So was giving the pig a none basic attack a good trade?

I personally think no. But lets try and look at both sides.
Lets look at what she gains from this change and can still use.
She can now down the obsession and keep all her save the best for last stacks I guess? That is what I heard.
And can still use Sloppy Butcher, Hex the Third Seal, Franklin's Demise, Remember Me.
What does she lose with her dash attack now?
Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: No one Escapes Death, Hex: Haunted Ground, Make your Choice, Iron Maiden, Dark Devotion, Infectious Fright, Rancor.
So by raw number. This is just a nerf. This was not a pressing issue that I've seen ANY one talking about. My only guess is that one of the Devs had faced a rather talented pig using one of the perks above and just didn't want to deal with it. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen game devs make a balance change out of spite. I just can't read why this change was made.
i dont understand this change. poor pig is getting nerfed and nerfed for no reason
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Lets look at what she gains from this change and can still use.
She can now down the obsession and keep all her save the best for last stacks I guess? That is what I heard.
And can still use Sloppy Butcher, Hex the Third Seal, Franklin's Demise, Remember Me.
Hey that's not that bad the loss of a STBFL stack stings but if it doesn't reduce it and she can still apply all this maybe it was a decent trade off. What do you know I guess we did all overreact and BHVR always had the best intentions at heart for Pig and wishes to make the game better for both---
What does she lose with her dash attack now?
Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: No one Escapes Death, Hex: Haunted Ground, Make your Choice, Iron Maiden, Dark Devotion, Infectious Fright, Rancor.
Good bloody gravy what have they done?
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Did you buy those super overpriced skins for Pig despite her being already trash tier?
Well,thank you! We can now nerf Pig again!
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She does downed them in one hit with her dash still. Just test it in a KYF match
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Just gonna correct you, the Devs said that the Pig's boxes are not RNG dependent so you can go to the same box and take off the trap, there are 'keys' in each box.
Pretty sure you still lose STBFL stacks, since it's still a attack.
Can't believe I wasted money on buying her a skin.
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The drill is AWESOME!!! It was worth every peso it costed me (I live in Argentina)
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i never use ambush attack, but yet this nerf is bullthing
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Theres people in this game who MUST have every cosmetic, regardless of if they play the killer/survivor or not. Have seen them on live streams, they drop $100s of dollars on stuff they dont play, for example, one bought all the clown cosmetics, and doesnt play clown at all.
People just addicted or have FOMO and they gotta have it no matter what LUL
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Here's the thing: I actually think STBFL is better on Pig than all those perks. Being able to attack and kill the Obsession without losing stacks is not irrelevant at all. So I think in spite of this negatively affecting more perks than positively affecting them, I think this overall help the Pig provided that you are okay with using STBFL, which IS a good perk.
The PROBLEM is that I am not convinced that this is an intended interaction and have reason to believe that this is a bug that will be patched out. If so, that would take away that interaction and make this another straight nerf for Pig with no buff to compensate. Which is stupid.
They mean "with RNG" as in "it is RNG as to which box contains the key, so the amount of stall time the Pig gets is pretty much random."
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There is no picking the closest box.
The second the match has started all keys have been assigned to whatever box they are placed in.
Each key will correspond to a trap that you have in "your inventory"
For example
Trap number one ( first step to be used) corresponds to key number one
At the start of the game key number one was placed in box three
This means whoever you trap first will only be able to get their trap off inbox three every other box is a waste of time and will always fail.
Doesn't matter where you down said survivor on the map or where you place the trap on them whether Box 3 is close or far away is irrelevant.
Well it is RNG it is not structured in the way people think it is.
1) Each box does not have a 50% percentage chance of taking the trap off. One specific box has a 100% chance every other box has 0%
2) The key location is decided when the match is loading in and it starts not when you place a trap on someone's head.
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This is still RNG; it's just pre-seeded RNG. It's much more RNG than a Trapper putting a trap down and a survivor probalistically stepping in it; it still depends on a quasi-randomised value.
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The real puzzle for me is: once a survivor has used a key, is it now removed from the game? No one seems to have bothered checking, because it seems that if each RBT has a specific key, you know that if someone has got one off their head at one box, the key for another RBT can not be in that box.
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I've seen people get their trap off at the same box, but in different intervals. Even when running the 5-6 box setup, it's possible that one survivor goes to a box and gets it off on the first try, but another has to search all of them, and get it off at the same box. The key to YOUR trap is determined once the trap is on, and isn't dependent on any other survivors' trap.
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No, it is not removed from the game. One box can in theory hold the key to multiple traps.
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You are correct however this is only the case if each trap is the only trap at that time. Box "A" can hold the key to every trap unless more than 1 trap is active at the same time. Once all traps are removed then box "A" can become the key box for the next trap to become active.
(I don't mean "active" as in triggered, I simply mean placed onto someones head thus actively in the game)
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The RNG of the bear traps is not the problem.
Problem with reverse bear traps is there so woefully easy to get off that it's not even funny.
This makes a lot of her bear trap based addons very useless.
Tempered timer: practically useless on anything besides large maps and the problem is you could very still easily work on the gen and ignore the Trap until it activates and then prioritise getting it off.
The efficiency of tempered timer doesn't come into play until the trap is active this means as a survivor I couldn't work on a gen with an inactive trap without concern
Skillcheck affecting add-ons- jigsaw box skill checks are super easy to complete hell rank 15 and higher will stop having problems with this. Lullaby doesn't work on boxes so unnerving presence is the only thing you have and that perk without much other influences only makes it easier to get great for people who can hit skill checks.
The gear add-ons: they are great but they don't make getting the trap off more difficult it just takes longer.
Extra jigsaw boxes- similar to the gear add-ons they're great but they don't make the actual process of removing the trap more difficult it just adds more variables
Status condition add-ons: all of them essentially revolve around the bear trap staying on as they have no lingering effect once it's removed meaning
Mangled- can be avoided by just waiting until you get the trap after heal.
Exhaustion- pretty much pointless unless you plan on going off the people with reverse bear traps
Hemorrhage- it sucks but there's no other way to put it it's only real effect is making people with their traps easier to track in which case why are you wasting your time tracking people who are not working on gens. Just like with exhaustion pointless unless you plan on focusing on trap survivors but at least exhaustion can cripple map presence by denying things like sprint burst and balanced landing survivors could use to get to boxes quickly.
Blindness- doesn't really work outside of gimmick builds.
If reverse bear traps or the interaction with jigsaw boxes I should say more specifically was a lot more difficult it would mitigate some of the irritation of somebody getting it up on the first box.