Is it just me being a troll or are survivor mains...

The biggest crybabies since split screen shooters with your significantly younger sibling.

Its every game... xbox msg notification "You POS camping + Tunneling L2P" from atleast 1 survivor who window looped me for 2 minutes before his team got him off the hook while im kicking a gen inside my TR... ######### am I suppose to do to make them happy? Ignore it, let them heal and get away with 3 gens in 5mins??

I love Wraith, but I get guilted out of playing him from all the salt in my inbox, accused every game of camping invis when im not.. As for tunnelling, i run sloppy butcher and blood hound sooooo.. What am I suppose to do lol? Ignore the red glowing trail to avoid tears in my mail.

Vent over, I guess im just scum because Im double pipping against rank 3-8 party chats as wraith


  • Feycromancer
    Feycromancer Member Posts: 19

    Mostly looking for support, I might be a badguy but im not a bad guy

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Just ignore them, if you pipped then you played as you should've, enjoy the salt of the unfaithful!

    If you know you didn't camp nor tunneled and it was more them messing up just don't take it personal. Keep up the good moris and may the entity be with you.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Could be a platform thing, because i play almost as much survivor as killer and never got that as for the killer who talked about reporting you they could have been getting heated all morning by survivors and saw your extension of GG as an under handed way of saying "newb i looped you for all the gens and now youre a failure." As it has happened to me but it wasn't as innocent as a gg. rule of thumb if you completely destroy someone "gg" can be seen as a very mocking comment.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862
    edited August 2019

    they are not empty acusations after all, a 2 min chase isnt great for anyone(and will be considered tunnel), and while the camping part is debatable (as it looks they didnt wait for you to leave) is kinda hard to really tell theyre not right (not completely right but not wrong)

  • MajorSyn
    MajorSyn Member Posts: 27

    For me, I only get mad at a killer when they don't gen patrol and instead hook patrol when they have survivors on the hook. If a killer stays within heartbeat on a hook survivor, they are scum. (except for perks that widen the range and some rare cases) [I should state that if a team gen locks themselves, the killer is not camping if all three gens are in sight. That is just called stupid survivors.]

    If a killer hooks me, rushes somewhere else, I get unhooked and they immediately rush back and go for me instead of whoever saved me, that is what I consider tunneling.

    If you chase a survivor for two minutes, that is not tunneling, that is them looping you. You have every right to go for them and knock them down and hook.

    I tend to get into games (I am rank 8) with killers who just stand in front of the first person they hook. One ghost face hooked me this morning, walked a circle around the boulder I was next to, and proceeded to walk backwards keeping an eye out if anyone attempted to rescue me. How can people expect it to be ANY fun if you need to play it so cheap?

    -Love, your friendly survivor main.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Why are you trying to "make them happy" in the first place? Survivors don't care about you so why should you care about their opinion of you? You're just a bot and a pip to them. Your job is to kill. Unless you're trying to make friends, to hell with how you get the job done.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    Yes, ignore them. Their immature toxic messages mean nothing, nor should you even remotely care what they think of you. It's entirely irrelevant noise and nothing more. Play the game how YOU want, not how they want.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    I dont get salty with killers a majority of the time but today was a first. This doc had ran a good game. He killed of 2 people really fast and me and a nea got 4 gens done just the 2 of us. He got her chased me I lost him saved her almost finished the last gen, but she was caught dang it. I run off heal and then the hatch is closed. Thats ok ik hes got me at the gates they are side by side so I just run up to him to give him the win. He earned it after all. He refused to hit me so I went to the gate. He kept zapping me to run the timer, and then snatched me off before I finished. Ok kool games gunna end. Nope put me on the ground and danced on and around me til the timer was done. Just thought wow how rude do you gotta be to sit there and gloat until the timers done. I block and reported him, but just couldnt imagine going out of my way to be a jerk to someone. I hadnt looped, butt danced, blinded, or fast save. I just didnt run into him alot. Next game a survivor bodyblocks me against a gen. Is there any hope for this game cause I cant see myself buying it before game pass drops it.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I had a Meg pop off on me as Hag for supposedly "Camping" her for placing traps at hooks and teleporting back to them when they were triggered.

    I didn't tunnel anyone either and my perks weren't meta (At least on Hag).

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443
    edited August 2019

    I am a survivor main (play like 70% survivor and 30% killer) and it came to a point where I almost feel ashamed to be one.

    There are so many toxic and salty people out there, who just try to make the killers feel bad. I know there are also toxic killers, but in my experience not even half as much than on the survivor side.

    I main Nea and often use her pink hair and fitting cosmetics, just because I like the way they look. It happened a few times that I got killed during a trial and said things like "gg / hf / have a nice day" in the chat, because I still had fun, because the killer played fair and I meant it by heart. But the killers thought I'd just troll them and got mad.

    And I can totally understand why they think that. And it makes me so sad when I think about that there are people, who got "bullied" so much by other survivors that they can't even believe you when you say something nice.

    I have experienced that on my own, but I learned to ignore it and to still believe that there are people who play just for fun.

    Don't give a damn what the are saying. Make your own rules how you like to play, what brings you fun.

