Teabagged and DC The Spirit

So I am a survivor main, but I am changing other to killer now as I am rocking my spirit p3. I have all the perks and everything and I know the tricks what survivors do so I might just start maining Spirit.

Anyway I just want to ask killers, have you noticed when someone thinks there good and trying to loop them they do a cheeky teabag near a pallet. Well, survivor did this to me and at the same time he did that someone got the haunting ground lol I downed him and hooked him soon as I hooked him he quit.

So I just farmed with the others as its not fair on them 5 gens and there fellow teammate screws them over. As this happened to any of you?



  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    All the time i come across survivors who think they're the best and then DC when i down them for the first time. I don't farm in those situations because it's still a team game and their team decided to act all tough and quit. I had a situation where 2 people DC as soon as the map loaded in so i let them farm then.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited August 2019

    It never happens with me. I never play dumb (on purpose) and just farm happily with the survivors. They are MY playthings, I kill them in anyway I can

    Post edited by RoKrueger on
  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    edited August 2019

    Quite often, actually. When I mained Hag or ran my Wraith with the coxcombed clapper and the addon that made me have no terror radius when popping out of stealth it was VERY common.

    I understand that the Hag is a pain in the ass to play against and ninja wraith has the tendency to be “cheap,” but I had fun doing it.

  • Acanelo
    Acanelo Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2019

    Honestly, the more they teabag at you at the pallet, and the harder you outplay them, the chances of them DCing gets bigger. It’s a satisfying moment, especially if they haven’t even been hooked yet.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748


    I'd rather climb the ladder in MGS3 Snake Eater and be less bored than facing a Spirit.

    It's so boring how every time she gets next to you it's the same usual "I'll stand here and you have to guess where I'm going, yay, fun game"

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited August 2019

    Unfortunately shes way too fun to play though.

    Someone once described playing survivor vs killer as a game of chess, but Survivor vs Spirit is the Survivors flip coins while the Spirit plays Chess.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    That was also the problem with Legion.

    It wasn't fun to play against Old Legion but it was fun to play as Old Legion.

    However Legion has been changed but Spirit hasn't.

    Spirit needs a QoL change like Legion did, but make it less harsh than what Legion had. All I want changed is her flickering when she's chasing you and her "mindgame". Make the "mindgames" unique to Prayer Beads and allow survivors to hear her phase in the terror radius.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I actually didnt enjoy new or old Legion, but I feel the rework went to far. Rework the mending and chase mechanics, a addon, and a few other tweaks and they would of been fine as is. They were just prematurely beaten within a inch of life and rereleased into the wild.

    You know most of her mind games actually have small telltale signs if shes phasing or not honestly. Watch her hair it stands on attention when she starts to phase *her school girl and purple outfits have hair that help against this*, but you'll understand when you see it. She also is bugged again and shimmers while phasing. You can also hear her foot steps quite well when in phase. Her passive phasing in borderline pointless so dont focus on that. The suggestion of always hear her phasing is not a QoL change that's a full on nerf. If anything I would suggest reduction of terror radius, but then Monitor and Abuse will become god tier on her.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I really don't care about Spirit players and players' opinions of Spirit, I know how to counter her phase in chase when she's wearing a hair cosmetic where you see her physics reset, either they make this a thing for all her cosmetics or they change it.

    Spirit is the devs worst mistake, change my mind

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Dont need to or care to change your mind everyone's entitled to an opinion. You just suggest a nerf simply because your bad at reading a killer. They have made many mistakes across the years honestly. Spirit is no where near close enough to be the worst either. There are very few killers in DBD that can activly 4k a 4 man SwF sweat squad with coms. I see no reason to start nerfing or giving them bad QoL changes.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I never said I struggled as a whole to face Spirit, I just said she's boring to go against especially if she has different hair cosmetics, a killer that can beat a survivor at a loop 80% of the time is frankly stupid, there's no matter of skill involved for the survivor, the survivor could be the best in the game and it doesn't matter because that's the way Spirit is.

    And also, it's plain boring to go against a killer who every time they interact with you stand still and outplay you all the time with no counterplay involved.

    And there is no way they could nerf SWF without having to nerf Solo queue and Solo queue is a nightmare already especially at red ranks (one of the reasons being the killer I talked about above).

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I actually think Spirits are fun to play against they force a different style of play very few killers do that as is. Rarely do I see one actually being able to pull out the odds your proclaiming. Not that I'm saying there is not Spirits like that, but I highly doubt they are as common as you seem to suggest in your post.

    Standing still or not you say you know how to counter her, but your bringing up arguments that truly most people stated when she first came out and low rank people mention. People have adapted and learned counters. You state you know them so act like it.

