Latency Option (advanced menu/hidden from "normal" users)

cobrahjh Member Posts: 23

I know we can check our latency in the lobby, but is there a way to set a minimum latency when we search for a host? Like any killer's (p2p server) is ATLEAST under 100ms or less? That way we don't have to disconnect each time we search for a match.

Currently, I don't disconnect to find better latency but some of these wifi-killer-potato connections are ridiculous. Bro, you playing in your Honda in the McDonalds parking lot? AGAIN!?!? I really don't want grandpa, or the microwave, or the massive usage of someones bandwidth killing the experience of the game for the rest of us.

We all have been there going around a corner and being downed wondering WTH?!?! Only to find yourself back inside the room facepalming the internet-potato-killer.... want fries with that?!?! LOL

I know it's bound to happen sometimes but it happens way too much in 2019.

My 2 cents. Thanks for commenting.


  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    You do realize their connection isn't the only thing that affects latency right? Nice bait otherwise.


  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It may lead to longer queue times and with dedicated servers due to appear before the end of summer in "theory" it should no longer be an issue.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Considering you have two sets of clients and hosts connecting to the server which from the test runs had about half-the same latency as you do now. I can only imagine things are going to be more bizarre than they already are for awhile.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    It is also related to your location. These are both settings of yourself and the killer. Not just one sided. The game also being horrendously optimized and having frequent try/catch'd errors in the logs also affect the game.

  • Beepbop123
    Beepbop123 Member Posts: 21

    most games i play on xbox are 100ms or more with multiple lag spikes throughout the night. I agree this shouldn't be as common as it is in 2019.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Nothing like paying for a nice fiber dedicated line for your gaming, then your lobbies filled with people from other side of the world.

    Not even sure why, but this game constantly puts people from Japan, China, Korea in my California lobbies.

    Like, can the matchmaking at least detect 2000+ miles between us?

  • cobrahjh
    cobrahjh Member Posts: 23

    "Bait"? Yes, I do and I am sure more than you ever will. I am retired from this lovely field as a contractor doing more than I could ever tell you.

    Don't comment unless you actually have something worth saying. Or do you just have to listen to yourself type and watch your posts count go up? Little people and their keyboards. ;)

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited August 2019

    Bait idk where I happened to get that from:

    "Currently, I don't disconnect to find better latency but some of these wifi-killer-potato connections are ridiculous. Bro, you playing in your Honda in the McDonalds parking lot? AGAIN!?!? I really don't want grandpa, or the microwave, or the massive usage of someones bandwidth killing the experience of the game for the rest of us.

    We all have been there going around a corner and being downed wondering WTH?!?! Only to find yourself back inside the room facepalming the internet-potato-killer.... want fries with that?!?! LOL "

    Which as stated do you know that there are hundreds of other factors in play when ping is involved. In many cases even with dedicated servers you are looking at ~60+ms of ping. So you sit here and complain about 100ms? Which since you clearly contracted for this field you would know most internet in the U.S. alone is subpar the speeds in most of the third world countries getting onto the internet now. So your ignorance shows blatant disregard to what actually factors into latency for a connection. Ignoring geological distance, the type of the connection on both the HOST and CLIENT (Killer and Survivor), and bandwidth limitations.

    Now please do not reply as it seems you can't validate your own claims other than to make insults at these 'Wifi-Killer-Potatoes' playing DBD at McDonalds and myself for calling you out on the bait. However, I will say maybe just putting out the fact of having a ping selection would be decent disregarding the fact that anyone who has no clue what it does would be trying to select 0 ping.

    As an Edit: Although, I don't want to profile you based on your post on the forum. However, using "Bro, you playing in your Honda in the McDonalds parking lot? AGAIN!?!? I really don't want grandpa, or the microwave, or the massive usage of someones bandwidth killing the experience of the game for the rest of us." does not sound like something a retiree would say.

    Post edited by Jdsgames on
  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    They may as well add the option because right now people just leave lobbys if htey dont like the ping. Wont make queues any better or worse if your ping is fine.

  • cobrahjh
    cobrahjh Member Posts: 23

    Bro, I have a teenager and the vernacular rubs off. Sorry. And Yes, I am retired at forty-five (45) so chill about that. A great job and great investments will get you there. Do yourself a favor and research Dave Ramsey to start off with and never stop researching about retirement. A 401K will only get you so far.

