Alert Perk Change Idea

Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,110
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
I figured that this would be the best place to put a topic like this so here it is. I think Alert’s cool down time should be decreased to 20 seconds, similar to Quick and Quiet. Alert is most helpful in chases and being alert (teehe) of where the killer is, which I think would work better with a faster cool down. This is similar to how Quick and Quiet synergies really well in chases, and I believe Alert could be part of that synergy too.


  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250

    For a low-tier perk such as this, I could get behind a shorter cooldown period.

    +1 for super-alertness :pirate: