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its not always bad manners....


i'm a killer. i love it. i play fair but i don't farm.... if somebody gets snatched off a hook, i will go for the one that unhooks and ignore the hooked one. if i had a good game, i'll give the hatch to somebody. if i sprint up on somebody doing a totem, i'll stop and let em finish (because i don't run hexes) before i down em and hook em.... when i hook, i do a quick patrol and then chainsaw away to other end of the map. theres one thing i've noticed - survivors all t-bag. they t-bag me even when i'm being cool. they t-bag each other for healing. they t-bag when they want to be 'woke up'. they even t-bag to say 'i am not doing anything this round'. sometimes its just a natural response. don't get tilted.... think of it as a positive thing. maybe they're saying 'thanks for following me. i hear theres a killer around here'.... theres not a wide range of emotions they can express with two buttons.... besides if in fact they are rude little shits, by camping em they know they got to you.... and thats all they really wanted to do anyway....


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    This needs to be spread, and many must see it. It’ll help the communities health, because as someone who’s played survivor, I know this is totally true. It’s almost never meant to insult.

    Usually fellow survivor communication, or a playful tease.

    Let’s be real though, waiting at the exit gates WHEN YOU KNOW EVERYONE IS SAFE; is a little annoying.

    Especially if I as killer need to walk over, or as survivor sit st he hatch while some goon is at the exit gate doing nothing.

  • [Deleted User]

    Sometimes you gotta be a predator and predators go for the weak because the weak is a free meal.

  • psinathedog
    psinathedog Member Posts: 18
    Follow ur killer instincts! Smash dirty suvs! Ruin their lives no matter how!
  • MimimiLalala
    MimimiLalala Member Posts: 37

    The only time my teabags are supposed to insult is
    1) when a leatherface is rawrawaw-ing his chainsaw in front of a hooked survivor companion and i cant do anything to help him and
    2) when we manage to get a 4man gate escape even tho the killer hardcore tunneled/facecamped/BBQ&chili+Nurse's+HexRuin-built. Cus in that case the killer simply sucked ass and should feel ashamed of himself! I m not saying that killers that do that are trash, but killers that do that should at least manage to kill one of us lol. if they didnt manage to kill anyone with these strats,you cant deny that they sucked, cmon!

    I tend to teabag freddy and wraith a lot. Freddy when i know that he is around but didnt suck me into his dream,and wraith cus he should be on the survivor's side anyways (lore). Teehee.

    I teabag campers cus i hope that way they follow me away from the hooked person so someone else can save him. But thats not exactly insulting the killer its more like a "notice me killer, chase me!"

    My teabags are more of a friendly taunt towards other survs or the killer than anything else really.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I don't teabag because I feel it's beneath me and childish even if someones being a douche and deserves it. I'm not going to lower myself to their level just to fluff my epeen so to speak. Now as far as taunting someone to get them to leave aka the camper killers that's different, especially the Doctor that sits there doing nothing but use aoe near survivor to nuke anyone even remotely close.

    I prefer to us the point or follow taunt to get their attention in order to chase me, except for the pig screw them when I'm Claudette lol.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I show no mercy. I will play the game however I want to because Survivors always, always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ######### and moan about everything. Everything.

    "No tunneling! Reported! No camping! Reported! LOL, you use Ruin because your bad! LOL you use BBQ because your bad go play something else! Who uses Mori's!?!?!? Git gud kid! EZ EZ EZ!" And it keeps going.

    Meanwhile the people saying nonsense like this almost always play SWF and stick to DS and Adrenaline and Sprint Burst.

    You're lumping everyone in with a huge generalization even though most of the community probably isn't toxic just like most killers aren't. I've hd 15% of my games probably have jerks in them as both survivor and killer. Although 30% if you count all the rage quitters.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @powerbats said:

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I show no mercy. I will play the game however I want to because Survivors always, always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ######### and moan about everything. Everything.

