Why always run Hex: Ruin and NOED?

     I was once a rank 1 Killer, and always played off-meta; But now that I’ve decided to play more survivor, I’ beginning to feel how boring it gets when just about every Killer runs the same perks. It’s tiring. 
     What are your thoughts? Do you (any rank Killer players) feel that these perks are such a necessity? Have you made it to rank 1 without heavy use of these perks.
     I’m seriously considering coming out of retirement to show these new age Killers how it’s done.

Best Answers

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336
    Answer ✓

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         I was once a rank 1 Killer, and always played off-meta; But now that I’ve decided to play more survivor, I’ beginning to feel how boring it gets when just about every Killer runs the same perks. It’s tiring. 
         What are your thoughts? Do you (any rank Killer players) feel that these perks are such a necessity? Have you made it to rank 1 without heavy use of these perks.
         I’m seriously considering coming out of retirement to show these new age Killers how it’s done.

    guys be careful he's going to show us new age killers how it's done



  • ArcaneMantis
    ArcaneMantis Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2018

    Teach us senpai. (personally i dont run noed much but ruin about 95%)

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @ArcaneMantis Don’t tempt someone with a PhD in murder.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    2/4 perks being common is boring? How come you didn't get bored of the Survivor meta?

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Orion said:

    2/4 perks being common is boring? How come you didn't get bored of the Survivor meta?

         As a Killer, you gain the ability to “kill” your opponent. When I was up against tough survivors; Were certain perks predictable? Sure. 
         But as “prey”, these Killers feel too predictable though. I always thought it was the Killer’s responsibility to “put on a show”. No re-runs.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    Orion said:

    2/4 perks being common is boring? How come you didn't get bored of the Survivor meta?

         As a Killer, you gain the ability to “kill” your opponent. When I was up against tough survivors; Were certain perks predictable? Sure. 
         But as “prey”, these Killers feel too predictable though. I always thought it was the Killer’s responsibility to “put on a show”. No re-runs.

    You thought wrong. Killers are there to play the game. They're not there for the Survivors' amusement.

  • ArcaneMantis
    ArcaneMantis Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2018

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    Orion said:

    2/4 perks being common is boring? How come you didn't get bored of the Survivor meta?

         As a Killer, you gain the ability to “kill” your opponent. When I was up against tough survivors; Were certain perks predictable? Sure. 
         But as “prey”, these Killers feel too predictable though. I always thought it was the Killer’s responsibility to “put on a show”. No re-runs.

    Well....personally im not playing the game for any ones' entertainment except my own. If that means running a few of the same perks to get those juicy kills then I'm gonna do it.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @Orion I suppose this goes back to how do players find their enjoyment. The “toxic” players are perhaps just part of any game?
    Maybe I’m one of them.
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @ArcaneMantis Would you mind if I ask approximately how long you’ve been actively playing Dead By Daylight? (Maybe I’ve just spent too much time staring at a small mess?)
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    @Orion I suppose this goes back to how do players find their enjoyment. The “toxic” players are perhaps just part of any game?
    Maybe I’m one of them.

    I find my enjoyment in a game well played.
    As a Killer, that means trying to kill the Survivors, assuming they put up a fight without being toxic #########. I can enjoy a game where I get zero kills if the Survivors completely outplayed me without being toxic. Back when Survivors weren't so toxic, I let many live because they played so well I thought they deserved to live. Nowadays, though, my goal is to kill as many of them as possible as efficiently as possible.
    As a Survivor, that means trying to escape and evade the Killer, assuming the Killer also put up a fight.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @Orion I appreciate your time to comment. 
         But that kind of relentless playstyle; Does it ever get “boring”- What I mean is: Do you ever feel you could get more out of your Dead By Daylight experience? Or do you feel pretty fulfilled?
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    @Orion I appreciate your time to comment. 
         But that kind of relentless playstyle; Does it ever get “boring”- What I mean is: Do you ever feel you could get more out of your Dead By Daylight experience? Or do you feel pretty fulfilled?

