Dead Hard is the 2nd worst exhaustion perk in the game. Change my mind.

Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

The worst one being head on since it's too situational and thus more of a "fun perk".

Anyways: Dead Hard is often considered the exhaustion perk for elite players as it allows you to ignore 1 hit and get a tiny bit of distance increasing your chances of reaching a pallet or window which is coming in handy whilst looping.

Many times people will be like "omfg I JUST made it to that pallet/window! Such a close call! DEFINITELY the best exhaustion perk in the game!"

But have you ever wondered WHY it was a close call in the first place? More often than not you will get hit AND BARELY make it to the pallet or window BECAUSE you didn't have a speed granting exhaustion perk during your chase giving you actual distance to the killer.

So basically dead hard merely compensates the mistake you made by picking dead hard instead of a "proper" exhaustion perk - if you use/time it correctly that is.

Not to mention it's (often) worthless against instadown killers as you have to be injured to use it.

Also experienced killers will typically WAIT for you to use it further decreasing your chances to get ANYTHING out of it.


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Dead Hard has allowed me to loop the ######### out of Killers, hard. I loop them around a while and then get hit, now I'm looping and then Dead Hard into a pallet and stun them, now they have to chase me for a 3rd time to get me down.

    In my eyes, Sprint Burst is the worst Exhaustion perk. All it does is give you a little bit of distance between you and the Killer before the chase actually starts, after that it is all you. Also it requires you to walk everywhere or use a second slot for Urban Evasion. I had a match with 3 Survivors with SB and I only noticed 1 of them had it because he was using it the smart way with waiting and then running. Another Survivor actually had Urban to go wit it but she was a stalker and could not keep her hands off me so wherever I went I saw her sneaking close by and smacked her, completely wasting her ability. Flashlights make Survivors weird.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    Dead Hard is pretty awesome though when you have a killer chasing you, and use it to cover distance around a hole or something and the killer falls in the hole while you're still above him. I do feel like Lithe is better. Sprint Burst is worse than DH imo though.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    There are some cheeky plays you can pull off with it that you couldn't otherwise, like Dead Harding over a Trapper trap, dodging a hit straight off the hook, escaping the basement, etc. It's power increases with the skill of the player, and it just feels good to dodge a hit with it. Also, it's extremely good against Nurse and Huntress imo.

    Balanced Landing and Lithe are definitely more consistent, though.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    So because the survivors didn't have any idea how to use SB its bad and since the killer didn't know how I counter DH its God tier? I don't follow the logic i can't count how many times SB has saved my life and the only requirement to use it is not being exhausted that opens so many plays oh killer coming to your gen? Sprint burst now the killer is checking the 15m around the gen for a ghost. Killer chain you now because you used SB then went back to the same gen and got the exhaustion to 99%? Well time to stop running for half a second then disappear into a cloud of dust

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    head on is actually god tier, therefore this argument is invalid

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    After thinking about it thoroughly I kinda want to say all exhaustion perks benefit different types of players.

    Dead Hard for wall hugging pallet loopers

    Balanced Landing for building loopers

    Sprint Burst for structure routers (people who tend to skip a pallet and run away from loops unexpectedly after breaking line of sight)

    Lithe for people who like ninja builds (lithe, dance with me, quick and quiet, lightweight)

    Head On for meme gods

    Personally I perform best with Sprint Burst. I've just had a 4 gen chase without a break AND escaped against a rank 3 Freddy (solo). That guy lost a rank because of that game and "reported me" without naming a reason. The salt was real.

    Total chase time during that game was about 5 minutes. Craziest game I've had in a long time. I would like to upload that game on YT but don't want people to see my gamertag.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    The best exhaustion perk is sprint burst on demand, but since that was a mistake its place is taken by dead hard. Dead hard is just like old decisive, if used in open space it extend the chase for few seconds, but if used to dash over a pallet and "win the loop", then boi, you're gonna have some more loops. Plus using dead hard this way rarely has a counter, other than having bad internet and hitting as the pallet goes down.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    Uhhhh... this bait?

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I did admit different exhaustion perks appear to work better for different volks. Dead Hard seems to be the wall hugging pallet looper's choice whereas I consistently fare better with sprint burst as I prefer gaining maximum distance by continuously breaking line of sight.

    Not trying to bait by any means.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    As I was complaining about Sprint Burst and defending Dead Hard I was coming to the same conclusion, they all benefit a particular play style. @TrueKn1ghtmar3 was defending SB like I was for DH and brought up a valid point about his preferred perk which basically says what you were saying Yamaoka, different Exhaust perks for different styles. Hmm, I can sense a video guide on Exhaustion perks coming, not from me though.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lmao i thought about streaming so i might volunteer for that one

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Because a mind unable to change is doomed to fail if someone can provide points that change your mind then you are better for it

  • AWesley91
    AWesley91 Member Posts: 151

    Dead hard means you are planning to take a hit and keep running as long as possible...