    "No tunneling! Reported! No camping! Reported! LOL, you use Ruin because your bad! LOL you use BBQ because your bad go play something else! Who uses Mori's!?!?!? Git gud kid! EZ EZ EZ!" And it keeps going.

    Meanwhile the people saying nonsense like this almost always play SWF and stick to DS and Adrenaline and Sprint Burst.

    You're lumping everyone in with a huge generalization even though most of the community probably isn't toxic just like most killers aren't. I've hd 15% of my games probably have jerks in them as both survivor and killer. Although 30% if you count all the rage quitters.

    Funny because nearly every single time I get a game I play against Survivors who taunt, DC, tea-bag, or talk crap in the post-game chat. Nearly every single time. And if you don't have a private profile on Steam the ######### leave nasty comments on your profile.

    So am I really making a "huge generalization" as you put it or is that kind of behavior simply the norm for Survivors? You tell me.

    It really depends on time of day, region but for the most part I get very few bm games as killer and I don't camp which probably helps. I'm usually complimented on my play by the survivors and when survivor generally I get complimented as well. I actually get more nasty comments from killers that aced while doing nothing but camping a hooked survivor and then baiting the other 2 randoms into dying.

    They act as if that actually takes skill which is even more hilarious when they're fully geared out with the highest perks and addons. While you're group of randoms sometimes has none or very few of anything. That's not to say some survivors aren't jerks they are and I've been griefed by a duo queue that got baited into a camper killer and the one specced me and told other where I was at.

    While I'd gotten 2 and almost 3 gens going since I recognized the killer was camping the sacrificed person in post game complained I did nothing. The other duo kept following me around making noise, failing skill checks and dropping pallets to lead killer to me. So yes there's jerks on both sides but they're not in every match.

    You either have horrible luck or you've just gotten jaded by some bad matches and expect it's bming you're getting. If you're in fact getting this so often then submit a support ticket and ask the devs to take a look. Perhaps you're matchmaking is messed up. I've had my bad games streaks before and it sucks and every game feels like it's rigged when it's going bad but looking back it wasn't.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    One thing to also consider is when you bm survivors and vice versa that just tilts them for the next game to do the exact same thing and it keeps going from there. Just got aced on a match where the Wraith hook camped survivors on asylum. No one bm'd nor said anything but that's something sure to tilt everyone in their next game. Sadly the 1 gen needed was in center and he ahd 1 survivor down in basement and hatch was down there so we got screwed over.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    If i see someone t-bagging, i will always assume they're not ever gonna be friendly in that trial.
    Why? There's enough other ways to try and convey that.
    T-bagging has been seen, in the gaming world, as a way to mock the player you're t-bagging.
    So why should this game be any different?
    Besides, Survivors got gestures, running in circles, just standing still in an unsafe spot.
    Heck, they could just crouch instead of t-bag and i wouldn't assume they're trying to mock me.
    I'm not triggered by t-bagging, but i just have the mindset of: If they do it, they have no intentions of being a decent human being this trial.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @powerbats said:

    It really depends on time of day, region but for the most part I get very few bm games as killer and I don't camp which probably helps. I'm usually complimented on my play by the survivors and when survivor generally I get complimented as well. I actually get more nasty comments from killers that aced while doing nothing but camping a hooked survivor and then baiting the other 2 randoms into dying.

    No offense but you must be low rank. I'm not saying you're bad or anything but only at the low ranks (15-20) do you see Survivors that don't act like #########.

    @powerbats said:
    One thing to also consider is when you bm survivors and vice versa that just tilts them for the next game to do the exact same thing and it keeps going from there. Just got aced on a match where the Wraith hook camped survivors on asylum. No one bm'd nor said anything but that's something sure to tilt everyone in their next game. Sadly the 1 gen needed was in center and he ahd 1 survivor down in basement and hatch was down there so we got screwed over.

