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Have any of you experienced a TOXIC surv on your team?

So I was just in a game with this guy. From the beginning the surv did nothing but point at gens and move his head up and down.

Killer slugs him... mori's 2 people... then as you can see in the video the surv leads killer to the hook... unhooks then the killer mori's the surv that was unhooked.

Then of course the surv that I think was working with the killer teabags the dead surv. Then a few minutes of pointing to the hook to be killed and it is over.

WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS!!!? I knew they were wonky from the get because they did nothing but point and beckon.


  • ThanksgivingTitty
    ThanksgivingTitty Member Posts: 26

    I should also note I was the obsession and he tried for 2-3 minutes in the beginning to get me to follow him (probably was trying to lead me to my hook/unhook/mori)