    Any game can get boring, eventually. When that happens, I just play something else. IMO, if a game frustrates you or bores you more often than it amuses you, that's when you need to stop playing it.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         I personally devoted my time (after rank 1 days and a “break”) playing DbD to find low ranking survivors, or simply any survivors who seemed to have a passion for the game but weren’t particularly hardcore gamers. 
    I search for these ones so that I can give them a thrilling, horrifying, and suspenseful experience. Are they “false” trials though? As long as they (survivors) don’t know it, it feels so good to show them a “good time”.
    But it’s been two years, and I fear that genuinely unpredictable and “noob trials” will become non-existent.
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Orion said:

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    @Orion I appreciate your time to comment. 
         But that kind of relentless playstyle; Does it ever get “boring”- What I mean is: Do you ever feel you could get more out of your Dead By Daylight experience? Or do you feel pretty fulfilled?

    Any game can get boring, eventually. When that happens, I just play something else. IMO, if a game frustrates you or bores you more often than it amuses you, that's when you need to stop playing it.

         Oh I have taken a break, but... like many others who have a passion for the game; I always find myself back here. I know these opinions are mine alone, and I know the DbD team will work hard to keep their ideals and the community happy.
         This reminds me of Jason Vandenberghe’s involvement with For Honor. He expressed his passion for entertaining people (Long story, but he had a vision but it was slowly “taken away”). 
         I don’t have any influence on the game or its development, but I’m sure we all have our own ‘opinions’ on what we’d like to see. 
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Unless you're Brokenbilly or a very good Nurse/Huntress with other strong perks and addons, you'll get rushed easily.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         I was once a rank 1 Killer, and always played off-meta; But now that I’ve decided to play more survivor, I’ beginning to feel how boring it gets when just about every Killer runs the same perks. It’s tiring. 
         What are your thoughts? Do you (any rank Killer players) feel that these perks are such a necessity? Have you made it to rank 1 without heavy use of these perks.
         I’m seriously considering coming out of retirement to show these new age Killers how it’s done.

    I very rarely play against NOED, usually it gets clansed instantly or doesnt even activate because survivors went through all the totems while searching for ruin. I stopped using NOED on my killers aswell (sometimes on trapper though)

    Ruin is mandatory because of how fast the gens pop. Yeah it can be annoying but I see it as great-skillcheck practice and its actually insane how fast you can do a gen if you hit great skillchecks all the time (without ruin)

  • PinkPants
    PinkPants Member Posts: 6

    I've noticed a lot more killers running NOED & Ruin as well, but personally I think that's a good thing because giving survivors a secondary objective helps balance the game, IMO.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @Eninya  @PinkPants @Master
         I appreciate your time. Does anyone feel that rank 1-10 survivors have gotten better?- if that’s possible? I could’ve swore gen rushing wasn’t as crazy (although sometimes it would) in the past years. 
         I played Doctor, Hag, Hillbilly, and Shape when I was high ranked; The trick I found was to sometimes NOT hook a downed survivor. Or NOT chase an injured survivor sometimes.
    I wonder if these tricks would still work...
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    @Eninya  @PinkPants @Master
         I appreciate your time. Does anyone feel that rank 1-10 survivors have gotten better?- if that’s possible? I could’ve swore gen rushing wasn’t as crazy (although sometimes it would) in the past years. 
         I played Doctor, Hag, Hillbilly, and Shape when I was high ranked; The trick I found was to sometimes NOT hook a downed survivor. Or NOT chase an injured survivor sometimes.
    I wonder if these tricks would still work...
    Without ruin? They'll heal and gen rush.
    I'm playing Freddy on rank 2. They gen rush as soon as ruin is down. Even during the double bp weekend, they feel the need to rush out.
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @Tsulan Yes WITHOUT Hex: Ruin every single game. It’s surprising I know, and challenging to pull off; But once you master time and health state management (obviously chases/mind games), “gen-rushing” is much more combatable.
         With The Nightmare, you have to know when to just dream sleep ‘em all and when NOT to (rarely). Various perks can mind game them, and help track.
         Insidious works sometimes too.
  • goldseeker22
    goldseeker22 Member Posts: 75

    really? u complain about ruin and noed? lets look at the survivors.

    selfcare. ALL THE TIME.
    sprintburst 9/10 survivors
    ds. almost atleast 1 in every game.
    dead hard. almost always 2 in every game.

    yet u complain about perks that u can break?!