    When I play killer, I always try to play fair (go for the unhooker instead of the unhooked one, go away from the hook, etc), but still get called a tunneler, when the unhooked person basically runs into me 3 minutes later, still injured. Or a camper, when they literally unhook 3 seconds after I hooked the person without a chance to even go away and find someone else. It just is like that. But I won't change my playstyle because of some crybabies who play without using their brain. I made my own rules and stick to them, concerning both sides to have fun and get some points. If they still cry in chat because of their own faults, I don't even waste the time to reply.

    Just keep in mind that there still are some nice, non-toxic survivors (even when they use these "toxic cosmetics"), who play to have fun and a good time with all players (teammates an killer)! Don't let the real toxic ones ruin the game for you.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    It's simple - in after game chat survivors tend to be cry babies and get it out of their system cause there is an echo chamber built in with other survivors present, but In forums killers tend to be the cry babies to get it out of their system.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I get called a camper and a tunneler even when I run to the other side of the map, run into the unhooked survivor and PURPOSEFULLY ignore him.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Ya know, at one point when I played this game, I stupidly adhered to their little rules. Then I quit for a few months and now have recently returned.

    Do you know how much I care for their little rules now? Zero. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

    There are no in game rules explicitly saying that I cannot tunnel or camp. While I prefer not to, I will do what I must to succeed in the game. If people want to d/c out of frustration or having hissy fits, that’s on them. Killers need to set the tone of the game, NOT the survivors.

    Until behavior bans the garbage they cry about, I am free to do as I please.

  • Sunshinepancake
    Sunshinepancake Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2019

    I'm a survivor main and while it's true that most get salty when a killer camps on them, I can kinda get where they're coming from. I have been camped on a good few times and it is frustrating and bs. It leaves no openings available to save fellow survivors from the hook, but I dont go out of my way to message them and cuss them out. I try to have a good time and not let it bother me so much. Some survivors I've played with are such babies. They disconnect before they're sacrificed. Or if I'm unable to get to them on time, they message me saying I let them die or some #########. They should really just deal with the fact that they're gonna be sacrificed and let the killer get their blood points. I bet if they played as a killer they'd most likely camp too.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    And then us survivor mains are meant to play along, and when we don't, we are considered crybabies. The mindset of people that main killer and only play survivor for dailies is astonishing. Play the other side before you complain that one side is OP or handicapped.

    I'm a survivor main and also play killer quite a lot (I only actually play survivor when I have friends because randoms are #########, when I don't have friends to play with I play killer) and I must say, BOTH sides have unfair perks (mostly killers) and add ons (both sides are guilty for this).

    Killers have perks like NOED, compare NOED to Adrenaline. Both are compared and complained about, NOED and Adrenaline both activate after the gates have been powered (aka 5 gens being done), Adrenaline heals the survivor ONE health state and gives them haste (150% MS) for 5 seconds. NOED grants the killer the exposed status effect and 4% MS (at tier 3). Both are complained about. It's a never ending process.

    It's the same with insta heals and mori's.

    Imo the purple insta heal and green and yellow mori's are fine.

    The problem is Ebony mori's and Syringes.

    Both are easily the most unfair game changing things in the game.

    One heals a survivor completely to healthy if they're in the dying state and the other allows you to instantly wipe out the whole team if everyone has been hooked at least once.

    I think I speak for most of the playerbase when I say Ebony mori's and Syringes should be nerfed or completely revamped.

    After that it only really leads to OP killer specific add ons.

    The only ones I should note are the following:

    Omega blink and 5 blinks (Nurse)

    Prayer Beads and (to a few) Mother- Daughter ring (Spirit 😑)

    Iridescent head (Huntress (although it still requires some skill to pull of the hatchet hit).

    Insta saw (I hear a lot of complaints about this one on Hillbilly, not so much for Bubba)

    Iridescent King (to some salty survivor mains who don't like their exhaustion being removed) (Doctor).

    And old Frank's mix tape and Cold Dirt combo (Legion) which has since been removed (thankfully).

    In short, both sides have VERY strong abilities, it's just the people who use them are what makes it a problem.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231
  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35
    edited August 2019

    I'm really a survivor main but do play some killer, and I try my best to not tunnel or camp because it's not fun. Being tunneled and camped makes me want to die and I want the survivors I play against to have fun. If I don't get a 4k, oh well, try better next time. I'm not good at killer at all as well so I'm obviously in green ranks, so the survs I go against aren't always the best, but I still want to make sure they have fun. Unless they teabag, then I don't care what happens to them.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Wherever there is an audience, someone will get on stage.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    You can report that for grieving. I hope you did. ######### players like that don't even deserve access to the internet.

  • blurmcclure18
    blurmcclure18 Member Posts: 12

    @Feycromancer I believe there is an option in your Xbox settings that will allow you to disable message's from non-friends, there is also a feature on PC that I am not sure if it is on console that will let you hide the end game chat window.

    Hiding that chat window has literally added years to my life, not that I don't want to say gg but it is not worth all the salt and honestly harassing messages you get after a game. I know there are good survivors out there that say gg and even compliment the killer on their play, I commend you for your actions but you sadly are the minority.

  • Eesane
    Eesane Member Posts: 27

    Some people get upset when they loose. Block getting messages from strangers and play who you want how you want.

    Playing mostly survivor I get salt from other survivors at times because I let them die. Sorry but if you're being camped by a leatherface in the basement there is a 0 chance of me saving you even with borrowed time. I play the game how I want, as do most people.