And People Wonder Why We Run NOED


So I was playing around with New Freddy and ran into seemingly a SWF group of 3, with 3 freaking insta-heal med-kits. Luckily NOED exists and saved me from getting beat by "Fair Play" from some toxic survivors.

NOTE: I am only running NOED because I don't have Ruin on Freddy yet, but after this match I really don't see how people complain about NOED.



  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Well done :)

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    They complain because rank 4 there didn't get to teabag the gate and exit full health

  • blurmcclure18
    blurmcclure18 Member Posts: 12

    during rank reset I won't run NOED at all, but once I get up to this high rank there really isn't a reason to not run it. I would rather risk 1 or 2 survivors to have a bad time than myself not having fun. Aren't games supposed to be fun?

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    While I think game modes should exist to separate add-ons, etc., I'm aware that could thin out the player population quite significantly. Alternatively, they could just make restrictions for SWF that no one can bring in the same item/item type/add-on. Have a little bit more variety.

    People find issue with NOED due to scenarios like this where everyone died, despite multiple people possibly being able to escape. They were probably an (at least) 3 man SWF, though. Kinda on them to put someone on totem duty or communicate if they've gotten them and if there's three coordinated, they're usually at an advantage than a team of solo players. Usually when there's more than one insta-heal, it's a bully attempt.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited July 2019

    You don't need NOED and you don't need Ruin on rework Freddy

    Run Haunted Grounds, Make Your Choice, Weasel, and BBQ

    Enjoy the absolute madness of a build that makes the one shot Hag build tip it's hat in respect. Seriously when this build works, it bloody works. Make those insta heals worth nothing

    Also almost every survivor runs Adrenaline nowadays so yes, NOED is not a crutch it is a COUNTER nor is it unfun as long as Adrenaline remains meta. As a survivor that nevers run Adrenaline I myself get to reserve the right to complain unlike you lot! lol

  • blurmcclure18
    blurmcclure18 Member Posts: 12

    You define NOED as a crutch, where it can also serve as a punishment for survivors not doing totems. When I play survivor I always try to do totems whenever I see one, also survivor's rushing through Gen's is significantly easier than killing 4 people with NOED. Especially if they are even half decent at looping, I'm not saying you have to win to have fun playing this game or any game for that matter. But punishing a team or even one survivor that loops you all game or is just playing toxic does feel good.

  • blurmcclure18
    blurmcclure18 Member Posts: 12

    I will try that build when I have the perks to try it out.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Yes, you just put a bit of hypocrisy in your comment.

    You quoted "You shouldn't have to run a crutch and ruin the other players' enjoyment and win to have fun.?", relying on a crutch that insta heals down survivors (against killers who are probably also wanting to have fun playing on their own) isn't fun.

    You shouldn't have to run a crutch and ruin the other players' enjoyment and win to have fun.

    I've lost to a good team before and still had fun.

    In short, there's no fun in running Insta heals.

    See, works both ways.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748


    Can't we play Catan instead?

    (If you don't know what it is, search it up)

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    I don't see big issiue with noed, just cleanse the totem lul, this is not something impossible, this is perk like any other in this game imo.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Freddy is still an m1 killer so what if you run NOED? It's fair game IMO.

    Funny thing is survivors will tell you "don't cleanse against the plague!" which basically gives her NOED throughout the entire game but according to popular wisdom that's the best way to win against her. Oh yeah and she's weak.

    Micheal Myers basically has a built in NOED that occurs way before the end game if you run an infinite tier 3 addon. Actually it's much better than NOED since there isn't a totem survivors can cleanse to get rid of it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807


  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    So plague is unfairly super strong then if she runs play with your food? You can get 15% MS with that.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The way I think about is that survivors run second chance perks so I see it as fair game that a killer does the same. I don't run it myself unless I see it necessary. Also survivors can counter it by destroying all the totems which I always do.

    Dead hard can extend a chase massively if used at a good time. It can make you take bigger risks during looping which will loops last longer.

    DS can screw over a killer even if they aren't tunnelling. A survivor with ds active can just run a save a survivor off the hook, near an exit door with borrowed time and you will pretty much be screwed.

