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Exhaustion perks.

Promissed post about all the exhaustion perks. Description was taken from dbd gamepedia. "Exhaustion perks" means, that those perks will apply Exhaustion status on being used, for sure. Also, i ll touch some Exhaustion Related perk, and some addons.

Exhaustion perks

Sprint Burst

When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

Sprint burst... Well, its mostly OK perk for new players, that are trying to be stealthy and immersed. It raising the distance between survivor and killer (roughly said) on 4.8 (4.2, if killer is 115% one) meters, while killer is on you, OR close up to a 18 meters in 3 seconds. But, the biggest con with SB is that you should always walk, instead of running. That makes you slow asf (2.56m/s is walk speed btw), and you are wasting a lot more time than usual. Also, there is a meta, on 99% the Exhaust status, to keep your sprint for better time. Imo, doesnt really worth the slot. Next one.

Balanced Landing

When Balanced Landing is active, stagger effects from long falls are reduced by 75%. Upon landing start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

Very useful perk, which advantages are quite useless on 30% of maps. Such maps as Lery, or the most of Autohaven maps have only 1-3 spots, where you could pop it. Otherwise, really good one. Cutting off the stun is a great thing. On Haddonfield, almost every house could be a really good loop, if you use BL. Great perk, that really worth the slot. Next one.


After performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Lithe cannot be used while Exhausted.

Quite good perk, that could be used im pait with Dance With Me, or Q&Q, for ma profit. After buff, really useful on every map, that doesnt lack on windows (criesinshelterwoods). Also, may be used on pallets. But it doesnt have any side effects, as BL does. Anyway, still very good perk.

Dead hard

Activate-able Perk. You can take a beating. When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage. Press the button while running to dash forward. During the dash, you avoid damage. Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Dead Hard cannot be used while Exhausted.

Can tell you about this perk almost nothing. Its easily predictable, avoidable, with just a longer lunge. The only profit that i may see - its an active perk, so you could use it anytime, when you want. It may help on some loops, when you cant reach the pallet in time. Otherwise... Cant tell you, make decision on your own. Also its VERY pendent on ping, cause immune timer is 0.5 seconds only.

Head On

When your mind is set, there better be no one standing in your way. While standing in a Locker for 3 seconds, Head On activates. While Head On is activated, performing a rushed action to leave a Locker stuns the Killer for 3 seconds if they are standing within range. Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Head On cannot be used while Exhausted.

Here we go... Head on is useless for solo, or for serious gameplay. Stunning killer out of locker serves no purpose. Also, stun itself is very broken, it may dont even pop up. Also, its very predictable. 'There is no reason, you are gonna enter the locker in mid chase,unless you have Head On', on killer mind. But you know, Head on may be Fun as Meme perk. So, its like that: You aint gonna take Head On for serious match, but you MAY take it for Memes.

Thats all about some of the perks. But there is one "related" to exhaustion.


You look over your friends even in dire situations. You and your allies within 8 metres of range recover from Exhausted, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered and BlindnessStatus Effects10/15/20 % faster. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

Yeah, i should cover this one too. At current statement, Vigil is almost useless. There is no way, that those 8/12 seconds gonna change something. Unlike Wake Up, that affects gate timer and cuts up to 16 meters distance, Vigil is just... useless? Cause if you want to get rid or exhaustion, you may just do a gen, that will take 80 seconds. In case of other effect (Hermophrage, Broken, Hindered) it does the same nothing, cause the difference are barely noticable. Also, it doesnt stacks (as wiki said). It need QoL change, so it could make difference.


Some addons may cause exhaustion. Some huntress addons do that, some clown bottles does the same. But way those exhaustion goes down is quite broken. It doesnt matter, which lentgh is effect (30s or more), if you got hit in mid-chase = you aint gonna recover from exhaustion, cause timer doesnt goes down, while running. Some man suggested, that instead of applying "Exhausted" effect, they may Apply "Tired" effect, that does the same (cant use Exhaust perks), but it will actualy go down, while running. (cant find this post , otherwise i may add it as credits)

Well, some of the listed above may have an QoL changes. Thats my list.

Head On - It shouldnt be an Exhaustion perk. It just doesnt worth it. Otherwise, OK

Vigil - Adjust numbers, like 40\45\50% recovery bonus, so it ll make a difference. Otherwise, stays the same.

Addons - Cause "Tired", instead of "Exhausted"

Thats all the ######### ive done today. Suggest your changes, ping me, if i missed something, made a typo or etc. Have a great time.

(pic, my friend done that one. Our group)


  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    i got to rank 1 using head on, you guys really underestimate lockers and by the time you find out im in one the stun can already happen, not to mention the saves you can get , ive gotten 3-4 so far, its not easy but its really cool, also keep saying to put it on a cooldown, id love to pair the stun with a sprint burst ,lithe,etc

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899
    edited August 2019

    The reason Head On applies exhaustion is because if you could pair it with another exhaustion perk, say, Sprint Burst. Apply Dance With Me onto that and if you stun a killer, most of the time you would probably be able to lose them.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    Dead hard is the most used exhaustion perk in red ranks for a reason. This perk saved my life more than any second chance perk.

    And no, you are not supposed to bait a swing using dead hard.