    Sprint burst means you want to get away before the killer can hit you. SB all the way.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I don't personally use exaustion perks anymore but dead hard benefits good loopers most. It is used to reach a pallet or a window and continue looping the killer at some good spots, wasting his/her time.

    Like you I prefered SB even tho I had to walk around sometimes to save it but eventually I ditched exaustion perks completely.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    DH is better the better you are at looping because it lets you extend the loop to almost double time

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Dead hard has a higher skill cap and is useful in more situations than Sprint Burst.

    Also, you have to walk everywhere with SB which wastes valuable time that survivors have before they are killed.

    Dead hard all the way

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Dead Hard is one of the best exhaustion perks on PC.

    Just watch the pros on twitch show you how great the perk is.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Can't really agree there. Sprint Burst has just as much of a "skill ceiling" as Dead Hard as you have to learn:

    - how (and when) to use it to bait a hit without getting hit (I often do use it to bait a hit so an injured teammate can get away).

    - when and how to effectively 99 it allowing you to run everywhere.

    - where to Sprint Burst to in order to get the most out of it. I've seen many people literally run to the first pallet in sight basically wasting Sprint Burst completely even though it gives you a solid head start of 18 meters.

    - how to use it to 360 a killer and quickly finish a 99% gen (I did this many times against Hillbillies charging their chainsaw).

    I used Dead Hard for like half a year myself. I know it can be used to extend loops and it does feel satisfying if it allows you to make it to that vault or pallet but overall I just think Sprint Burst is more versatile and more consistent especially since killers can't just "wait" for you to use it making it useless many times.

    Here's one of my recent survivor games with Sprint Burst against new Freddy (rank 3 p3). Take a look at the end of my 4 gen chase. He was about to carry me to the basement and Sprint Burst literally allowed me to zoom all the way away to the main building eventually allowing me to escape pretty easily.

    What would Dead Hard be good for in that situation? The gate was literally on the other side of the map...

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Dead hard is literally the same on console... Why the elitism always?

    @Yamaoka I agree that it definitely depends on play styles, dead hard has always served me best.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I think this sums it up there is no “best,” perk just what improves your play best. I don’t loop well so DH usually buys me like 5 extra seconds. But the stagger reduction of Balanced has been huge.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    Sprint burst is a good perk. There are SOME situations where it outshines any other exhaustion perk. A good example is the video you have posted. It also allows you to work on unsafe generators where there are no pallets or windows nearby. 

    However, Dead hard is just better in my opinion. It grants you a second life if used correctly. It is the best perk against the nurse (which is the most used killer in red ranks). It allows you to be greedy with pallets (which is good for people that look at pallets as a limited resources that need to be conserved). When you mess up during a mind game, it grants you a second chance which is a big deal if you are a good looper. 

    Generally when we say, it allows you to make it to a pallet, we don't mean at the beginning of the chase but DURING a chase. Usually good survivors keep themselves in a good position most of the time and therefore they don't need an exhaustion perk in order to make it to a safe spot.

    At the end, it is a matter of preferences and the best exhaustion perk depends on your play style. But dead hard is definitely not the second worst exhaustion perk. It is one of the most used perks in red ranks for a reason. Personally, I think it is the second best survivor perk after adrenaline.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Sure there may be MUCH more uses for SB than DH, but you have to WALK everywhere so you don't use it.

    That's why I dislike SB, because it wastes a lot of time getting to objectives

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    @GrootDude I'm just pointing out that from my experience on PC, Dead Hard is one of the better exhaustion perks.

    I've played against really good survivors who have used the perk to its full potential.

  • The_Sharp_Ninja
    The_Sharp_Ninja Member Posts: 39


    He has a point. It would take forever to get around the map. It is true that Dead Hard is situational though, so that is usually why you will see people running Balanced Landing since you can run all you want, and if you can get to a high place and hit the ground in time, you can run far. Plus, it's effect of eliminating the fall stun where it would normally stop you for a second without BL works all the time, and not just when you get the speed boost.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172


    "But have you ever wondered WHY it was a close call in the first place? More often than not you will get hit AND BARELY make it to the pallet or window BECAUSE you didn't have a speed granting exhaustion perk during your chase giving you actual distance to the killer."

    -Debatable, since you cannot run without triggering SB you may have had it on cooldown from running prior to ever being in a case thus SB limits your map pressure because you need to conserve its activation time. For this reason you may actually be hurting your overall match gen performance/hook saving.

    -Also Lithe requires a pallet or window to activate and unless you can get to them the perk won't exactly help you.

    The reason so many "elite" players prefer Dead Hard is because they don't get caught out in these situations and if they do it is often only a small second chance they need to get themselves back on a proper track, something they have complete control over with Dead Hard vs another exhaustion perk.

    Now to an average player I would not recommend using Dead Hard because more often then not you will get better use from other exhaustion perks because you will most likely get caught out of position. So depending on what caliber of player we are talking about Dead Hard IS the best exhaustion perk.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,119

    I mean if OP is suggesting dead hard gets 2 charges I'm not going to say no to it huehuehuehue