    Adrenaline can be very strong if used correctly and the Adrenaline save plays are annoying when they happen.

    Borrowed Time also can extend a chase, especially when it's near the end of the game and you really need a kill to slow down the gens.

    This doesn't even include old MoM or DS. However I do think noed needs a slight nerf. Ds can only be used once, dead hard can only be used once per chase and Adrenaline can only be used once. I think it should have a time limit of like 2 or 3 mins before running out. I just hate seeing a killer camp a survivor when the totem is close and getting rewarded for playing very bad.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    DS is anti tunnel, it's not a crutch anymore. If you feel like DS is a crutch then I suggest you don't tunnel.

    Adrenaline, yeah it's a crutch but it's the opposite of NOED, survivors have to do their objective and survive until the objective is complete to get their Adrenaline, NOED rewards killers for failing to protect the generators, which is unbalanced. Why should killers be rewarded for failing?

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    It isn't that "only bad killers run NOED," but NOED is often used to make up for a weakness, be it with the killer or with the player. A lot of times killers who are overly reliant on NOED chases one person the entire match and leads to little to no points for everyone. Camping killers also use NOED to get 1~2 more kills than the first. I think the last point is the biggest issue people have with it. It's honestly a nightmare when good killers run it. It ensures no one's getting out (except maybe by hatch), even if you by some miracle arrive to the end. It's overkill. It's a really strong perk.

    You can't really use Adrenaline to net you a victory where you wouldn't have gotten one. Anything survivor had that had the same affect has already been nerfed (MoM, DS).

    I'm by no means arguing for it to be nerfed. It's connected to totems and you can break all of them to deny the power. You can also break it after the fact. I think it's only an issue 'cause people don't play around the possibility of NOED. You get people grouping together, leading to easier downs, etc.

    Insta-heals are dumb. They need to be looked at imo. -w- I've seen someone suggest a heal over time, which I like the idea of. That way you can't just use it and take a hit to get further away.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    and this is why i cleanse dull totems.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    "I use Adrenaline and insta-heal Med-Kits because the Killer uses NOED."

    "I use NOED because the Survivors use Adrenaline and insta-heal Med-Kits."

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    NOED is the kind of perk cheap people pick, because they wouldn't know how to win without it. It should never have existed in the first place. I mostly play survivor, because I like to play the game with a friend, when we are both there. Yet, believe it or not, I have never used DS, MoM (even though I bought both DLCs) or Insta-heals. Some things just show a massive lack of skill, and killers have plenty more up their sleeve. Tunneling, camping, NOED, instadowns as the only means of hitting survivors (rarely do I see Myers, Billy or LF try to hit WITHOUT instadowns). Insta-heals should only affect downed survivors, IMO. Which means, you want to be the altruistic guy, you bring those and try to save someone downed (which would also reduce flashlights). Otherwise, wasted add-on slot. But that is not the only thing that needs to go, NOED being just one of the others.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    considering it's limitations it's not unfair.

    But yeah 15% extra MS will make a hell of a difference in a chase. So she is super strong so long as she can keep stacks of it.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,039


    I dislike NoeD from both a survivor and killer aspect. I think it's a cheap unearned perk. I admit it's a powerful and well designedish perk, but when I see a killer use it *no shot at anyone* its usually a bad killer who needs NoeD simply because they be bad and cant get the down normally. Usually as survivor the only time I encounter it is when the buddy and I have a crap team so we rush to gen rush.

    Though no one has no excuse not to do dull totems anymore simy due to the increase in BP.

    As a killer I dislike it simply because did I really win the game or get better if NoeD finishes the job? Not really. It does not actually help you improve. No shame to anyone who wants to use it that's just my thoughts.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    I've been starting to run NOED a lot lately. Mainly because I like to punish survivors for not doing totems, and the entertainment of them calling me a cheater, using crutches, a bad killer, blah, blah, higgity hoo blah! Running noed does not make you a bad killer. It was put in the game for a reason. Getting downed by noed makes your team bad survivors because you didn't take the time to cleanse totems. Noed is completely un-avoidable.Make your choice!

