Sprint burst for killers?

Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

Hello everybody How is your day going? I was thinking, there are not much perks who allows the killer go faster. I know the killers are faster by default (except Nurse for obvious reasons) so I was thinking Do you think the killers needs a sprint burst perks or a side effect for some perks? Let's say PGTW

"After hooking a Survivor, the next Generator you break is instantly regressed by 25 %of its total progression. Normal Generator regression applies after the damage is done.

ADDED: When PGTW is active your speed is 10% /15% /20% faster until you break a generator or until the timer ends.

Pop Goes the Weasel is active for 40/50/60 seconds after the Survivor is hooked."

This is just an idea and I think is cool that killers have a way to move faster across the map.