    I was being a bit too facetious about the latency as anything under 150 would be fine. ;) I still don't think 100ms would be unreasonable. If someone is beyond that depending on a multitude of technical and logistical reasons: distance, location, outages, etc, then I don't want to play with them. I'll wait in my own queue and it wouldn't bother anyone while I do.

    I'm sure the new servers will handle things just fine.

    Now only if they can fix the horrible matchmaking. Wow is that a sausage fest! I started keeping pictures of the ranks in the games but any search on Reddit will show this much easier than me posting. My last game had a 6, 5 15, 16 rank survivors with a level 17 killer! Poor killer got owned bad. Ouch! Makes for a bad experience for high rank players... or should I say low rank players.... or.. stupid rank naming convention. Really think they should reverse the tiers and make 20 rank the highest/best. Anyway, I digress...

    SkeletalElite, That would be great if they did add it as I asked about!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Some form of maximum Ping when searching for a Lobby would indeed be nice. Dont know if it would increase queue times or if this increase would even matter. I mean, if people with 200 ping join into your Lobby, you dont want them there and they dont want to be there.

    Like yesterday I needed 25 minutes to find a Lobby as Survivor on PC, which is usually the better side when it comes to waiting times. I got dodged once from a good ping, but other than that, I never had Ping under 150, 4 times I ended up in a lobby with 290 ping (probably always the same lobby, but it was not happening in a row).

    And I really dont know why I get connected with players who obviously dont really live near my region.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    The game should have the option to select a lobby latency cap for Survivors.

    Warframe, a game that for whatever reason still runs on Peer to Peer, even has this setting. You can go into options and set Matchmaking Ping Limit, so if you have matchmaking on and the game searches for a mission with other online players, it will filter out all lobbies whose ping exceed it.

    This can’t be that difficult to add to Dead by Daylight. At the very least it would reduce high-ping lobby dodges and potentially keep the game’s activity static or increase it tremendously - less dodgers = more games = more players.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited August 2019

    Thanks for the advice for retirement, However, I wasn't trying to discredit the fact nor do I care if you did or didn't retire. As I said I didn't want to fully profile you on that alone.

    Which I do agree being able to set your own 'ping max' would be alright. However, this I do believe would screw up queue times more than it would appear. The main issue is the latency between all the players not just you and the killer.

    Which unless they really got the kinks out for dedicated servers. I find that the double hit hatchets and other issues that we seen on other ptbs of the dedicated servers will still be around. It is extremely different than a peer to peer setup like it is now. Many game decisions factored this in and is the core basis to many perks. I expect plenty of bugs to be in the next patch possibly more than we have ever seen come from a standard chapter patch.

    Well, it was working decently enough until people started smurfing to bully new players. Now Rank does not mean they belong their especially on the survivor side. Which I do find a big fault in BHVR for this allowing it to happen because people were having crash issues myself included. However, generally speaking even in game you can tell if the disconnection was intentional or not. Even if they Alt-F4 their character will still stop. A crash their character suddenly hits the floor mid run. The killer choosing to disconnect standing still vs mid chasing. These changes and actions can be monitored prior to the disconnect to determine if the disconnect was intentional or not.

    Although, I think the Rank System is fine almost like golf. The lower number the better. You are in the first top bracket at R1 rather than the twentith bracket at rank 20.

  • cobrahjh
    cobrahjh Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    Dang, I apologize as I didn't know things have been bad this long. I did read about the new servers and the new matchmaking. I have a bad feeling about survivor teams with top tier players attached to their low tier friends being toxic to killers. Heck it happens now. Guess it doesn't matter as they can down rank or wait to play next month. I assume this has been going on since the beginning... it's a tough nut to crack and figure the best way to go about it.

    After doing two matches like this out of ten or so as a killer, I had that sinking feeling as one survivor had all the moves and perks. One game turned out to be a rank 4. At the end a survivor said it was his friends as he was rank 20 helping out. SO that was 4, 11, 11, 20 against my rank 15 killer. The other was 5,6,10,17. I was floored to say the least! The way the first top brackets just mess with the killer is pure toxic. lol It's like when I play against a new player but I dont try to be so mean. Mostly. ;)

    Ok, ok.. Finally, I took a deep breath and stared at my coffee. All my research on these issues tell me this IS the way it is gonna be for awhile and we all had better except it. I had to decide to either keep playing this or move on. I ended up buying all the DLCs on sale! LOL

    Thanks Jdsgames