

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    First off "boi" this isn't even your post so idk why you reply when my question was for the author.

    Second, I'm asking if he/she will do more, I'm showing "interest" in their work.

    What are you doing ?

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    So why are you replying to me if you want the author and why didn’t you say when you originally responded to me

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Hey hey, let's all chill for a bit. It's all well and good to have a little argument, but it's starting to get a little heated, so let's take it down a notch.


    1. There isn't a survivor associated with Lucid. This is mostly because the only thing that would actually matter with a survivor is the perks - survivors are basically just skins. If you have any ideas, though, feel free to post them! I'll add them to the original post after a bit of discussion.
    2. The sisters each have their eyes open, they're just blank. This is their dream, though... so maybe the "real" bodies - the ones not in the trial - have their eyes closed? Mystery, woooo~
    3. I love that too! My only problem is that, canonically, all the killers either died or went missing, and then got snatched by the Entity. I was trying to fit the lore into that. Maybe they could've drowned in the river, for example? Post your ideas!

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    i think the idea that they went missing is more appealing than them dying

    maybe they went into the woods to play then got “claimed” by the entity

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019



    Cannes, France.

    "I always had trouble sleeping."

    Since a young age Jessica always woke up in strange places: closets, the middle of the road, her garden and even the freezer once!

    Although her sleepwalking was a bit hard to deal with, it was nothing compared to the times she couldn't sleep.

    For hours she'd be on her bed imagining thousands of stories and watching them unfold in her mind. Romance, action, fantastic and even horror ! Jessica loved them all. That's when she first heard it.

    A voice or rather sound maybe ? Something seemed really close, almost breathing down her neck!

    That's when Jessica noticed the weird shadow standing in the corner of her bedroom. It looked like the shape of a man, she quickly opened the Lights but as soon as she did, it vanished. At first she was scared.

    When she told her parents, they simply replied it must've been "just a nightmare".

    After awhile, it came back and although she was scared. It never harmed her, only watching her sleep.

    After sometimes, Jessica tried engaging conversation. Even though the enetity never said a word, she could somehow feel its interest. They became closer and she even considered the ghost her friend.

    She would talk with it for hours at night, telling it all about her day at school or boys. She also tried a few times to get close to her Friend but it would vanish before she could get close.

    The voice always manifested in the same corner of Jessica's small room and would stand looking towards her like the shadow of a scarecrow. Although it sometimes look scary and even threatening, she never felt any real danger.

    One day whilst waiting for her friend, Jessica wondered again: what does it look like ? Does it smell ? Is it a she or a he ? When her guest arrived instead of engaging conversation she stood Up.

    The shadow didn't move but the room felt uneasy.

    She took a step closer, the air got colder.

    The shadow didn't move but it seemed to grow even taller.

    As she was close enough to smell her Friend shs realized it STANK! Although really close, she was still unable to see any of its features. Her curiousity couldn't be contained, she had to know.

    As Jessica pinched her nose and extended her arm to touch the entity's face. Black tendril wrapped around her hand and pulled her close enough to see it.

    Her friend was nothing more than a repungnant black and bloody blob with tendrils going all around her room reaching to her bed! She started screaming.

    As Jessica awoke in panic, she saw that her friend was in the corner as usual, completly motionless. Calming down a bit she turned the lights on and went back to sleep a bit shook.

    Next time Jessica awoke, she was beside a campfire. Strange she was living in the city, she couldn't have sleepwalk to the forest... Suddently she noticed she wasn't alone. Her friend was there...

    Now she could feel the danger, the deviousness and the malice within that being! No it's probably "just a nightmare" !

    *News report*

    "Apparently the young teen was known for sleepwalking at night.

    Although, Jessica's home was downtown we can see her on street cameras; walking to the edge of town and towards the woods, eyes closed. How she made it so far and quickly by just walking is still unknown.

    Her parents and the rescue teams are still looking for her and their hopes are high has no body was found. Only this cryptic message.

    It reads; It wants to play.

    Was the young girl being followed and was kidnapped ? Is it all an hoax ? Only time will tell."