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    SWF with multiple instaheals doesn't really justify noed in most cases though...

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited July 2019

    Pretty much every bad killer runs NOED. Most use it because they fail to control and keep pressure consistently throughout the game. 9/10 killers who run NOED are bad at the game, I can guarantee you that. Insta Heals are for survivors who are not confident in their looping ability. Meaning they too are usually bad players. Also, there is nothing wrong with Adrenaline lol

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Dude, NOED is fun as hell to use, it's not just to get the W, it's because of how it feels when you use it at a cardiac endgame. Stop listening to potatoes who complain about killers using it, just enjoy the game and NOED till your last breath...

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    If you pipped you would have pipped using something else most likely. NOED isnt going to give you the win against good survivors. It is pretty weak against high rank survivors that are used to finding and squashing Ruin within the first minute of the game because they just do the same thing at the end. That one kill that you camped the hook for isnt going to do much for your score if you weren't playing good throughout the match. Even if they're stupidly altruistic and let you get a 3k you'll still depip if you didn't play good.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    @deadbyhitbox I must disagree... I've know several red ranks (you can count me in if you value purple ranks) qho use NOED for the thrill of the endgame, using NOED with Blood Warden is one the most satisfying things to do in DBD

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183
    edited July 2019

    since you don't like crutch perks I am going to assume you dnt run Adrenaline, dead hard, borrowed time or decisive strike

    I am also going to assume you don't play in an auto win SWF group, use insta heals or any flashlights

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Exactly why I said 9/10 people who use it are bad. The 1/10 to me uses it for builds and other stuff

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,039

    I've seen it give people wins who simply gen rushed without a thought. Also I dont use NoeD so not point in saying me. I'm just saying it's a good perk used by bad killers most of the time.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Play SWF, don't use Flashlights or insta heals cause I don't like bringing in items, I just stock them up.

    I run Adreanline (will admit it's a crutch)

    Run Dead hard (isn't a crutch because it doesn't work most of the time, thankfully I'm one of the ones that use it for distance ;3)

    DS isn't a crutch anymore (It's anti tunnel m8, if you're having problems with being DS'd at a hook then I suggest you don't grab them and you rather lunge and hit them then slug them)

    Borrowed is also anti tunnel (says a lot if you think anti tunnel perks are crutch perks)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,618

    Yes there is! It's called winning and getting salty messages.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,618

    So, I'm supposed to let the guy with DS unhook? Yeah, sure.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    No you misread it lmao, I said lunge and down them, not grab them off the unhook!!!

    Next time, READ!!!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,618

    Didn't respond to that message. Try not to be SO angry, kid.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    If you manage and remember who you downed and hooked recently then dealing with DS is no problem.

    DS is easy to deal with. Don't know why you guys are still complaining about it.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I had to deal with 4 insta heals while playing Huntress. So yeah, I know how you feel. I really wish players would stop trying to make the match so unfun for the other side (I try to adhere to this, but it can be tough sometimes).

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, survivors tend to deactivate it more than it should be... I don't use it because of that fact.

    As well as the fact that, well, good survivor teams will end up bullying the killer. Gen rushing is a problem, and one I think should be addressed. I wouldn't use NOED if I didn't feel that the gens get done too quickly. It's an evening of the odds.

    Then again, a lot of the time it's deactivated before I get a chance to use it, so... yeah...

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    Hard disagree on DS. I can't tell you how many times I've been hit with it after hooking someone else, downing the original person again from full health, only to still get hit with DS. Hell, half the time survivors use it offensively rather than as an anti-tunnel thing. Why should a killer get penalized for downing a survivor again during endgame? Should they be going for the healthy person when the gates are open? It's garbage design.

  • KormitLeFrag
    KormitLeFrag Member Posts: 14

    You can say "NOED isn't fun or fair to solo survivors". But who cares if the survs are having fun? Should just take NOED and E-Mori and tunnel with GF and teabag their corpses.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    But when survivors do the same to killers they ######### and whine that survivors are op.

    Two can play at that game pal