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Master said:

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    @Eninya  @PinkPants @Master 
         I appreciate your time. Does anyone feel that rank 1-10 survivors have gotten better?- if that’s possible? I could’ve swore gen rushing wasn’t as crazy (although sometimes it would) in the past years...

    Genrushing has definitely become worse since the depip squad demonstrated how broken it is.
    In fact I didnt even knew that if 2 survivors work on a gen, that the gentime isnt just halfed and if you want to play efficient every survivor takes his own gen.

    The depip experiment tried to show how broken the balance currently is, it was succesful in that way, but sadly the devs ignored it and the survivors know their power now

         Aw dam so pretty much once everybody discovered these “secrets” from these players; “Why would anyone wanna play “their own way” when THIS way almost always provides success?”
         I understand why gamers might min/max games like Dark Souls or WoW but really? I thought this game thrived on individuality?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    @Tsulan Yes WITHOUT Hex: Ruin every single game. It’s surprising I know, and challenging to pull off; But once you master time and health state management (obviously chases/mind games), “gen-rushing” is much more combatable.
         With The Nightmare, you have to know when to just dream sleep ‘em all and when NOT to (rarely). Various perks can mind game them, and help track.
         Insidious works sometimes too.
    Insidious on Freddy?
    What would be the purpose of that? It doesn't affect his lullaby and they only have his terror radius while sleeping.
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229

    really? u complain about ruin and noed? lets look at the survivors.

    selfcare. ALL THE TIME.
    sprintburst 9/10 survivors
    ds. almost atleast 1 in every game.
    dead hard. almost always 2 in every game.

    yet u complain about perks that u can break?!

         Self Care and Sprint Burst are/was negligible for me (most cases). I just have my ideologies about Killer role and “fun/fear” factor of the DbD.
         The perks seemed overused for Killers; Survivors are just meat. 
         But as @Master explained... for Killers to maintain an edge in this ever growing community; Hex: Ruin has become such a necessity in high- to even mid-rankings. 
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Tsulan said:
    @Tsulan Yes WITHOUT Hex: Ruin every single game. It’s surprising I know, and challenging to pull off; But once you master time and health state management (obviously chases/mind games), “gen-rushing” is much more combatable.
         With The Nightmare, you have to know when to just dream sleep ‘em all and when NOT to (rarely). Various perks can mind game them, and help track.
         Insidious works sometimes too.
    Insidious on Freddy?
    What would be the purpose of that? It doesn't affect his lullaby and they only have his terror radius while sleeping.
         You know how some certain survivors run all around the edge of the map once they’re in the dream transition? Or even when you know they’re gonna search for a gen to wake up? Use insidious while in their path and because of the fog and intense darkness they won’t see your small frame standing there. 
         (Only works sometimes- but those times can be deadly)
  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         I was once a rank 1 Killer, and always played off-meta; But now that I’ve decided to play more survivor, I’ beginning to feel how boring it gets when just about every Killer runs the same perks. It’s tiring. 
         What are your thoughts? Do you (any rank Killer players) feel that these perks are such a necessity? Have you made it to rank 1 without heavy use of these perks.
         I’m seriously considering coming out of retirement to show these new age Killers how it’s done.

    NOED is more of a choice thing, people take it or leave it.
    Ruin is a requirement at high rank. I have had countless games where I won it literally because they couldn't find ruin.

  • Immersed_P3_Nea
    Immersed_P3_Nea Member Posts: 49
    “Insidious on Freddy” nice now we all have AIDS
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    Tsulan said:

    TheTimeMachine said:

    @Tsulan Yes WITHOUT Hex: Ruin every single game. It’s surprising I know, and challenging to pull off; But once you master time and health state management (obviously chases/mind games), “gen-rushing” is much more combatable.
         With The Nightmare, you have to know when to just dream sleep ‘em all and when NOT to (rarely). Various perks can mind game them, and help track.
         Insidious works sometimes too.

