General Discussions

General Discussions

Consider this before going on a witch hunt.

Member Posts: 794

When playing the game, I, as many others, try to play in a way so that the match feels fun and fair for every player. However, I have noticed that as killer, the survivors often perceive me as playing unfairly, even though I have went out of my way not to. I don't mind the occasional salt, it comes with the territory, but being chastised in the post-game lobby when I have actively tried to play as fair as possible annoys me to no end. It also makes me less prone to do it in the next match

Now don't get me wrong. I genuinely believe that many of the angry survivors really did perceive me as playing unfair (and felt the need to call me out for it). But this is most likely due to not understanding the role of the killer. So please consider this before you go on a collective witch hunt:

  • I will not tunnel if I can avoid it. However; if you run into me, I will slap your butt. Because you look so damn good you beast.
  • I don't memorize the survivors' skins. If I hooked you a minute ago and I go after you again, it may very well be because I don't keep tabs on who is who. Especially not early game. And especially if you're running the same characters. I'm a goldfish.
  • If I just downed your teammate and you are in my face, I will go after you. This is not because I have something against you, but because it applies pressure to the rest of the team.
  • I won't stay near the hook unless there's a reason to. If I sense there's a survivor near the hook, be it intuition, sounds or scratch marks, I will look for them. I am not trying to (proxy) camp you. Camping = no gen pressure.
  • Sometimes I'm playing a killer I'm not used to. This may result in some iffy (panicky) situations. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to learn even though I have no chance at winning.

Thank you <3

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  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I've learned that if you do anything short of beelining to the opposite corner of the hook, some players will call it camping.

    If someone is standing right underneath me waiting to unhook, or I see obvious fresh scratch marks on the wall right next to me, this means: a) I'm not camping, I'm looking for the guy I just saw; b) I'm not suddenly just going to start playing like an idiot because someone thinks they deserve a free unhook; and c) You should be angry with your bad teammate, not me. If it's any consolation, when they unhook you, I will always make every effort to go after them and not you.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Speak of the devil, I had a group that I just had to give this lecture to. People think you have to start playing like an idiot and give them a free unhook instead of looking for you when they know you're right there by the hook, waiting for you to leave. Swear to god, some people...

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    To be clear: If a killer indeed does tunnel, camp etc., then from your point of view it would be justified that the survivors would harass the killer?

  • Member Posts: 794

    @NoShinyPony I see what you're getting at :-) Bad phrasing on my part. I obviously don't think any behavior justifies harassment or witch hunts.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @kamisen Glad you see it that way. But then what's the point of this thread? Survivors should not harass the killer, no matter if the killer camps, tunnels or plays generously.

  • Member Posts: 794

    @NoShinyPony Glad that you asked! The point is two-fold (maybe three-fold if you stretch it). First and foremost, I want to shed light on situations that, from a survivor's POV, can seem to stem from ill intent, when in fact, it doesn't. In other words, I want to nuance a discussion that so often is treated as black or white. The second point is to engage in said discussion. Where do we draw the line between camping/not camping and tunneling/not tunneling? Does everybody agree with my bullets, or does anybody disagree? The third (very lowkey shhh) is to find comfort amongst individuals who are as addicted attached to the game as I am, when feeling a pang of sadness due to bad encounters with other players. Makes sense?

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @kamisen Even if a killer intentionally tunnels, it's in most cases not from ill intent. It's just for tactical reasons and not to bully survivors.

  • Member Posts: 794

    @Rydog Yes, the good ol' post-game chat. It's like a very small filter-bubble. It's camping in their eyes, and there are several persons reinforcing that idea. Very hard to have a constructive discussion in that climate.

  • Member Posts: 794

    @NoShinyPony Sure. I'm not saying otherwise, in fact, I'm saying the exact same thing in my post, no? But from a survivor's POV it can look like it.

  • Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2019

    I play dirty. I camp when beneficial and tunnel when I can. I really don't care about my rep or rank either or what people think of me. It is a game and I treat it as such which is not serious. See you in the game.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    The thing about being nice or fair as a killer is: survivors rarely just randomly use weaker things. There still exists this weird perception that the killer is the power role in this game and that they dictate the difficulty and pace of the trial for the survivors. Maybe that's true at yellow and green ranks, but once you get into red it's sweaty survivor central. Yet the expectation that killers are going to scale back their loadouts out of "fairness" remains. Tonight I got a ton of complaints for simply existing as a Spirit with green add ons and no Ruin, even in games where I went out of my way to 2 hook everyone to extend the game. Then I played a Leatherface game, had 4 escape, and was greeted with "gg I guess?". You will never win as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 469
    edited July 2019

    Most survivors think I care.

    I don't.

    I don't pay attention to gamer tags. I don't memorize skins, I play adaptively and naturally.

    If you are in front of me you get whacked.

    If you didn't hide properly, you get whacked.

    If you did a unsafe hook, you get whacked, and your friend gets whacked.

    If i see scratch marks around a hook, I look for them.

    If you 3 gen'd yourself, that's your fault not mine. I wasn't counting gens.

    If I hear a hatch, I'm closing it.

    None of this is emotionally driven. Quite the opposite. I've gotten quite Zen as a killer, its almost meditative for me, sometimes I'm just on autopilot ... Its nice.

    Sometimes I 4k, sometimes I get nothing.

    I don't read chat, I just move on.

    Survivors can salt all they want, I probably didn't notice...

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    As i've said numerous time before, it is up the devs to lead both the survivor's and killers down a healthy, non-toxic path. By implementing mechanics that reward positive player behaviour and punish ones that are fun for no one, there leaves no room for complaint.

  • Member Posts: 814

    As i said multiple times already: killers only camp or tunnel because survivors are too dumb to punish those who don't apply pressure. It literally takes to do gens...

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    This is just survivor entitlement. They believe they have the right to survive, when it is clear that it's supposed to be a challenge. You have to earn the privilege to survive the match, not the other way around.

    This is an example of this phenomena of entitlement. The Devs shouldn't encourage that in any way.

    Just makes the game more toxic. : P

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    You're making a big mistake by setting up these rules. "I don't tunnel", "I don't stay near to the hook"... You're already trying to play by THEIR rules. You shouldn't. They won't play by any rules you make up.

  • Member Posts: 250

    It's not unfair for them to want a fun game and being camped or tunnelled to death is not that.

    If they don't extend the same courtesy, however (Lampkin Lane offering, insta, etc.), well; now, that's a different story.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    I had so many survivors calling me noob and telling me to git gud even if I got a 4k

    I try to not play in an unfun way like you but I don't really go out of my way to do so, I just kinda try

    Every time they tell me to learn how to play I always reply like this: "Then tell me, dear survivor I just killed. How should I play?"

    I'm on PS4 so I receive messages instead of the post game lobby

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Play however you want and ignore what people say.

    Even though if you actively avoid commonly complained about actions like you say you do and people still complain, you should double ignore the complaints.

  • Member Posts: 835

    Everyone has their set of rules what is considered fair and sometimes those set of rules dont meet.

    For example I consider insta meds and prayer beads toxic, but to some people they are fair as they both exist in game.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    This is true as well. Their approach has been to put bandaids on top of bandaids instead of actually addressing broken mechanics and ridiculous map design. For example, instead of addressing how they design maps, they added blood lust, spirit fury, bamboozle, etc. A lot of bad behaviors are symptoms of frustration people feel with the game.

  • Member Posts: 25

    At the end of the day they can't fix everything. People have differing opinions on every aspect of the game and if they "fix" one thing it'll mess it is for tons of other people.

    Camping has been deemed a "legitimate strategy".

    Tunneling is like first reaction because of course getting rid of a survivor significantly cripples the team.

    It's unfortunate but an online multiplayer game...specifically an asymmetrical one will never, ever be balanced to the liking of the whole community.

    White noise died (at least on PS4). Evolve died. Last year I haven't heard about for like 2 years. Friday 13th is decent but has it's same share of problems and toxicity.

    DBD is super fun but you have to takenit with the "it's still a game and it's has faults that are caused by 1000s of different personalities clashing"

    And honestly if you get your feelings hurt by flashlight clicking, teabagging, moonwalking or hook hitting then you should probably stick to single player games and stay away from odds that are built to be stacked against you.

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