A Ping and Communication wheel system maybe for Survivors?

The Dev's said they wanted to bring Solo play in line with SWF. I think giving Survivors a way to Ping and highlight Objectives, Chests, Totems, Pallets, and Windows. Would be a good start and offer a Communication wheel with voice lines from the characters like. "Follow me, Split up, help me with this, It's here!, It's watching me!" I think making the ping system only highlight by default for 3 seconds and only work in a 16 meter range and the voice lines hear able from 12, 24 if hooked. Would be a nice way to handle this. Maybe some of the more useless perks could be re balanced around the ping system as well. Like Object of Obsession allowing you to ping killers or Vigil allowing you to keep things highlighted longer and ping fellow survivors so your team can see them.
But I want to discuss and talk about the idea of ways to bring SWF and Solo into a closer balance so they can start to work properly on balance between survivors as a whole and Killers as a whole.
What do you think of this idea and what are some of the possible problems with it we would have to work out?
Kind of like Identity V quick messages system? They could try it out.
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@DudeDelicious Sure can. But hardly something that allows every solo player to be on par with SWF is it? It is just a glowing beam of light with no context. Helpful only rarely.
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The biggest problem i see as far as balance is being able to communicate outside the game at all.
Unfortunately there is no way to stop it.
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@csandman1977 that is what I'm trying to fix with the idea. If solo gets on par with swf with comms then they can balance it around better