    1- Friend of the entity: the entity has a soft spot for you and will allow you to see the killer's aura for 3s/4s/5s when you unhook a survivor. If the killer has an aura reading perk it will also delay detection for 5s/6s/7s.

    2- Sleepwalking: you are able to teleport 5m/10m/15m forward, even through objects. This cannot be used during a chase and has a cooldown of 120s/80s/60s.

    3- Insomniac: the survivor is always on alert. When exposed, falling asleep or transitionning to another dream, the survivor gets an immunity to damage for 2s/3s/4s. It cause the exhaustion status for 50s/40s/30s if any damage is blocked.

    Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on
  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I need to make a few corrections but that would be my survivor build for your chapter

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2019

    Damn, that's a lot of effort for a survivor. Perks seem pretty nice, although situational - but no, Lucid doesn't use the same sleeping mechanics as Freddy. There isn't a way to wake up; you're either in Adrienne's Dream or Seraphine's Dream.

    Other than that, well done! I'll add the perks to the original post once they're rebalanced and credit you ^-^

    (I'd add the lore as well, but that'd make the already-too-long post even longer so I'll just say it's on page 2)

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I like the concept a lot, but i do have an issue. The way it's set up, by ping ponging hits on survivors, I'm not sure it would encourage spreading out. The most effective way would be to stick somewhat close to each other so one could push the survivor towards a loop after getting a hit while the other is there to cut off the loop and down the survivor. Can people be hit during dream transition?

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I may have an idea to change it. Instead the survivor gains immunity for a few seconds during the dream transition ?

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Ty btw I did work on it for a little while. :P

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Lucid is set up so that each sister is individually very weak. If they focus both their efforts on one survivor - especially since one is 110% MS - they will lose. Lucid's power is to spread double map pressure, that's it.

  • Dwight_the_Locker
    Dwight_the_Locker Member Posts: 15

    @Jallybwan My Take on a """"Good"""" Survivor Concept



    Name - Andrew Werkon

    Height - Average

    Breathing - Loud

    Groaning - Quiet


    Andrew Werkon despised his job. Working at Cuckoo Central, the Crotus Penn Asylum. He got first dibs on who was going to torment as he worked the day shift. He liked one aspect of his job. Seeing those who he remembered from school stuck inside rooms.

    This time, the school bit back. Two girls were convicted of murder and packed off to the madhouse. Andrew began the drove back when the wheel stopped moving and the cliff edge grew nearer.

    The two footsteps were followed by a trail of blood until a stream washed away all hope that the members of that vehicle made it out alive.


    Fear the Dark

    Your senses pick up as your mistake attracts unwanted attention. If you failed a skill check, the Killer's aura will be revealed to you for 3/4/5 Seconds. However, your scratch marks remain for 5/4/3 seconds longer.

    "You ain't fearin the dark until it fights back" - Andrew

    Proper Procedure

    Your medical training helps those and yourself in ways you didn't expect.

    Great Skill Check zones when healing are 10%/13%/15% bigger. There is also a 30%/35%/40% chance the killer will not be notified.

    "This ain't the right way, do it like this." - Andrew

    Breaking Point

    The Entity has pushed you to the point where sanity is lost constantly. But in its place remains the Will to Survive.

    Upon reaching your third and final hook, gain a 5% Wiggle Bonus, a 1%/3%/5% Generator Repair Boost but have the Broken Status Effect for 30s/40s/50s after the unhook.

    "Very poor choice my dear friend." - Andrew


  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    I'm going to reply bc you tried to throw shade at me so...

    Your lore is barely 3 paragraphs and breathing/groaning is the same accros all survivors.

    What change it, is when you use an exhaustion perk. Test it dear.

    Like your perks ideas tho ;)

  • Dwight_the_Locker
    Dwight_the_Locker Member Posts: 15

    "tried to throw shade"


    I put " that due to not trusting myself with thinking my ideas are good for everything.

    Also there is stats that show Survivors breathe/groan louder - here

    What change it, is when you use an exhaustion perk. Test it dear.

    unclear to me what you mean, there is no exhaustion perk in this line up, nor nothing that effects it.

    Also didn't throw shade so...

