Share your best post game salt messages

As killers, we know all too well that its NEVER the survivors skill level (or lack thereof) to blame for their demise lol! Well have all at one point or another received that lovely "new message" notification at the end of a match and open it to find a nice hefty dose of salt. I've had messages calling me everything in the book, and I've also received messages when survivors whoop my ads as well lol it's always entertaining to see what people come up with. Share your best salt stories and screenshots ❤


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Lately I had quite some fun trashtalking with the solo players about the 3 man SWF who got completely rekt by throwing each other at the hook :wink:

  • Why_Are_You_Salty
    Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138

    @RuneStarr said:
    Got called garbage for using my killers ability because Myers can go into ew3 and 1 hit down people. I only hit EW3 2x that match (Delete Swamp when?)

    Fun fact. Ran into the same person a month later (they were killer), they played a facecamping LF. I died laughing at the irony.

    Edit : Spelling is hard apparently.

    same thing happened to me about 1-2 months back I was playing Myers and saved my EW and popped tier 3 when I was on someone and one of the people dc'd because I popped EW on them and then messaged me afterwards saying that I'm trash and rely on insta downs, but I never found them again. Best part was I had no perks.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @RuneStarr said:
    Got called garbage for using my killers ability because Myers can go into ew3 and 1 hit down people. I only hit EW3 2x that match (Delete Swamp when?)

    Fun fact. Ran into the same person a month later (they were killer), they played a facecamping LF. I died laughing at the irony.

    Edit : Spelling is hard apparently.

    Lol I am in love with the pic u put into that message 😹😹 and ofcorse they have to put the blame ANYWHERE but on themselves... Seeing them after the fact facecamping tho, satisfaction level: EPIC

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    Just a few I've had lol

  • I don't have it saved yet one time after I 4k a SWF. the guy with the flashlight said " I BEAT YOUR ASS WITH THE FLASHLIGHT, YOU'RE TRASH. I AM THE REAL WINNER HERE" then his friends and him tried to add me on steam, attempting to harass me.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    " You are the biggest goddamned cheater I have ever met, you are absolutely pathetic and you must've been hacking for months"

    All this because I beat a team as Leatherface at rank 1

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @MrChills said:
    I don't have it saved yet one time after I 4k a SWF. the guy with the flashlight said " I BEAT YOUR ASS WITH THE FLASHLIGHT, YOU'RE TRASH. I AM THE REAL WINNER HERE" then his friends and him tried to add me on steam, attempting to harass me.

    People who have to specifically mention their win typically don't win very often, so its a huge deal for them when they actually manage to 😂, the attempt to add you on steam with their little buddy was low tho. Some people have nothing else to live for than to sit behind the safety of their keyboard and talk #########...

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @IronWolf115 said:
    " You are the biggest goddamned cheater I have ever met, you are absolutely pathetic and you must've been hacking for months"

    All this because I beat a team as Leatherface at rank 1

    The salt just adds to the flavor of victory doesn't it? Lol

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I forgot to screens hot my y last match but as Pig wasn't even trying on swamp really just going for daily. The 2nd sac'd person flamed me saying I needed to try harder and not be such a bad killer along with tons of other insults. I responded coreboard i still downed you 3x and sac'd you and didn't even camp doing it. I also managed to down the other 3 repeatedly to boot.

    The funniest thing was i was having such a good time at start I had Jaws music playing in my mind while stalking. The salt at end just made it better. That and I scored more points than the jerk to boot lol

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    My favorite so far was "Wraith is OP, play a killer we can see."
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Baphomett said:
    My favorite so far was "Wraith is OP, play a killer we can see."

    Then you play Freddy lol.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    My first win was a Billy game where I was called a racial slur and told that I should have been aborted. Good times.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Baphomett @powerbats
    We killers are insane and terrible for expecting to have a successful and overall good game on our end aren't we? Lmao the survivors seem to forget that they knew what they were getting into when they played a "kill, be killed, or escape" kind of game. The excuses the try to give to deflect from their ability to escape has been and continues to be beyond amusing! As killers we get ######### whether we succeed or fail! If we don't do well we're garbage, if we do we're campers or whatever tired ass rhetoric they can come up with to convince themselves they were robbed of a win rather than face the fact that they just didn't do as well as they should have. Killing is its own reward regardless, and the salt will forever be a confirmation of our ability to successfully carry out our objective lol so let's continue to do so with a smile and thank the ones who give recognition by offering up some salt!

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @powerbats said:

    @Baphomett said:
    My favorite so far was "Wraith is OP, play a killer we can see."

    Then you play Freddy lol.

    👆This guy gets it lmao

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Techn0 said:
    My first win was a Billy game where I was called a racial slur and told that I should have been aborted. Good times.

    Just another badge to proudly wear on the badassery belt, their ignorance is a result of being forced to accept that YOU came out on top... And by calling you a racial slur they put their foot in their mouth for having been destroyed by what they hate lol double win for you... They even insulted themselves FOR you in the process lmao

  • @ShesArebel88 said:

    @MrChills said:
    I don't have it saved yet one time after I 4k a SWF. the guy with the flashlight said " I BEAT YOUR ASS WITH THE FLASHLIGHT, YOU'RE TRASH. I AM THE REAL WINNER HERE" then his friends and him tried to add me on steam, attempting to harass me.

    People who have to specifically mention their win typically don't win very often, so its a huge deal for them when they actually manage to 😂, the attempt to add you on steam with their little buddy was low tho. Some people have nothing else to live for than to sit behind the safety of their keyboard and talk #########...

    Oh, i got rage friend requests all of the time because I main the doctor.It is endless. I go in the game and most of the time ######### people then i get hate after hate. i tell people, get maddness 1 as soon as possible and your fine from there.

  • kevinb420
    kevinb420 Member Posts: 32

    I’ve been told to kill myself before lol I just laugh it off and send a heart back.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    That's the best way to handle it Lol