    It's a very simple equation: you act like an ######### to me and I'll act like an ######### to you. The instant I chase a guy and he decides to tea-bag, taunt and all that BS. I WILL camp him. Hard camp him. I don't care if I de-pip and only get one guy. But I will camp and stop you from playing for 2 minutes.

    And if you're playing a troll streamer (you know the kind I'm talking about) where the entire team will do whatever it takes to keep that guy alive. Then you better camp them once you get them. Hopefully you're using a chainsaw killer or have EW 3 Myers or have the instant down add-on for the Clown because otherwise they will body block to save the streamer. And this will happen:

    Streamer survives: they proclaim how amazing they are and how bad you are as Killer.

    Streamer dies: they proclaim how amazing they are and how bad you are as Killer.

    If they don't like getting camped then stop acting like #########. Very simple. But I don't think Survivors will ever understand that.

    That I can understand and agree with, if someone starts it then that person is fair game at that point. But for the others I prefer to not be a jerk to them 1st since as I said it's a vicious cycle. I've been complimented from both sides for not being a jerk after someone had a bad game prior. I'd trash talked some killers and survivors post game that were douchebags but that's pretty rare.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,785
    edited May 2018

    Yes tbag is the main way of communicating for survivors because it's simple and doesn't require to stop moving. It can mean a lot of things, it all depends on the context.
    I usually consider it BM when it's done behind a pallet or in the exit gate are. Otherwise it's mostly a way to call the killer's attention.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,785
    edited May 2018

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @White_Owl said:
    Yes tbag is the main way of communicating for survivors because it's simple and doesn't require to stop moving. It can mean a lot of things, it all depends on the context.
    I usually consider it BM when it's done behind a pallet or in the exit gate are. Otherwise it's mostly a way to call the killer's attention.

    Nah, if I am chasing someone and they stop to tea-bag or throw down a safe pallet and tea-bag I don't see how that can be taken as anything but "[BAD WORD] you" from that player.

    That's... essentially what I already said.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Teabag towards Killer / positive gesture <-- pick one

    The only times a teabag is meant as a nice gesture or "thank you" is between Survivors.

  • boogiewoogie
    boogiewoogie Member Posts: 32

    We all know when it's a full on tbag.
    Their arses are going up and down 20 times per sec safe side of a pallet or exit.
    Anything else is usually a gesture

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @boogiewoogie said:
    We all know when it's a full on tbag.
    Their arses are going up and down 20 times per sec safe side of a pallet or exit.
    Anything else is usually a gesture

    This 1x means great chase etc, spamming it is bming and asking to get nuked.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i agree with so much of this theres no way to quote it.... but i'm saying that it is a way they communicate amongst each other as well as the killer. it may occasionally be a uncontrolled response.... perhaps hes not even thinking about you and instead focused on a swf conversation to which he replied 'yes' and was instinctively following it up with a 't-bag confirmation'.... camp or don't camp. play or don't play.... i'm just saying that if you're a friendly killer, an occasional t-bag shouldn't be a mandatory greenlight to 'camp and slug'....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i'm a killer. i love it. i play fair but i don't farm.... if somebody gets snatched off a hook, i will go for the one that unhooks and ignore the hooked one. if i had a good game, i'll give the hatch to somebody. if i sprint up on somebody doing a totem, i'll stop and let em finish (because i don't run hexes) before i down em and hook em.... when i hook, i do a quick patrol and then chainsaw away to other end of the map. theres one thing i've noticed - survivors all t-bag. they t-bag me even when i'm being cool. they t-bag each other for healing. they t-bag when they want to be 'woke up'. they even t-bag to say 'i am not doing anything this round'. sometimes its just a natural response. don't get tilted.... think of it as a positive thing. maybe they're saying 'thanks for following me. i hear theres a killer around here'.... theres not a wide range of emotions they can express with two buttons.... besides if in fact they are rude little shits, by camping em they know they got to you.... and thats all they really wanted to do anyway....