    Insidious on Freddy?
    What would be the purpose of that? It doesn't affect his lullaby and they only have his terror radius while sleeping.

         You know how some certain survivors run all around the edge of the map once they’re in the dream transition? Or even when you know they’re gonna search for a gen to wake up? Use insidious while in their path and because of the fog and intense darkness they won’t see your small frame standing there. 
         (Only works sometimes- but those times can be deadly)

    This might work against rank 20 survivors. But the ones i play against, use their self heal to wake up.
    I really wouldn´t recommend Insidious on Freddy. Try Monitor&Abuse. You´ll get better results.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    @Brady gets the idea. Sure the “meta” guarantees more frequent “success”(surviving/killing), but what would happen to our community if no one depended on the same/similar meta? 
         Killers and Survivors alike; Perhaps Killers won’t have to always play the same way because of the Survivor Meta and vice versa. But then again... that gets into the whole realm of: “What is “fun”?”
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    “Insidious on Freddy” nice now we all have AIDS
         Oops! Did I let the cat out of the bag? (“Cats in bags”? That’s cruel. Even for a Killer.)
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         I was once a rank 1 Killer, and always played off-meta; But now that I’ve decided to play more survivor, I’ beginning to feel how boring it gets when just about every Killer runs the same perks. It’s tiring. 
         What are your thoughts? Do you (any rank Killer players) feel that these perks are such a necessity? Have you made it to rank 1 without heavy use of these perks.
         I’m seriously considering coming out of retirement to show these new age Killers how it’s done.

    If you wanna win, you use what's best.
    if you wanna win with a challenge, you don't use what's best.
    Besides, 96% of all Survivors run Self Care as a standard on high ranks, so no one can really point fingers to anyone.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited July 2018

    @TheTimeMachine said:
    @Eninya  @PinkPants @Master 
         I appreciate your time. Does anyone feel that rank 1-10 survivors have gotten better?- if that’s possible? I could’ve swore gen rushing wasn’t as crazy (although sometimes it would) in the past years. 
         I played Doctor, Hag, Hillbilly, and Shape when I was high ranked; The trick I found was to sometimes NOT hook a downed survivor. Or NOT chase an injured survivor sometimes.
    I wonder if these tricks would still work...

    It highly depends on how much you want to cherry pick your games. I got to Rank 1 with Pig, though I brought myself to Rank 9 or 8 with Hag mixed in up to that point, and an occasional Trapper daily.

    My experiences were that map layouts were the most crucial factor in ranking up against skilled survivors. A godskilled killer cannot beat the RNG of near-infinites on certain map variations, and the best I could do against them was safety pip in the old system.

    Against randoms, even if they're good or in pairs, there's still a communication barrier among them. You need to take advantage of herding survivors or forcing them into places that will disrupt repairs. I was very careful with whom I trapped, and where I chose to cut them off or which loops I reversed to change the direction they would go. During my rank 1 grind, NOED was crucial, turning 0-2K games into 3Ks most of the time. It rarely got cleansed, and only once during my climb did it ever fail to activate (safety pip on Red Forest, iirc).

    But again, none of this matters if you get screwed on map RNG. The best pallet and window placements will render you impotent if the survivors know about them. In a perfect game, I would get a HOOK before the first generator, and break at least 2 solid pallets. If I could injure another survivor, while the other was still on a hook, by the time the first generator popped I was doing very well. If I got the down before the first gen popped I was leading the game.

    Ironically, I have awful luck as a survivor and get bad pallet AND window luck, on top of at least one teammate that can't run more than 10 feet from the killer before getting bodied.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Survivor main. Ruin is fine honestly. Either bring a toolbox, use certain perks to do skill checks/find totems, or just get good at great skill checks. Most games Ruin is gone after the first chase, it's mostly there to give the killer a chance to start up pressure on the survivors. Others I just plow through and get my 2 gens so I can hatch at least.

