Dont mind me

Just showing off the greatest cosmetic released to date.
Also, build thread, because why not, show me your builds!
Eyyy looking fab but I honestly can’t wait for that Kate outfit, it’s the first I’ve fallen in love at first sight with a cosmetic so...I’m going to lose money so fast when that one is released. That may be the best cosmetic to me...
(That entended duration plus spirit fury/enduring tho)
*thinks about showing build but also plays base ghostface because I actually love the design* yeah I’ll leave the being fabulous to you 🤗
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Kate also looking great, but my boi Ghost looking the greatest
Hey, you dont need to show me your ghostface build, just your killer main build
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I love his new skin too, it's so SHINY! This is my Ghostface build btw (and I like to mix match cosmetics, the blade is the one that comes with demon Ghostface if you can't see it very well)
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Well, ruin definetely isnt my cup of tea, but, besides that, your build is great!
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I can't wait to try and blind Ghostface only to be blinded myself. XD
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Just trying to slow the game down as much as possible ;)
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I don’t play Ghostboi. :P
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These ARE my mains and I have no fashion to show off like you cool kids 😭 I don’t even bother with prestige anymore (bc I’m a bit of a filthy casual👍)
(Welcome to “I haven’t touched killer much this season and my builds are pathetically alike because I’m weak for discordance, PGTW and bloodpoints...I mean BBQ.” *shakes fist at that lv 1 BBQ despite being approx lv 70* )
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Eww, the new Faceghost cloak.
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Kate is going to get new outfit? Can someone post a picture or something?
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Damn, that outfit for Ace is the only good one he has had in a long long time
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I guess so, never really realised he doesn’t get many good cosmetics at all. I’m using his lunar event one because that one is nice. ❤️
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