DbD Needs Something Big

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

Right now the game is in this kinda limbo of not really dying, but not really growing either. The same patch cycle with a few skins sprinkled in between the 8 or so weeks between each major update is basically just keeping the game on life support. Might be the 800 hours talking but DbD really needs something big to happen if it is going to grow. Some big event, big change, big gamemode, anything out of the ordinary. A new map or character won't cut it, an event that lasts a few weeks won't do it. This game needs some kind of ambition to happen. Now they are working on a new chapter which will release in a month or so of which a PTB we will see in about 2-3 weeks, they also are finishing with dedicated servers so they can get them to live before 9/21 (end of summer), and they got their switch release. While all of these are good and solid things for the game. I don't think any will make the game grow, the closest would be switch, but I doubt it will take off. Once that all happens we do have the upcoming archive system (better version of daily quests) and the rift (battle pass). I do think this will give the game a new spark, but definitely not enough to really get it going. Then besides the mobile version and a few chapter releases the last thing on the road map is Rank rework "initiatives". I do agree ranks need a major rework way more than the emblems could do, but again its not going help the game grow.

This is all speculation but from what I have seen in the past, I don't think the game will surpass 25k players average this year on PC, aside from double bloodpoint/events. I do want it to, but its gonna take something big.


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    The game grown popularity with all those tournaments and events in Asia, and the famous movie collaboration. Maybe if the stranger things collab is true the game will gain more players. Besides speculations, the only change we are sure of is the Archive, but it's probably just gonna be lore-based...

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Indeed... hopefully the archives are something good for the game..... pray that it's not a rework for dailies!

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Game is looking up. Archives are what you asked for, and they're coming over the next 3-ish months. Dedicated servers are sometime this year, so there'll be less dc's (at least they think so). Balancing maps to be better like with springwood is also a huge upturn, imagine there being 4 layouts for The Game or Lery's, or even Haddonfield.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Paragraph breaks, man.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    @Rydog, does it really matter man. Could you read the info they were putting out. If so move on. Nice post thought. 100% agree.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Heh sorry, it tends to be a trigger to my writer/editor sensibilities. Yes, I know I'm being snarky when it's not necessarily appropriate, and that this is just an Internet forum. I'll try to be better in the future.

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    The game is more popular than it's ever been. I thought the same thing years ago but it's only gotten bigger

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,997

    Before reading: We do have something big its clown!

  • LawrenceGordon
    LawrenceGordon Member Posts: 77

    We need something bigger. Behavior add Godzilla as a killer

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • GeminiCrow
    GeminiCrow Member Posts: 55

    The Archives are on their way, check the roadmap

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    This game needs new devs

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    @Zagrid variety is great for us players, but something big from a developer stand-point is risky.

    These are the mature profitable years for this niche game, you have most of the people that are ever going to play it consistently playing it already. It's not going to have some new golden era ever again.

    They know the defection rates for new players, it has to be pretty high. Its a repetitive competitive game with a known toxic community.

    Their goal now has to be = extract as much money from existing players as possible (in finance we call this ROI, return on investment). This means making skins that cost almost nothing but are sheer profit. It means designing new killers/survivors off of existing code from other ones. Steady as she goes, don't make waves.

    Along the way you fix bugs, balance constantly, and always always give the promise of great amazing things on the horizon. Spread to other platforms so new pockets of people that might want to play this niche game can be tapped.

    In honesty though, most developers just try their best to keep up releases with the whims of their main base of players.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Game has and will continue to grow. New game modes would be nice but who knows when that'll happen.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570
    edited August 2019

    I wanted to write something serious but this picture ruined the mood. >:(

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    Game is actually losing players, not gaining.

    Why ? Many reasons, but as someone else said, need new devs at this point.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,412

    Curious to see where you're finding these stats. There are publicly available numbers for player counts (on Steam, at least) that show that the game has grown even in the past month alone. This is even keeping in mind that we are between releases at the moment, it'll shoot way back up when the next chapter launches.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Very confident in the next chapter ay? Wonder why haha 🤔

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,412

    Having played it, I am very excited. Same with the mid-chapter after it.

    But I can't say anything at the moment. *wink*

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Peanits do you have any playerbase stats for PS4 and XBox?

    For a time lobbies were a mess on PS4 for months (both sides) and now they have been exceptionally good (fingers crossed) just curious if it is a playerbase thing or it was an actual matchmaking issue.

    P.S during the event was a different story for killer lobbies but that makes sense.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    Game was more popular in 2018, 2019 gave new temporary high records but those only lasts for so long and now the avg is lower than previous year.