    NOED though is IMO a clutch perk. So many bad killers use it and end up getting way more kills than they rightfully deserve. And I mean just really bad killers, ones that can't catch you even when you don't loop or never kick gens or break pallets. Those killers always have a NOED and it always makes up for their lack of skill. I get games can go fast and it can be used as an ace in the hole, but good killers make better with other perks so the only ones that use it are the bad killers. If you want something for endgame that's not a crutch pick Remember Me. It's way more effective and actually takes some skill in that you have to find and hunt down your obsession. It also rewards you greatly for going after the DS guy, so now there's value in chasing them and not leaving them until the end of the game because DS.

    And to be clear, DS and NOED are both equally crutchy perks for either side. Both give you a freebie for basically being bad at the game.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Survivor main. Ruin is fine honestly. Either bring a toolbox, use certain perks to do skill checks/find totems, or just get good at great skill checks. Most games Ruin is gone after the first chase, it's mostly there to give the killer a chance to start up pressure on the survivors. Others I just plow through and get my 2 gens so I can hatch at least.

    NOED though is IMO a clutch perk. So many bad killers use it and end up getting way more kills than they rightfully deserve. And I mean just really bad killers, ones that can't catch you even when you don't loop or never kick gens or break pallets. Those killers always have a NOED and it always makes up for their lack of skill. I get games can go fast and it can be used as an ace in the hole, but good killers make better with other perks so the only ones that use it are the bad killers. If you want something for endgame that's not a crutch pick Remember Me. It's way more effective and actually takes some skill in that you have to find and hunt down your obsession. It also rewards you greatly for going after the DS guy, so now there's value in chasing them and not leaving them until the end of the game because DS.

    And to be clear, DS and NOED are both equally crutchy perks for either side. Both give you a freebie for basically being bad at the game.

    Survivors have tons of crutch perks outside of Decisive Strike. Self-Care and Sprint Burst both completely change the way the game is played and Adrenaline is the survivor equivalent of NOED.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @The_Manlet said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Survivor main. Ruin is fine honestly. Either bring a toolbox, use certain perks to do skill checks/find totems, or just get good at great skill checks. Most games Ruin is gone after the first chase, it's mostly there to give the killer a chance to start up pressure on the survivors. Others I just plow through and get my 2 gens so I can hatch at least.

    NOED though is IMO a clutch perk. So many bad killers use it and end up getting way more kills than they rightfully deserve. And I mean just really bad killers, ones that can't catch you even when you don't loop or never kick gens or break pallets. Those killers always have a NOED and it always makes up for their lack of skill. I get games can go fast and it can be used as an ace in the hole, but good killers make better with other perks so the only ones that use it are the bad killers. If you want something for endgame that's not a crutch pick Remember Me. It's way more effective and actually takes some skill in that you have to find and hunt down your obsession. It also rewards you greatly for going after the DS guy, so now there's value in chasing them and not leaving them until the end of the game because DS.

    And to be clear, DS and NOED are both equally crutchy perks for either side. Both give you a freebie for basically being bad at the game.

    Survivors have tons of crutch perks outside of Decisive Strike. Self-Care and Sprint Burst both completely change the way the game is played and Adrenaline is the survivor equivalent of NOED.

    I'm not disagreeing with you. But even as a killer you have to admit NOED is a crutch. Probably the only crutch killer perk, but still a crutch.

    Sprint Burst is only a crutch when it triggers multiple times in a chase. I've managed to escape a lot of chases just by the luck it triggered at the right time, it was definitely helping me when I should have been dead. The exhaustion update should fix that, though I do think Vigil should allow you to recover from Exhaustion while running if at least at a reduced amount.

    Self Care is almost a necessary perk, to the point it almost should be a based survivor ability. The only time it becomes a crutch is when you pair it with other crutch perks like DS or BT (which IMO isn't really a crutch on it's own but it is when combined with SC). The SC change sounds so convoluted, like all the solutions we have gotten so far. I don't get why Self Care can only have a limited number of uses unless you have a medkit in your hand in which case it would be infinite (SC use is infinite not the medkit).

