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Thoughts about The Bill/Freddy Update.

Hello everyone here's my thoughts on Bill and Freddy!

Thoughts on Bill:

Bill looks great on consoles, Nothing is out of tune or anything, Just wished we could get some Bill Voice lines like we did with ash 😜

Thoughts on Bill's Perks:

These perks have been in the game ever since PC got Bill So I'll base my thoughts on how the Game impacts the Perks.


Unbreakable is always a good to have perk if you think someone's gunna slug you and your team. But, in some instances it doesn't feel like it does enough.

So Here's my revision of the Perk:

Past battles have taught you a thing or two about survival.

Grants the ability to fully recover from the Dying State once per Trial.

Increases the Dying State recovery speed by 25/30/35 %. This perk also reduces grunts of pain by 25/30/35 %.

"Goddammit, I am seriously FUBAR!" — Bill Overbeck

Borrowed Time:

This perk is useful if a Killer is camping the hook so I have nothing bad nor good to say about it.

Left Behind:

With the Endgame Collapse introduced this is the most useless perk in Bill's kit. If you don't know what i mean here's an example:

-You are last Survivor The hatch spawns regardless if any gens were done.

-The Killer finds the hatch and slams it

-All The Gens are now Completed and the perk is now useless.

And I currently can't think of a perk rework... But @Peanits and @not_Queen could ask the other Devs to think of some =P

Now... onto Freddy.

Thoughts on Freddy:

Freddy... Needs a little bit of work before I can judge him but, he's way much better now than before.

What are your thoughts on the Bill and Freddy Update? Comment Below!
