I am struggling to play killer and need some advice



  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,354
    • Don't lobby dodge, when you see you have a difficult game, remind yourself that you are not supposed to win against SWFs. Losses usually derank you so never skipping tough matches will keep you at a lesser rank with easier games
    • Play characters you aren't familiar with or those that are considered bad killers. If and when you lose, hey at least you didn't lose as Hillbilly or Spirit!
    • Don't use your best stuff. It always feels stressful when you can't get a single use out of your ebony mori
    • Hook them and forget them. Resist the urge to check back on your work and just patrol your gens, again if you lose, you lost because you were overly fair
    • If an expert looper tries to bait you into a chase, take the challenge, lose the challenge, but enjoy the learning experience.
    • Play interesting perks rather than the best perks, yet again, if you lose, you have a reason
  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Honestly, this post is really frustrating to see after the previous post you made about survivors having "won" because nurse is being looked at, when you say here you are not red ranks so you don't actually experience what playing against those kinds of nurses is like. Why make posts about balance changes if you are purple/green ranks?

    But, you are asking for help, so here: play survivor more. Learn where survivors spawn at the beginning of maps. Use that information to start a chase quickly when you are killer. Watch where/if your teammates hide at the beginning of the game when you play survivor. The first chase of the game is possibly the most important chase. If you can force one early and end it early, you have a very good chance to snowball/win.

    Start to understand when a chase is not worth your time. You don't need to take every chase. If it looks like the survivor is going to waste too much of your time, go to a different survivor in a different part of the map that can be possibly be downed quicker. The biggest mistake many killers make is chasing survivors who are good at running in areas that are strong for those survivors. Start to think about what parts of the map you have already had chases in and attempt to push the chase in that direction. Chases will end quicker that way. It is not that hard to force survivors to go the way you want. Do one extra loop around the dropped pallet to make them go the way you want.

    Start to fake breaking pallets. You don't have to break every pallet immediately (or ever if you are nurse). Fake breaking, and if they start to run you have a head start on catching them.

    Understand that if someone is near the end of one of their hook phases, there is almost definitely someone about to save them. Come back to the hook then and cut them off. You force so much pressure that way. If they decide to sit on gens and wait until the last moment to save, punishing them for that is the absolute best thing you can do.

    Use bamboozle if you are not nurse/spirit. It is absolutely one of the best perks you can use as a killer.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2019

    Learn from your mistakes. You sound like the kind of person to blame the game, when the truth is 95% of the time you lose because you made a mistake. Either you picked the wrong perks, you did something during the game, you didn't do something during the game, or you just straight up got out played and can't accept it.

    Just take the L and try to figure out what you did wrong. It's actually very rare in this game that the results are beyond your control, despite what many will tell you.

    Better yet, record a game and submit it to OhTofu's Youtube. He does gameplay reviews and will tell you everything you did wrong.

    But if you keep getting mad and blaming the game you're never going to get better. You're just gonna get pissed off.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    my advice is not play DBD for a month or so, take a break from this game because it is very stressful. As someone who gets into high ranks (despite my best efforts not too) this game is not killer friendly in any form, so taking a break for a month or so is a great idea, I do it all the time.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you for the advice folks, I will take some time off from killer and then implement your advice :)

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Do meme builds.

    Rancor + noed. Run after the obsession for the entire match. Dont hit or do anything, just follow him. 5gens done, boom insta down, mori.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    just realize sometime you can't win,high rank swf teams right now are using a cheat exploit for get baby killer opponents and very often it is going to happen to you,if you realize some survivors seem to much good for your rank or start bully you just log off so they lose pip.If you are able to grab someone and there is only 1 or 2 gen left then try face camping ,sometime from a face camp in a lost game you can get a 4k also against swf exploters with multiple rank 1.NOED help but generally against exploiters that are rank 1-2-3 is pointess they destroy totems before of finish last gen.When the game will be fixed then your strategy will change and you will enjoy more playing as killer against opponents with your same skills.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I think what you covered is a big element, being bullied is really demanding on the mind in dbd :(