Do you like the new freddy rework? Yes or no.

Yes and no.
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In my opinion, new freddy feels more like Freddy Krueger. His multiple powers feel like he's indeed the master of his Dream World. 😃
7 -
He should've had both powers base. He'd be a god then... Almost
1 -
He's awesome.
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I don't like that I can't hide in a locker in time for his teleport ability, and his non directional lullaby is slightly frustrating in jungle gyms but overall I think I like the new Freddy. Except for the bugs involving his action speed decrease addons working while awake.
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He's great! Very happy with the rework.
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I love it! BHVR did a very good job on Freddy's rework.
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Are you sure thats a bug? Its stated on the add-ons' description.
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No, Freddy addon had been nerf just like updated legion updated. Pretty useless
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Hell yea. He is extremely fun as/against.
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@PigNRun What it states in the addon description is WHILE SURVIVORS ARE IN THE DREAM WORLD their action speed is reduced. You can be awake and still have an action speed decrease however. I've had it happen myself.
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Freddy is awesome!! I honestly can't believe they did such a good job on his rework. He feels more like Freddy krueger. He is so fun to play against and to play as. 10/10 🙂
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Although i liked the old Freddy already i also like the new one. He has so much mindgame potential. More than before at least.
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I feel bummed about the fact we can no longer play pre-rework freddy, but i really like the new one, he can apply unbelivable map pressure now.
I think he is definetely rank one material now
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I agree:D he's soo fun to Play as and to Play against :D
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Long live freddy master of nightmares:D
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I love his rework. A very fun killer to play as and keeps the survs on their toes with his abilities!
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I'm pleasantly enjoying freddy overall. Being able to alter reality on some scale and being able to be almost quite closer to the freddy I remember growing up.
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I like it, it feels more fun to play against than old Freddy.
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Me too. We were all a little worried after seeing what were considered good changes to Legion and Pig. What you did with Freddy was good, not your definition of "good", actually good.
Too bad I have piles of wooden toy cubes lying around in my inventory that I won't ever use. But it's alright, you can never please everyone.