Im planning on starting a perkless Leatherface experiment on YouTube...

To force the devs to see just how imbalanced he is. He is the worst killer in the game, and forces an unfun playstyle on those who play him. Even with that certain playstyle, you're probably most likely to lose anyway. He's the Humpty Dumpty killer.
It's taken the devs forever to find a way to rework him. With this experiment, hopefully it will show the devs what he lacks (map pressure and a meaningful power, he's just an M1 killer right now).
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Despite Legion's power doing piss all, at least you can use it as a tracking tool and still get a hit off of a survivor then become an M1 killer again. Leatherface is purely M1 all game.
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Without add ons he can become an m1 killer but most killers need some add ons.
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I did pretty good with him when I mained him, same with old Freddy. :)
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I play on console, so I can't get anybody like that to play.
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I mean depip squad was an experiment to show how unbalanced the game was, did something changed? Not really.
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Survivors got their butts pounded by the nerfhammer quite a bit so i wouldn't say NOTHING changed.
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Why bothering, Marth88 already made that. And he made it back then when it was much harder for killers, from rank 20 to rank 1 perkless and addonless.
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go ahead and do it. Just try to have fun with it
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I never watched Marth :/