    I never said to nerf SWF I play it a ton with friends and nerfing SWF is a guarenteed way to start the end of this game. I'm just stating why nerf a killer who's viable against those kinda groups when currently there is a very select few who could honestly stand a chance.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    You find Spirit's fun to play against? The #########?

    How can playing against a killer that pretty much counters your every move if played by a smart killer be considered fun? There's nothing more boring and infuriating when a Spirit downs you at a loop and then whilst she's carrying you all you hear is "Ha Ha Ha" in your ear. It's as if she can tell you're ######### mad.

    I just hate this killer, if they make her shut up with all her autistic sounds I might like her more otherwise she'll always stay my least favourite killer to go against.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Chaddad2169 I mean...she isn’t very fun to play against but she’s too fun to play as and people will continue to play her.

    You know HOW to play against her...you just choose to complain that she is boring to face. We all have killers we think are boring to face, I hate going against Billys. It’s the same ol’ getting reved in the back by a chainsaw and have a five second chase. Chases are short and boring unless you’re at a loop. I snooze against Billy.

    Killers SHOULD have the power role. Just because you can’t loop a Spirit like a Leatherface doesn’t mean she is OP. You have hair animations, footsteps, and other subtle signs to tell when she is phasing in your terror radius. Not to mention a LOUD whooshing outside of your terror radius. What else do you want? If you’re at a loop it is simple. Leave the loop. If you choose to keep playing the loop and get caught then that’s too damn bad.

    What are all of these horror stories with Spirit I hear anyways? I RARELY run into good Spirit players, they’re all hella boosted and can’t open their ears or follow scratches.

    We’re all entitled to our opinions but Spirit is fine how she is. The ONLY thing that needs a change is Prayer Beads. That is a stupid add-on.

    I pretty much agree with everything @Liruliniel said.

    By the way...old Legion is DBD’s biggest mistake. Change my mind.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Spirit doesn't play "mind games" she plays guessing games.

    Big difference.

    She lacks fun counterplay.

    By that I mean using your own mind to try and outplay the opponent. Walking and hoping isn't fun. It's frustrating.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited August 2019

    @CornChip A lot of killers lack “fun counterplay”

    I don’t particularly like getting shocked to an oblivion and hearing The Entity scream in my ear (ESPECIALLY when I am on a hook when I can’t do anything about it) until I snap out of it regardless if The Doctor is weak or not.

    I don’t like staying injured the entire match with Plague but that is probably the best strategy.

    I hate playing mending simulator.

    I don’t like when pallets mean nothing to a Nurse.

    I hate getting tiered up on and downed in one hit by Myers and Ghostface.

    Many killers aren’t exactly fun to play against or have fun counterplay.

    Good lord...if playing survivor is that frustrating to people then play killer. I hate to take a LONG break from playing survivor and now that I am playing survivor more frequently it is much more refreshing.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Billy is easy to deal with, I don't know what you mean?

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Lol I love those people.

    "Yeah you can't get me haha"


    "This game is trash, that was lag he didn't even get the hit" *dc

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    To you. To me Spirit isn’t all that challenging, but then again I played her frequently (I’m giving her a break, I’m getting a little tired of playing her).

    I’ve played Spirit so much that it’s not hard for me to put two and two together and know when she is and isn’t phasing.

    Maybe to YOU Billy is easy to deal with, but not for me. My worst matches are against a Billy.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    If you manage to get to a decent tile, he'll pretty much become an M1 killer.

    Billy is fun to play against

  • neacutie
    neacutie Member Posts: 48

    I only farmed with them as I felt sorry for them, I know I shouldn't as its still 3vs1 but hate scummy people who DC. When I play survivor if I am downed I never DC also if the lag is bad I just put up with it

  • neacutie
    neacutie Member Posts: 48

    That maybe so I love playing spirit but hate going against her. Still not right people DC just because its a Spirit. People DC all the time, like when I once got lerrys and we went against myers people DCing left right and centre. I just put up with it.

  • neacutie
    neacutie Member Posts: 48

    I love the hag shes great. Not many people like her or use her. But I have played as her in only a few games and enjoyed it.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I love a good farm but i won't reward survivors because 1 person is scummy. If a connection gets dropped for a real reason i'll farm because then they are being screwed by legit reasons. But survivors screwing other survivors shouldn't be rewarded since they've dug themselves into that hole.

  • neacutie
    neacutie Member Posts: 48

    I hate playing in SWFs I really enjoy solo. I actually prefer to play in solo I use to play swf most time when I first started which is a great mode for new players for there friends to help them.

  • neacutie
    neacutie Member Posts: 48

    This is so true did similar today against some toxic players slamming me with pallets then teabags me waiting for me to break the pallet so he can blind me.