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    I'm correcting you again. Only exhaustion perks, killer perks or status change the breathing/groaning. That's all I'm saying about that.

    On the topic of shade, you're right I'm not throwing shade but facts. Although I'm unsure why you attacked me in the first place.

    Bored with your life ? I have a few ideas.

    Going back to your locker would be one.

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    you need killer names not real names has the killer they cant both be called the lucid, any reason for the name? the twins sounds much better to me

    you say they cant see them but unless i missed it u didn't say they cant hear the others terror radius freedy has laughing girls, does the killer who isnt in that surv realm have an aura? i think they shouldnt

    although im assuming this killer can only be SWF played not random qued played they should be able to see each others auras

    a two player killed both needs 110% to be fair

    the active power needs to be changed having two ones is bad and they are too strong

    but it hard to do without making the killers too strong they should both have the same power i think

    the first think of is swap places but would have to be channel where both killers are rooted

    for Seraphine 

    12 meter terror radius means monitor and abuse puts u at 4 too strong

    how short is small like chucky small?


    Clairvoyance) way to much work for devs to code it wont happen each new map they have specify what this perk effects

    Blood Pact) useless perk the reduced swing time is way more useful

    Deadly Sin) i like it but to gimicky also there already the plague perk thats like this but for obsession being hit it will only work first time and you never said how long the terror raduis of the survivor lasted

    the perks dont match the flavour of the killer at all and only the last one has some use but barely any

    each killer should have different perks the survivor just got two sets of perk this needs two to make killers even with surv perkwise!

    cool concept bad execution

  • Dwight_the_Locker
    Dwight_the_Locker Member Posts: 15

    I'm correcting you again. Only exhaustion perks, killer perks or status change the breathing/groaning. That's all I'm saying about that.

    On the topic of shade, you're right I'm not throwing shade but facts. Although I'm unsure why you attacked me in the first place.

    Bored with your life ? I have a few ideas.

    Going back to your locker would be one.

    I am going to dissect all these points.

    1) I didn't throw shade, I suggested an Idea and still haven't insulted you at all through out this comment thread. However me responding and clearing up misconceptions but you go and attack me


    Bored with your life ? I have a few ideas.

    Going back to your locker would be one.

    2) I am sorry but I will like an exact copy and paste of where I have attacked you within my comments on this thread alone. "unsure why you attacked me in the first place". What? Again, copy and paste anything you believe is attacking YOU and YOU only.


    On the topic of shade, you're right I'm not throwing shade but facts. Although I'm unsure why you attacked me in the first place.

    3) You didn't check it, did you? The link. It has full details on Survivors. From size, to breathing to groans of pain. You are "Correcting" something that is perfectly fine. I am more of a person who needs to know the nitty gritty so I can fuel my locker filled rage I end up in when I suggest things! Exhaustion, Killer Perks and Status. This can be changed to Inflicted Status, Exhaustion does not increase any noises from the Survivor, only denies them use of multiple speed amplifying perks. No Status makes Survivors breathe/groan louder. The only one that comes close is Hemorrhage but that is blood pools. Then Killer Perks. This is the only one that works due to Stridor. That one forgotten Nurse Perk.


    I'm correcting you again. Only exhaustion perks, killer perks or status change the breathing/groaning. That's all I'm saying about that.

    And you cannot use this comment as the insult point due to the fact you called it out on your 1st Response to me dissecting your post, meaning that point would have no value.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    "Here's a ----------good-------- survivor concept"

    Sure you didn't start #########.

    Secondly, yes again test it yourself exhaustion perks cause survivor "heavy breathing". I believe this is even on the official wiki. Without any perk causing exhaustion they breath pretty quietly.

    The killer perks I was refering to btw was "Stridor" but I'm not sure if it's just the killer that hear it louder or it is literally louder.

    Btw do you mean your unofficial link ? I was once showed a link that said (with fake maths and everything) survivors could reduce heavy breathing causes by exhaustion with the perk iron will. That isn't true.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    So sorry if I don't just believe every google document thrown at me.

    But anyways keep believing what you want this ridiculous feud is taking away from this wonderful Killer idea which I think we can agree on, is good.

