The buff Kindred needs

*Note that this is operating under the assumption that the idea of current Kindred becoming base kit will not happen, so let’s leave that out of the discussion please.
- Current - When you are on the hook, all other survivors auras are revealed to each other. Also killer aura within 16m of the hook
- Buffed version - same as above, but now with an addition. Whenever any other survivor is hooked, YOU (not on hook) see the other survivors auras plus the killer aura still. So Kindred now activates any time someone is hooked, whether it’s you or not.
This makes the perk significantly more useful and appealing to solo players. Having to bring a perk that only activates when you are hooked, and also involves having to rely on potentially crap randoms to make use out of it, is very frustrating and makes it not worth bringing. With this buff, it becomes useful to you no matter who is hooked. If you are hooked, they see each other. If someone else is hooked, you see everyone.
I wonder what happened to the idea of Kindred becoming base kit for survivors?
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I've read somewhere that they scratched it.
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On one of the streams they said they weren’t going to do I think the alternative has to be to make it more useful.
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If you have the time, could you give me your thoughts on this? I don’t really see how it could be abused by SWF since they already have this info and wouldn’t run it, so unless I’m missing something it seems like a really nice perk boost for frustrated solos. Kindred only working when you are hooked makes it honestly not worth using ever, at least when compared to other more useful perks.I feel like I would definitely try to make room for this version though.
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Ain't a bad idea to make it more usefull outside of getting hooked.
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Exactly. Kindred is a perk for solo players, but it’s not even good enough to ever bring. Other than Deliverance, a perk only activating when you are hooked doesn’t exactly scream “use me!”, especially when that use is totally reliant on random teammates. It needs to serve an additional purpose like this to become more valuable.
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I use Kindred in the case of campers, so anything that hurts a campers ability to camp, whether its me or an ally, will be great for the perk.
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Yes, it’s definitely annoying and rather weak though to only have it work when you are being camped...seems silly. By having it work both ways, it becomes legit info for a solo survivor vs campers. You’re camped, they see it. Someone else is camped, you see it...or at the very least you’ll know not to go in for a save if someone else is already going, which definitely hurts the camper. With the current version not becoming base, it’s obvious they need to really buff it then...especially with the talk of trying to push solo and SWF closer together. This a perk that only solo players use.
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If Kindred deserves a buff - since its transformation into a feature is unfortunately not desired - this one seems too powerful. The huge advantage (seeing the killer as long as someone is hooked) is far too big to save him.
Losing a benefit by doing a good deed is not the best idea.
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I could see swf abusing this perk by the person hooked telling you were the killers is at all times it’s like A a OOO OBJECT OF OBSESSIONS BUT KILLER DOSNT GET ANY BENNFITS
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Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about. Where in this does it say the hooked survivor can see the killer at all times?!
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The way it’s worded sounds like it
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Not at all. It very clearly states that when any other survivor is hooked, you (with Kindred) still get the benefits of the perk...meaning you see the other survivors and the killers aura. Nowhere does it say the hooked survivor sees the killer at all times on the map. I don’t know how you came up with that, and it wouldn’t even make sense.
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Well then it would be YOU whoch tells everything to your buddies on discord. Not much a difference in terms of swf-communication.
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except it's only when they're 16 meters near the hook. it's still not OoO, just Mini-Kindred specifically for you
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ITS STILL ONLY THE 16M. So I’m telling my buddies on discord the killer is camping? If I have buddies on discord playing, the guy on the hook would be telling everyone the killer is standing there lol. SWF don’t need or use Kindred.
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Yep, I don’t know where people are getting this idea that you can see the killer anywhere on the map, nowhere that I can see is it even remotely worded like that!
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If kindred worked the other way around where you'd get the information people would use it but because it only currently benefits other people and not you, it's barely used.
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I was thinking about that also....I agree. People don’t want to use a perk thats 100% reliant on other people making use of info, they would rather have the info themselves and decide how to use it.
Do you think my idea, where it involves having both the current version plus the other way around, is too strong? Because it’s a solo perk, I really don’t think so. It would be a great perk this way.
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I think it would be enough if the effect was reversed.
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Yeah, I could see that. I would definitely be more likely to use it if I had the information for myself. Also would be used way more throughout the game since you could have it for multiple hooks of the other survivors, as opposed to just your own 2 hooks.
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They actually gave Kindred the buff it needed! Lol
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Well, this perk is more designed for other teammates more than just you. Same thing with BT. It's a perk that gives you no benefit, but helps the team. I think it's fine, as most high level players will be able to take the information and use it to the best possible outcome... but you're right, it is overshadowed by SWF coordination.
I think it's fine, but I may be among the minority here.
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Makes me wonder why a lot of high ranks used BT then... Not just because of SWFs.
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Maybe I’m misinterpreting, but it sounds like you might be unaware Kindred just got buffed in the PTB to what my suggestion a few months ago was? This is an old thread. Granted I’m not saying they did it cause of my post, i have no idea if others suggested it before me, but it’s still fun to see an idea you wanted actually implemented. I just bumped it for fun.
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Ah, I see.