  • neacutie
    neacutie Member Posts: 48

    I actual had fun playing against the old legion too. Yeah sometimes it was annoying the constant stabbing over and over lol I still need my adapt achievement for him can't get it as people still DC when I use him and I do not camp.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @neacutie People complain about DC’s yet when they face a Spirit they wanna DC then.

    The only time I won’t really blame somebody for a DC (other than a real-life scenario) is if they get Haddonfield as a basic M1 killer. That map is garbage for killer.

    But somebody justifying a DC because they don’t like the killer is pathetic. If they hate it THAT much then just ######### on the hook.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Before a long haitus, I was a Hag main. I enjoy playing little chess games with traps and catching people off guard. I prefer killers who have more “strategic value” over ones who are just “harrr I instadown you and win zzz.”

    That being said, I was also not a Hag who hooked someone and put 10 traps around them.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Ngl I hate survivors who"s sometimes when they tbag and when they get hooked it's hurr Durr Durr I'm going to DC to screw my teammates over and make sure the killer gets Less bloodpoints meaning they need to farm more.

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    Always a bad move on their part in my mind. Survivors that get cocky put unnecessary pressure on themselves to keep performing at that level. It's only a matter of time once they start tea bagging, because they seem to get easier to mindgame, it's like they know they're making a mistake. As soon as they screw up they will immediately take a hit in their confidence and their performance... The cocky ones always die the fastest after they've been downed once. It's the conservative/reserved ones that give me the hardest time.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I do because most Spirits are easy to play against. I used to play Spirit exclusively so I know all the subtle tells.

    Shes fun to go against because shes unique. Makes me play in a different way. That add variety and that makes a game fun. Just because you do poorly with her mindgames does not mean others do.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I main spirit, if you know how to use her people will DC all the time... Use the addon not to be heard when phasing and you'll get early game DCs...

    When I play survivor and a Spirit uses that addon it's fun AH to play against her, the scarejumps... God... The scare jumps...

    I use the school girl skin BTW, which one do you use?

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I didn't say everyone dealt with her mindgames poorly and for a fact I didn't say I deal with her mindgames poorly, I just find her plain and boring to go against because every killer runs after you while this one always stands still.

    It's just boring, doesn't mean I know how to play against her.

  • Sushi_x2099
    Sushi_x2099 Member Posts: 39

    freddy rework is more op than ever along with legion both killers i DC from the moment i see them at start of game wen i hav more fun playin killer since i just slug people and mess around in game

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited August 2019

    The difference is, with the exception of Nurse, when you get into a chase against Spirit, well, if she has basic tracking, then there's no chase. She phases and you die.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Exactly the problem, but apparently if it's fun for Spirit players then it shouldn't be changed. Smh

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    Frenzying as old Legion was fun and he got changed. The devs just haven't changed Spirit because the community keeps insisting that Spirit takes "skill", unlike old Legion.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Legion isn't op, and I've been on vacation so I still haven't played against rework Freddy yet, still got a week until then.

    Been enjoying my time in Florida 😂

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    All Spirit takes is basic tracking knowledge and a set of headphones.

    Apparently that's skill 😂

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    Yeah, I've only met one Survivor who actually gave me a challenge as Spirit. And it wasn't even because he knew how to confuse or juke me in chases; it was just because he was prestige Claudette levels of immersed the entire game.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    You get those kinds of players every once in a while. I believe Monto called out someone for doing that a while back in one of his videos. Said they'd loop you, flick there flashlight, and tbag, but would d/c or die on hook the second you caught them.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Nurse can be learned in a day.

    Spirit can be learned after 2 or 3 games.

    Top 2 killers in the game btw

    I just have fun as Hillbilly and Clown.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    You're going to see a lot of stupid crap as a killer main. try to enjoy it, and never show mercy unless it's an adorable baby dwight. Baby dwight always gets a pass in my games.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited August 2019

    What killer really takes skill though?

    It doesn’t take skill to shock survivors.

    Or vomit on survivors.

    Or throw bottles at survivors.

    Or stabbing survivors 30 times.

    Or stalking survivors.

    The only killer that takes actual skill is Huntress.

    Nurse requires muscle memory but once you learn where you can and can’t blink and how far your blinks go it is easy. I’m still not good with her though.

    Spirit takes tracking skills and being able to hear which some players severely lack.

    With Billy you have to know how to control the chainsaw but that is it.

    With Trapper and Hag you have to know where to place your traps and where survivors are gonna go but I wouldn’t really call that “skill”.

    The point is that this game isn’t made to be “skillful”. Only one MAYBE two killers require a lot of practice.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    you could hear her phasing in terror radius in the ptb, she was trash, she'd just be like every other killer but nurse, relying on survivor mistakes