Campers I don't even consider worthy of being a killer. You'll pip, sure, you'll get your BP, maybe even your 4K - but you'll never evolve into a skilled killer. Tunneling will be the only thing you are ever remembered for, if you are remembered at all.

    As a killer you decided to become a host for a lobby and invite other players to join you, not the other way around - they don't get the option to see who they are up against until it is too late. Like it or not, there are responsibilities that come with that.

    Well said. Campers and tunnelers are the bottom of the pile.

    Really? Well said? Like you really think what he said didn't sound insane as #########?
    "Tunneling will be the only thing you are remembered for, if you are remembered at all"

    I know it's no longer meta to mock people by calling them autistic, but I don't think someone with normal social coping abilities would talk like this.

    No, we are not responsible, as grown ass men who played the same price as you for a game, to provide YOU with special treatment, or to play in a way you deem fair. That's not fair to us, and honestly pleading with your enemy is the most spineless, disgusting, sad way to get your opposition to give you a "fair game". You don't want a fair game, you want hanficapps
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @8BITLORD said:
    What is tunneling in your opinions?
    Why is it so wrong to kill the survivor who is injured when they get unhooked IN FRONT OF YOU BEFORE YOU GET A CHANCE TO LEAVE?

    Yes im salty, but why do survivors hate it so much?
    Doesnt it seem logical to hunt the easiest prey near you?
    Its a game about time, and you save time by attacking the easier prey.

    That is not tunneling, it's just the most logic thing to do. Most of the times the one to be blamed is the unhooker, if he was the one leading the killer back to the hook.
    Tunneling is ignoring the other survivors and trying to kill just one, even when there's the opportunity to hit/kill others.
    Personally I despise it when done without a strategy or a valid reason. If the survivor is a dick he deserves it. If for some reason he is a higher threat than the others it's ok. If you have Dying Light and have the opportunity to activate it sooner, do it (DS is essentially the direct counter to this). But if you do it just because "duh, I'm a killer so I kill" and end with 1k because the others where chilling on gens, you were just being a dick with that survivor.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    8BITLORD said:

    So Ive got about 16 comments on my profile about how im a "gay ass [BAD WORD] ######### who tunnels to make up for lack of skill".

    What is tunneling in your opinions?
    Why is it so wrong to kill the survivor who is injured when they get unhooked IN FRONT OF YOU BEFORE YOU GET A CHANCE TO LEAVE?

    Yes im salty, but why do survivors hate it so much?
    Doesnt it seem logical to hunt the easiest prey near you?
    Its a game about time, and you save time by attacking the easier prey.

    Tunneling isn't bad, actually it is bad not to tunnel unless you are one of those clowns who farms with survivors^^

    Just ignore salty survivor comments, they are just upset that they didn't manage to escape even in this outrageous unbalance (yes I belive most survivorß are aware how op they are)