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53


    So you think it’s fair for a 32m terror Radius killer to have 110% move speed

    also if a survivor is in in one dream they can see the killer in their dream and they cant see the other

    Clairvoyance: No it is not hard to code this is the same company that made the Doctor, one of the most complex characters

    Blood pact: ok I kinda agree

    Deadly sin: “gimmicky” “GIMMICKY!” sure there is dark devotion but if you call this gimmicky then you think dark devotion is gimmicky

    also remember tier one Myers with monitor has 0 TR

    Breathes I’m not mad I’m ANGRY

    This is Katblad3z A.k.a Legion_Is_Best

    And I’m signing out

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    theres two of them so yes myabe give em 24 terror raduis but the movespeed needs to be 110%

    the power should also be something like swap locations, but make it a 3 sec channel where both killers get rooted for it

    or the surv you target with power swaps with closest survivor to the other killer and the killers stay in same spot (i like this one better more balanced)

    the main power of this killer is there being two people and the invis one can scout survs for the other to kill

    doctor doesnt add more work with each new map i dont really see how its complicated tbh


    not really the killer doesnt have a terror raduis they swap for DD

    in this the killers terror raduis is just less, this is ment to what make the unhooker and hooked person panic and run and not heal, that only gonna work the first time, its gimicky

    right now the perks just seem random things, each killer should have different perks and it should somewhat go with the killers theme or power of there being two of em somehow while not being killer specfic

    the concept is very cool needs work

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    Not this type of argument again...

    The doctor has tier 1 2 3 and in maps like the game he is broooken as frick but on like the Crotus penn asylum he is meh

    also if it was swap locations they would be weak because they only have 1 that is good at chases

    plus if you get stabbed by 1 you go into the other sisters domain/dream and then you can see the other


    can you please answer this guys concerns before a argument stirs up

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    i mean that doesnt chnange for each map its not more work for devs each chapters

    the docs addons are static thing fake pallets no work just put pallet that in same spot it was before

    defining what is corn or tall grass is very hard to do its not a static thing and would need to be carefully done on each existing map and new one its alot work (which why i doubt the devs would every consider a perk like this)

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    Can we just not argue

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    ok i dont care enough to convince its too much work for 1 perk, and you dont care enough to listen thats fair leave it be

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2019


    I named them collectively "The Lucid" because their power takes place inside their dreams - similarly to how Freddy works, the survivors are passed back and forth between Adrienne's dream and Seraphine's dream. "Lucid dreaming" is essentially when you are aware that you're dreaming, and thus, in control of it. That's the meaning behind Lucid's name, although "Twins" would also work.

    Survivors in Adrienne's dream can only hear Adrienne's terror radius, not Seraphine's. Vice versa. What do you mean by "Does the killer who isn't in that surv realm have an aura?"

    You can solo-queue as Lucid, and it'll pair you up with another Lucid player. You'd select which sister to play as upon entering the lobby. I could have it so that the sisters see the other's aura. I'm not sure; thoughts, anyone?

    "A two player killer both need 110% to be fair" - Uh... I disagree, personally. Lucid is set up so that each sister has their own playstyle - Adrienne is focused on the chase, and Seraphine is focused on stealth. They get hits through different ways. If Adrienne had 110% speed, her entire playstyle would be essentially invalidated. This goes for your "give them the same power" point as well - they have different playstyles for a reason.

    Could you elaborate on how their active powers are too strong? Awakening only gives each sister a mild bonus.

    You know, Myers at T2 with M&A only has an 8m TR. 4m with Dead Rabbit. And he's still 115 - Seraphine is 110. I wouldn't say Myers is too strong.

    Small is like Hag small. Definitely not Chucky small.

    Clairvoyance: I personally don't see how "you can see through corn for X metres" is super hard to code. You could simply make it invisible on the killer's screen for up to X metres, rather than removing it and replacing it. As for deciding what is corn - well, each corn stalk is the same. I think there would only be one or two different "textures" for corn, if even that, and the same would go for swamp grass. They're all just assets, similarly to how only killers can see scratch marks.