    Only thing I would change about Adrenaline is that it only triggers during the period when the gates are powered. If you are hooked then getting unhooked shouldn't proc Adrenaline after the fact.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Survivor main. Ruin is fine honestly. Either bring a toolbox, use certain perks to do skill checks/find totems, or just get good at great skill checks. Most games Ruin is gone after the first chase, it's mostly there to give the killer a chance to start up pressure on the survivors. Others I just plow through and get my 2 gens so I can hatch at least.

    NOED though is IMO a clutch perk. So many bad killers use it and end up getting way more kills than they rightfully deserve. And I mean just really bad killers, ones that can't catch you even when you don't loop or never kick gens or break pallets. Those killers always have a NOED and it always makes up for their lack of skill. I get games can go fast and it can be used as an ace in the hole, but good killers make better with other perks so the only ones that use it are the bad killers. If you want something for endgame that's not a crutch pick Remember Me. It's way more effective and actually takes some skill in that you have to find and hunt down your obsession. It also rewards you greatly for going after the DS guy, so now there's value in chasing them and not leaving them until the end of the game because DS.

    And to be clear, DS and NOED are both equally crutchy perks for either side. Both give you a freebie for basically being bad at the game.

    The only difference is that noed can be countered
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Manlet said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Survivor main. Ruin is fine honestly. Either bring a toolbox, use certain perks to do skill checks/find totems, or just get good at great skill checks. Most games Ruin is gone after the first chase, it's mostly there to give the killer a chance to start up pressure on the survivors. Others I just plow through and get my 2 gens so I can hatch at least.

    NOED though is IMO a clutch perk. So many bad killers use it and end up getting way more kills than they rightfully deserve. And I mean just really bad killers, ones that can't catch you even when you don't loop or never kick gens or break pallets. Those killers always have a NOED and it always makes up for their lack of skill. I get games can go fast and it can be used as an ace in the hole, but good killers make better with other perks so the only ones that use it are the bad killers. If you want something for endgame that's not a crutch pick Remember Me. It's way more effective and actually takes some skill in that you have to find and hunt down your obsession. It also rewards you greatly for going after the DS guy, so now there's value in chasing them and not leaving them until the end of the game because DS.

    And to be clear, DS and NOED are both equally crutchy perks for either side. Both give you a freebie for basically being bad at the game.

    Survivors have tons of crutch perks outside of Decisive Strike. Self-Care and Sprint Burst both completely change the way the game is played and Adrenaline is the survivor equivalent of NOED.

    I'm not disagreeing with you. But even as a killer you have to admit NOED is a crutch. Probably the only crutch killer perk, but still a crutch.

    Sprint Burst is only a crutch when it triggers multiple times in a chase. I've managed to escape a lot of chases just by the luck it triggered at the right time, it was definitely helping me when I should have been dead. The exhaustion update should fix that, though I do think Vigil should allow you to recover from Exhaustion while running if at least at a reduced amount.

    Self Care is almost a necessary perk, to the point it almost should be a based survivor ability. The only time it becomes a crutch is when you pair it with other crutch perks like DS or BT (which IMO isn't really a crutch on it's own but it is when combined with SC). The SC change sounds so convoluted, like all the solutions we have gotten so far. I don't get why Self Care can only have a limited number of uses unless you have a medkit in your hand in which case it would be infinite (SC use is infinite not the medkit).

    Only thing I would change about Adrenaline is that it only triggers during the period when the gates are powered. If you are hooked then getting unhooked shouldn't proc Adrenaline after the fact.

    He limited usage thing worked really well on perks like Ds :wink:
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Master said:
    The only difference is that noed can be countered

    Uh, DS can totally be countered too. Enduring + Unnerving + Remember Me will seriously punish the DS user. But just because it CAN be countered doesn't mean it's not a serious crutch perk that helps bad players, nor does it mean that the expected counter is reasonable.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    The only difference is that noed can be countered

    Uh, DS can totally be countered too. Enduring + Unnerving + Remember Me will seriously punish the DS user. But just because it CAN be countered doesn't mean it's not a serious crutch perk that helps bad players, nor does it mean that the expected counter is reasonable.

