The issue I have with gen rushing, the pig killer, and why adding things don't solve problems.

I have a few issues I want to address that are connected to each other.

The first being gen rushing. Whenever I play any killer, and when I am chasing a survivor, I tend to get gen rushed, which makes it difficult to actually be able to handle the survivors, and the only times I can actually kill a survivor is when I start taking the generators and keeping them near me (which can be a hard task due to survivors making you chase them) or somewhat use someone like ghostface, stalk someone, and when they are gloating at the right time get them at the gate, and place them where the entity can claim them using EGC. It's not fun to be gen rushed and it's something that could easily happen due to being like 4 people handling gens while there is only one of you to watch them. The only way to stop this is to get hag and doctor and get overcharge and ruin, and that takes more time than I want to put into those two.

About pig herself, she was only used to solve this issue for one killer, and left her to slowly grow weaker without love from the devs. Yeah, instead of working on her and allowing her to work with the meta, she is left empty now that EGC is introduced and ghostface exist, as well as other perks that can be used for other killers that serves that purpose. It's something we can't ignore, as some people main pig, and while I am glad that the devs buffed Freddy, the pig (as well as the cannabal and legion) don't receive enough love.

Also about stuff like perks, adding them to the game does not fix issues that are in the game. Why run a perk that covers gens as ghostface when I can just run ruin or overcharge, also why run a perk that fixes hooks when that isn't a problem anymore, and even then it's not too much do an issue to handle them. Adding perks to fix problems in the game isn't the same as going and fixing the issues themselves.

Please buff pig, make gen rushing less viable, and also as a extra make pallets not so much of a reliance on, as survivors don't get to use stealth as much anymore due to perks, and killers like the nurse can beat survivors any day. Thank you for reading this rant, please let me know on what you think, if you agree or not, and have a great day.