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RUIN: Seems broken? Am I wrong... or just you know... special...

So, I understand the perk 100% but I happened to be watching while repairing the other day and I noticed something.

It is at the highest level supposed to regress at the 5% if you attain a "GOOD" skillcheck.

So, I hit the good skillcheck then it took away the 5%... then it didn't repair at all for (4) seconds. As in, the bar did not move at all.

Like it took away the penalty 5% (repair bar moved backwards a small amount)... then didn't do anything for another 4 seconds... which basically equates to another 5% (Base 80 seconds to repair = 1.25% PER SECOND)

So... is it an error where it should say 10% or is this not working as intended?


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    That's working as intended. If you don't hit the great skillcheck = 5% regress.

    Also, if you don't hit the great skillcheck, there comes smoke out of the generator (like when you miss a skillcheck). As long as smoke comes out of the generator (which is a couple of seconds), there won't be progress added to the gen.

    So basically, as long as smoke comes out of the gen, stop repairing.

  • ThanksgivingTitty
    ThanksgivingTitty Member Posts: 26

    So, basically a 5% regress.. then it is broken for 4 seconds? As in unable to be repaired? Wonder why it doesn't say that. Then again I shouldn't really be surprised lol.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    1. Learn to hit great skill checks so you can ignore Ruin. Many people just do this.

    2. Look for and destroy Ruin. Many people do this and get it done roundstart.

    3. Do gens solo if you can't hit the skill checks. It might take on 25 extra seconds per gen or so, but the gens will get done

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    That hasn't to do with Ruin, it's a base mechanic. If you repair a gen without Ruin and you don't hit the skillcheck at all, you'll also have smoke coming out of the gen and can't continue to repair it for a couple of seconds.

  • ThanksgivingTitty
    ThanksgivingTitty Member Posts: 26

    I have noticed the smoke and perhaps the animation from being blown back is why I never noticed it. Makes sense when you put it that way... I just never really thought about failing the GREAT being the same as failing a normal.