    You dont understand what a counter is, a counter means that there is something that EFFECTIVELY does something aganist it.
    Enduring only slightly shortens the stun time, the survivor will still be able to get to the next loop
    Unnvering only makes it a bit harder to hit the skillcheck (maybe a counter at rank 20)
    Remember me doesnt do anything when you lose your victim cus he pressed space, you just lost all your momentum, nice counters :wink:

    DS is the "most serious crutch perk" if you wanna call it this way :lol:

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Master said:
    DS is the "most serious crutch perk" if you wanna call it this way :lol:

    I never said DS isn't a crutch. Only that NOED is also a crutch. If you need NOED as a killer I'm sorry but you are probably just a bad killer. I've rarely met a really good killer that was using NOED. Why? Because they don't need it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    DS is the "most serious crutch perk" if you wanna call it this way :lol:

    I never said DS isn't a crutch. Only that NOED is also a crutch. If you need NOED as a killer I'm sorry but you are probably just a bad killer. I've rarely met a really good killer that was using NOED. Why? Because they don't need it.

    Is there somethign wrong about being a bad killer?
    I deranked to rank 13 now but I still face red rank survivors that loop me into oblivion. I seriously start wondering whether I should use nOED now because there are matches where I cant get a single kill ( I refuse to stand infront of a hook the whole game)

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Master said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    DS is the "most serious crutch perk" if you wanna call it this way :lol:

    I never said DS isn't a crutch. Only that NOED is also a crutch. If you need NOED as a killer I'm sorry but you are probably just a bad killer. I've rarely met a really good killer that was using NOED. Why? Because they don't need it.

    Is there somethign wrong about being a bad killer?
    I deranked to rank 13 now but I still face red rank survivors that loop me into oblivion. I seriously start wondering whether I should use nOED now because there are matches where I cant get a single kill ( I refuse to stand infront of a hook the whole game)

    Nothing wrong with being a bad killer but, just as a bad survivor doesn't deserve an escape just because DS, you don't deserve a kill just because NOED. You also won't kill every one every game. Some games everyone will get out, it happens. If it happens a lot then just re-evaluate what you are doing as killer. Good killers can more consistently at least 2k in those games where most others wouldn't kill anyone.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         The issue I’m facing, is that when push comes to shove- and a shove has already become a bloodbath (minus the blood); Players are simply stuck between deciding: Do I want to “win”? Or do I want to play My way? 
    Both can offer certain players “fun” but one way or another; There will always be players who’d rather “win” more than anything- even if that means “putting out other players”.

         [I like to play fighting games, but I suck at them. I still play them, but when I’m facing my friend who just destroys me every game = it gets boring (“sore loser?” It just gets old). So... we play something else. Dead By Daylight seems unable to separate these extremes (As is a difficulty with any game)]
  • lonewolf_19xx
    lonewolf_19xx Member Posts: 22

    Im fairly new to dbd, but love the game. I mainly play survivor, but play killer some also. Im my opinion, survivors that flashlight you all game, 99 sabo hooks and then run up and finish as you about to hook your guy, body block, taunt and loop you. They are toxic and f'n annoying and give other survivors a bad rep as well as make the game unfun for killers. Same with killers that camp and tunnel, they f'n toxic, annoying, and make the game unfun for the survivor. And its because of them that abuse those things thats the good have to suffer for the bad. It sucks for both sides. I think they should stop trying to blame the perks and actually dive in and find a real solution to those problems. ive been playing for a month, im a rank 12 survivor and rank 15 killer.

  • Flimflam
    Flimflam Member Posts: 103

    Since devs won't put a secondary objective into the base game these 2 perks have to be used to punish survivors for mindlessly pounding out gens. Otherwise you get <5min games against any survivor team that's actually trying.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Flimflam said:

    Since devs won't put a secondary objective into the base game these 2 perks have to be used to punish survivors for mindlessly pounding out gens. Otherwise you get <5min games against any survivor team that's actually trying.

         I’ll never make it to rank 1 (as survivor) because I still walk around aimlessly (sometimes) listening to the trees blowing in the wind...
         (some trials) When I come across Ruin, I’ll just go on a Hex Hunt with the thought of dying but staying alive as long as I can. Immersion will never die!