    You ignore the hooked one and go for the healthy one? sounds like you are farming indeed :wink:
    Survivors tbagg you because you didnt do your job and kill them, instead you granted them a free win

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624


    entirely not true.... that guy on a hook has no say on being pulled down or not. its not fair that some greedy yahoo costs him an additional hook state. in most cases, the guy doing the unhook is also injured because i followed him to the hook. not just waited by the hook for him to arrive.... i like the game. i enjoy playing. but i don't feel a need to make someone elses game 'not fun' in the process.... survivors and killers need to come to an understanding if this game is ever gonna be anything more than a toxic salt dispenser....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited May 2018

    @deadwolfwalking said:

    entirely not true.... that guy on a hook has no say on being pulled down or not. its not fair that some greedy yahoo costs him an additional hook state. in most cases, the guy doing the unhook is also injured because i followed him to the hook. not just waited by the hook for him to arrive.... i like the game. i enjoy playing. but i don't feel a need to make someone elses game 'not fun' in the process.... survivors and killers need to come to an understanding if this game is ever gonna be anything more than a toxic salt dispenser....

    Fair? Definitely not, but you are a killer and shouldnt care about survivors "fairness". If the team synergy is bad, then you profit from it. Sure, if the unhooking guy is injured too then it doesnt make a difference such a large difference (even though it technically is still a disadvantage to go for the less-hooked person).

    As long as you have fun playing, go ahead, I wont stop you.
    But I really dislike that "tunneling" is considered toxic behaviour, in a competitive game you should aim towards a "win" and tunneling is exactly the way to enable your win (from game logic it would be stupid not to tunnel)
    But sure, if you want to play casually, go ahead and keep your rank low to avoid the toxicity, I can totally understand that :wink:

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624


    nothing wrong with tunneling. or camping for that matter.... IF thats how you choose to play.... personally, i'm a terrible survivor and i die fairly quickly once i start dying.... i'm just trying to lengthen the game for someone like me who may enjoy playing but is not very good....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


    nothing wrong with tunneling. or camping for that matter.... IF thats how you choose to play.... personally, i'm a terrible survivor and i die fairly quickly once i start dying.... i'm just trying to lengthen the game for someone like me who may enjoy playing but is not very good....

    It's just said that this is how the killer is forced to play if he wants to be competitive 
    There are so many good ideas out there giving incentive for fresh hooks etc, but sadly the devs don't care
    I don't know whether it's ignorance or intention , maybe the game sells better as bully.bully . sim,  I don't know 
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Master said:
    deadwolfwalking said:


    nothing wrong with tunneling. or camping for that matter.... IF thats how you choose to play.... personally, i'm a terrible survivor and i die fairly quickly once i start dying.... i'm just trying to lengthen the game for someone like me who may enjoy playing but is not very good....

    It's just said that this is how the killer is forced to play if he wants to be competitive 
    There are so many good ideas out there giving incentive for fresh hooks etc, but sadly the devs don't care
    I don't know whether it's ignorance or intention , maybe the game sells better as bully.bully . sim,  I don't know 

    its simple marketing.... in order to keep the game viable, they need 4 willing participants and 1 sad sack mother****** thats not quite miserable enough to throw in the towel....

    rank is irrelevant to me. i play for fun and rank accordingly. i would rather have 4 ppl escape and say 'HOLY ****. THAT WAS INTENSE AS HELL' rather than 1 or 2 ppl say 'what a cheap ass tunnel/camp POS' and the rest saying 'EZ. GIT GUD'.... its not that i'm not competitive. i enjoy winning. but i like winning like an actual winner.... i get mixed messages from ppl. salty toxic ppl will always be salty toxic ppl.... but i get alot of positive messages (75%) saying 'gg. man, you were EVERYWHERE'.... even when i get wrecked, ppl see i didn't play cheap. and thats alot more important to me than a few bloodpoints....