Why are killer queues so awful?

The queues for killer has become so awful in all the recent patches that its become unbearable to even start up the game anymore. Maybe if the developers of this game stopped buffing killers based on the complaints of low skilled Redditors more people would queue for survivor. The repeated adjustments to the ranking system also made it significantly harder to rank up as survivor compared to killer, so why implement stringent matchmaking rules to further hinder the filling of lobbies? People should not have to sit in queue for 15 minutes just to get into a game that lasts less than 10 minutes.

On a related note, why does bhvr dedicate time and effort into making a mobile version of the game before attempting to make cross platform happen? I understand Sony is uncooperative when it comes to crossplay but microsoft has always been on board with the concept. If Epic games can do it with fortnite why cant bhvr? I also understand the argument that because of poor performance on consoles people assume the game will be significantly imbalanced, but at the same time you can give console players the option to exclusively play with other console players. Enabling cross platform play will also net you a large monetary gain from new survive with friends players who buy the game on console. Bhvr really needs to get their priorities straight when it comes to adding new features to the game. Most importantly, cross play will also increase player numbers and SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE QUEUE TIMES.

TLDR:Stop incentivizing killers, lower match making criteria, enable crossplatform


  • snake5510
    snake5510 Member Posts: 13

    u mean cross play would increase queue times because there would be more killers from other platforms. Also crossplay without dedicated servers first wont work

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    They literally made survivor pipping easier because only the actually good survivors were making it to high ranks (hence the 60% winrate at rank 2).

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    You're way off the mark if you think the reason is because killers are getting buffed. First of all, that sure as hell isn't the case to begin with. Second, it's obviously a result of the current matchmaking system regardless of how much BHVR staff will try to claim otherwise.

    The original matchmaking system allowed killers to make a lobby instantly and then filled it with survivors as quickly as possible. Queue times varied quite a deal, but they were definitely shorter than they are now. Current matchmaking is supposed to find 4 survivors and a killer, make a lobby, and put them all in at once. But obviously, it doesn't do that. So now instead of getting instant lobbies, killers have to wait around 5 minutes for a lobby to get made and get a random number of survivors in that lobby when it's made. If it's not 4, then they have to wait even longer for it to fill.

    For the most part, it seems they basically added 5 minutes to the killer's wait time for queues and refuse to change it back. And I don't know if they're still trying to update the broken system and failing or just not trying at all.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Not enough survivors playing survivors most people are still trying freddy out.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Despite the killer rhetoric that all killers are leaving because the devs hate them???

    there's far too many people playing killer and not enough survivors, it's as simple as that.