gen magic number and camping: road to rank 1 killer

i bought this game last august just because I’m a huge Halloween fan. Wanted to play as and against Michael. 

But i survivor mained for months, killer was such a chore.

I can’t remember why, but along the way I decided to keep track of, and ask myself, what are the chances of the gates being powered in any given match? I ended up with statistics for 125 matches, which is when I thought it was a large enough sample size based on the numbers I was getting, since they were very clear. 

The question that I thought was most important was, “what are the chances of the gates being powered based on when the first survivor is sacrificed”? It became clear that the magic number was two. 

When the first sacrifice occurred with 5 gens remaining, the gates were never powered. 4 gens remaining? Never powered. 3 gens remaining? Twice. 

With 2 gens remaining, the gates had a 50% chance of getting powered. And with 1 gen remaining, the gates were powered 75% of the time. The difference between 3 gens and 2 gens being completed when the first person was sacrificed was huge!

if the first survivor is sacrificed with 3 or more gens remaining, the chances of the gates being powered is like 5%. 2 gens remaining? In jumps up to about 50%! Huge difference. Hence 2 gens being the magic number. 

Now as killer, specifically Michael, I didn’t use this data at first, but to get to rank one it proved essential. 

I got to rank 5, only using Michael, before I hit a massive wall. The level of difficulty at rank 5 and beyond is drastically steeper than before rank 5. Significant difference. I tried and tried. Constantly making adjustments with perks. Until I came across one strategy where I began to crush survivors. I actually preferred to play red ranked SwF teams, they were the easiest to beat. Once I executed this strategy, I earned 25 pips, 2 safety pips, and never depipped! I finally earned rank one killer, using only Michael however. 

The data above helped me because I knew how important it is to get that first survivor out of the way. If I could manage to get rid of that first survivor with 3 or more gens remaining, then I’m almost guaranteed to kill at least two more survivors. 

How did I go about this? Camp. Especially the first person. Why? Well not only given the data I had, but heck, i said this to myself also, “if survivors wanna get to the end game so fast, then I’ll see you guys there” lol

on the old system it worked so well. I camped the first and third survivor hooked to get my 9 points. On the emblem system, you just gotta camp the first person pretty much. Get them out of the way ASAP. Then you can do whatever. 

With michael, I made many adjustments with perk combinations and came to this final deduction: blood hound and NOED are necessary. I used to run agitation and iron grasp with it, but i later came to realize only blood hound and NOED are necessary and the other two perk slots you can have anything. 

Blood hound is very important at red ranked matches because you have absolutely no time to waste. 

When you have you first encounter with a survivor, this cannot happen: find survivor, chase, hit, chase, lose them? They get healed? Now 3 gens are remaining, sometimes less, and you’re back to square one? GG. 

Blood hound with Michael works perfectly because you can since you can get that early hit pretty easily with him, low terrorradius, you can stalk that injured survivor from a distance as they run away and easily catch up because of blood hound. It’s almodt impossible to lose them.

Either stalk to 99% if you happen to hit the best survivor in the crew first, who will be evasive, or down them so you can camp them. 

as for NOED, I remember it not activating maybe twice. But Even if they knew I was running NOED, well that takes time away from gens. And if NOED activates, well, you know. Since we’re getting to the end game so fast, let’s run NOED I said lol.  Worked like a charm. 

The way you counter this strategy is to gen rush. but SwF crews play soooooo altruistically. 

I did this in January and have been playing killer ever since. I became a much better survivor after getting to rank one killer by the way, you learn how to get good in chases. 

But on the point of altruism, I have employed this strategy since January, and I swear it happened twice where I really could tell that the first guy on the hook took one for the team and told his friends, “he’s camping, just do the gens and forget about me”. I knew this because this one survivor was doing a gen very close to me in the bungalow in Haddonfield, I was upstairs camping the guy hooked on the street. It happened twice where the first guy took one for the team. 

but SwF crews play so altruistically that this is rare. I think on both occasions I only killed one or two survivors. 

I don’t know what else to say lol 


  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    You lost me at Bloodhound

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    I would also like to say. Survivors are soooo entitled. I used to be like that until I saw what it takes to be a rank one killer. 

    Now i play survivor to have fun, I don’t care if I die anymore. But as killer I always play to win. 

    For all the poker players out there, being a good survivor is like being good at tournaments, but being a good killer is like being good at cash games. You get a more well rounded and deeper understanding of the game as killer than survivor. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    Tizzle said:

    You lost me at Bloodhound

    As in you stopped reading or you think it’s a bad perk? Lol

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i don't understand why anyone would push and torture themselves to go to a higher rank.... that seems like a whole lot of unnecessary abuse....

  • Sam00077
    Sam00077 Member Posts: 87

    i don't understand why anyone would push and torture themselves to go to a higher rank.... that seems like a whole lot of unnecessary abuse....

    Wouldn’t that just be playing the game regularly and getting a pip because you didn’t suck?
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Sam00077 said:
    deadwolfwalking said:

    i don't understand why anyone would push and torture themselves to go to a higher rank.... that seems like a whole lot of unnecessary abuse....

    Wouldn’t that just be playing the game regularly and getting a pip because you didn’t suck?

    i guess. i dunno. i play for fun. don't really give a ######### about rank.... i've ended chainsaw sprints to light a cigarette.... i've ended chases because i needed a refill on coffee.... i stay between 12 and 8 in ranks. its pretty relaxed.... i wouldn't be interested in going much higher. seems quite intense in the red ranks....

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Sadly, there isn't any reason to avoid camping in the Emblem system most of the time.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    You lost me at "I bought..."

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    Interesting read from a rank one killers' perspective.

    I am a camper. Got close to rank 10 just before the emblem system and i came to the conclusion that i did better when i got rid of the first one asap, by camping of course. It brings salt but i dont read that crap as i have it turned off. I dont abide by their rules and made it a point to ruin their fun. You can thank the last second switching, pallet looping beyond what is necessary, flashlight trolling and not do9ing gens voice com abusing swf squads for that.

    Sorry to the new players but this is the direction of the game the devs want. SO, i dont care and enjoy watching you break your spacebar - or whatever you have it mapped to.