Dying on hook after dedecated servers punishable?

Since people won’t dc often on dedicated servers. Won’t just dying on hook be more common? Everyone might just give up and let the killer win.
Will here be a way to handle the people that give up on hooks?
Best Answers
In a word...no.
If they decide to suicide or let go that is supported by the game and not punishable.
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Its ok, if people doesnt want to keep playing for any number of reasons, bad team, toxic killer tunneling him/her after hooked, there is no good reason to punish him.
More punishment will result in people not playing the game anymore.
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I'm just going to start slugging people who obviously give up to die on the hook. Play the game through DC baby wannabe.
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This is a mechanic that changes it to make it beneficial to stay in the match.
Maybe a forced struggle when a survivor is nearby and trying to help you.
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Actually if a survivor does not want to play against strong perks and strong addons and just give up how is that also fun for the killer. If the killer plays again multiple medkits with instaheals or toolboxes the killer can’t die on hook to leave the game. Either dc or farm but thats still not allowed. Or play the game.
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You're actually trying to figure out ways to force people to remain in a game they don't want to be in?
<chuckles> Good luck.
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Anything less than 876 struggle points for 3 consecutive matches = permaban
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At least a time out ban.
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No, it's a feature of the game
Survivors should also have the opportunity to commit suicide when the killer leaves them on the ground.
Survivors will gain some time against the only killers of this game: Nurse, Spirit, Hillbilly and right now Nightmare.
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Go to basement, find locker.
Alt tab and watch youtube.
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