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Disconnecting on Console



  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Moris and keys are extremely stupid add-ons and offerings. Being facecamped and tunneled because the killer is extremely sweaty is not fun. If somebody DC’s in the loading screen oh’ll find another match. The match hasn’t started and you won’t lose any items or offerings.

    Don’t be butthurt if somebody DC’ed because you brought in a mori. A lot of the playerbase have terrible rounds with moris. They’ll just kill themselves on the first hook anyways.

    I can’t deny that keys are also idiotic though.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited August 2019

    And some people really don’t care about the rules. As long as there is no punishment for DC’s then it’ll continue to happen so you’re just gonna have to deal with it until dedicated servers are released.

    The fact that you show no empathy to the fact that it is humans playing the game and only playing to have fun is really sad to be honest.

    You aren’t going against AI. We are all playing to have fun and some things like moris, Iridescent Head, Prayer Beads, and five blinks are extremely unfun to play against so don’t be shocked when people either DC or kill themselves.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Killer at red ranks is extremely unfun. Do you think Survivors care how I feel when they run insta heals and BNP? Your argument is like saying, oh well, the door the car was open and nobody stopped me from stealing the car. It's idiotic, frankly.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited August 2019’s not particularly fun to get looped on Haddonfield but just because one group of survivors made my game bad doesn’t mean I’m going all out with Prayer Beads and an Ebony Mori on the next team who might not be sweaty. I CAN play every game with my 50 moris and win everytime but is that even a challenge or fun at all?

    I’m not gonna play like a dick when they don’t deserve it and even when they do deserve it I’m confident enough in my skills to punish them. I play Spirit and Hag for christ sakes, I don’t NEED OP ######### to be good.

    Don’t be a jerk to survivors unless they play like a jerk to you...and even if they do does it really matter? The game isn’t meant to be competitive. I’m not actively trying to run a sweaty build to make games horrible for other players. All you’re staying is that you should play like a dick to everyone because ONE group of survivors insta healed and used the already nerfed to hell BNP that really doesn’t mean anything at this point.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Actually, you said that I already did. If you look at what i said originally, they also DC if you use offerings that only affect you, i.e. survivor pudding.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Why would anybody DC because you used a bloodpoint offering? You do know that somebody people genuinely lose connection during the loading screen right? I rarely have my games end because of lost connection and I DEFINITELY don’t think any survivors have DC’ed because I used a bloodpoint offering when they all use offerings as well. That’s just stupid.