Tinkerer buff??

I'm really new around here and I might be stepping in hot water since this is my first post, but I wanna express how I feel like Tinkerer needs a buff. Not a huge one but somebody to make it worth running.

I like the idea that it is about to inform you when a gen is done, but my problem is that when it goes off, there's almost no chance to reach it on time, especially if you're across the map tracking people down or in a chase. Even with a mobility killer, I often never find myself able to reach the gen on time and they scatter away. Though it gives me a direction of where to go, it almost feels like a waste of a perk since there are other perks that help track them when they finish a gen, like bitter murmur or rancor that show me which direction their going.

Honestly, I would want it to set off at 75%, giving me a better and less narrow chance of catching survivors before they finish a gen, allowing the killer to have more pressure on the survivors and keep them away.

Feel free to disagree, since this is just my view on it and honestly, might help me get a better insight on things. Thanks for reading.


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think that perk needs a whole overhaul. I didn't used to be like this. The only reason Tinkerer changed is because of how many addons that perk effected. (And the devs got lazy since they would have to code every addon to be different with tinkerer. The current tinkerer doesn't quite fit with billy as a character.)

    It used to reduce the charge time of killer abilities. This included:

    Wraith's disappearance.

    Billy Chainsaw.

    Hatchet charge up.

    Doc's Shock.

    Cannibal's Chainsaw.

    The list goes on...

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    I think the purpose of the perk is to scare survivors from completing gens, or to make them paranoid.

    A possible solution is to add an effect that makes generators emit a terror radius the more progress they have.

    This will introduce a mind-game for the survivors. Is it a fake terror radius or is it the real one?