    Blood Pact: Did you mean Save the Best for Last? Blood Pact is meant to be a more consistent version - instead of having between 0% and 40%, you have a constant 25% at tier 3. Furthermore, striking a Survivor makes them your Obsession, which means you can combo it with other perks like Play With Your Food and Rancor.

    Deadly Sin: This perk is a gimmick, yes. I don't believe all perks need to be consistently strong - Head On, for example, is not that strong. But it's fun to use, because when it works, it works well. Same with Deadly Sin. The survivor's fake heartbeat lasts 30 seconds as well.

    The perks kinda do match Lucid's "flavour", in my eyes, but even if they weren't... I have to design perks with other killers in mind as well, since they can run these perks too.

    As for different perks between sisters... well, maybe. I simply couldn't think of any lol

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472


    I love that backstory. Short and sweet, tied into the Lucid - well done! ^-^

    As for the Perks:

    Fear the Dark - Given how busted Object is right now, I'm inclined to think "see the killer's aura" is going to be kinda unfun. Perhaps instead you could give a bit of an action speed boost for a while after failing a skill check?

    Proper Procedure - Always nice to have bigger great skill check zones. What would the killer not be notified of? A failed skill check?

    Breaking Point - Seems a little bit underpowered to me, to be quite honest. I like the concept of having a boost on your last hook, though!

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    While we're on the topic of perks, actually - Mystoc mentioned having different perk sets for each killer. What do you people think? New perks? If so, any ideas?

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    Not really

    I think that having separate perks ruins the fact that they are sisters

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Interesting point. Any rebuttal?

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    For me

    I think that even though they have different personalities doesn’t mean they need separate perks because they are (1 identical twins and (2 they have the exact same power that just has different benefits along with (3 they have different play styles already so why would people add new perks

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    New perks is usually a good thing, isn't it? More variety. More versatility.

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    Actually Yeah you’re right

    I’ll think of perks

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Looking forward to it! ^-^

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53


    I think the already created perks should be for Seraphine

    I’ll make ones for Adrienne

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2019

    Adrienne’s perks:

    Striker: You want to end the trial early.

    Click the Sprint/secondary ability button (Shift on pc and l1 on console) to move 10% faster and have a extended lunge for 5 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 60 /55/50 seconds.

    Do it before hell breaks loose: You know hell could break loose

    Survivors working on regressed gens get the exposed status effect the gen becomes white. This lingers for 1/2/4 seconds after stopping repairs.

    Hex: Slow and Steady: A hex rooting on speed

    Survivor scratch marks last 3/4/5 longer (Stays if the hex is destroyed)

    Every time you hook a Vault-Grabbed survivor you gain a token up to 5

    1 token: Survivor walk speed is decreased by 5/10/15%

    2 tokens: Survivor skill check speed is increased by 5/10/15%

    3 tokens: Survivor skill check zones is decreased by 5/10/15%

    4 tokens: Survivor Crouch speed is decreased by 20/25/50%

    5 Tokens: Survivors get the exhausted status effect

    These might need a lot of tweaking but tell how you like them

    Post edited by Legion_Is_Best on
  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Striker and S&S seem completely unfun to play against. The speed values are way too high - an extra 20% in chase means that any sort of pallet becomes uselessly unsafe. As for S&S, halving vault speed basically means you might as well just stand still. I like Hell Breaks Loose, though, although it could be construed as a bandaid fix for gen tapping.

    Keep at it! ^-^

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    I nerfed Striker and S&S

    Striker now has only a 10% increase in speed

    S&S vault speed is now balanced Along with buffing the non-upgraded version Also Hell breaks loose was never meant for that. It’s meant to make discordance be less used because it’s a meta perk now, along with making grabbing survivors with Myers or Seraphine (Your Killer) not needed

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Discordance is meta? I don't have it proc that often whenever I run it.

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53

    Maybe ‘Discordance is a very used perk’ is better to say

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Fair enough.

    I don't think slowing vault or running speed is the right idea for S&S. It'd either be useless or OP, no in-between.

  • Legion_Is_Best
    Legion_Is_Best Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2019

    S&S Got Changed

    I know now that it makes sense to not decrease vault and sprint speed

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Yep! I like the new one. Well done!