Nurse nerf complaints?

Wait so are they reworking Nurse or just her add-ons?
Because I could've sworn in the video they said just her add-ons.
Nurse even without add-ons is still the best killer in the game. In my opinion I do think they should tone down her add-ons.
They're fixing add-ons and lightly touching on her power. Never confirmed her power is getting a nerf tho, just being lightly tweaked
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Ok so everyone is overreacting then
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Yup, as people often do whenever the devs touch a killer. Despite what everyone says, odds are she'll be fine.
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"Tweak" means "nerf". It has meant "nerf" for three years and I doubt they'd suddenly do something differently this time.
My complaint is about the nerf to her power. Base Nurse is balanced.
This is why people become polarized: if you support nerfing her add-ons, they'll go overboard and change her base power. So people will stop supporting any changes, because they always take it one step further.
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Add-ons are getting changed and her power is "Getting a slight tweak." The freakout is because they rarely "just tweak" anything and that has spelled nerf/nukes to killers in the past. So "Toning her down," "tweaking," and "making her not so broken" pretty much is the sign of the apocalypse for the Nurse who will no longer be apex by the time they are done with her.
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People are afraid that Nurse will end up like Legion, as that was the last time the devs talked about "tweaking" a power.
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if they tweak her they would have to fix her dead zones its stupid how much ######### she cant blink through due too it .... her base power shouldnt be messed with but this is bhvr we are talking about so enough said
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they will never just tweak, she will be nerfed and I called this already, you will need addons to have the current base nurse.
Another addons dependant killer.
I bet this will be the case
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One of the possible "tweaks" is that she'll end up with only a single blink at base and require addons to get her second one back. And based on how current additional blink addons work, this would quite possibly weaken her if it does happen. This is exactly the kind of stuff BHVR is known to do.
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Can I just say...for as much as people praise the nurse...I never play against one. Lots of have, Billy and Myers. Occasional trapper. Nurse like once every 15 games or so.
I'm not sure she's all that and a bag of chips.
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its pretty typical for the forum tbh...
first everyone agrees that certain things are broken and need nerfs / reworks and when the devs actually go and nerf / reowrk them, everyone complains.
its the same story as the legion changes .-.
you just cant make it right for some people...
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Yea I remember. Everyone was complaining about how annoying and bs Legion was and then the Devs changed them by nerfing the annoying side of Legion and slightly buffing the weaker side, then everyone cried and yelled that they killed Legion.
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Trust me you don't ever want to actually go up against someone that is God like with Nurse. It'll make you question why is this killer in the game?