Camping penalty



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ShesArebel88 said:

    @Orion said:

    @ShesArebel88 said:
    What's good for the goose is good for the gander... Camping irks survivors in the same way looping irks killers. Yes its a pain but using the strategy on either side has its pros and cons which are up to the player do weigh out for themselves. Complaining because you're the one on the receiving end of either one doesn't change the fact that they are in fact viable. However rage inducing they may to the opposing side. Don't let bias curve your perception.

    The main difference is that camping only benefits Killers if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only benefits Survivors no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.
    Camping is the only counter to hook rushing. Camping is the only proper response when the gates are open and you caught a Survivor. Camping is the only proper response to having 3 Survivors crouching around the hook the instant one of them is hooked. Camping is the only proper response to being followed to the hook by body blockers clicking their flashlights.

    That is a blatantly biased response... Get this through your thick skull: the entire game isn't centered around you getting your way... You can call a pig a cow all day but it doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, the pig doesn't magically change because YOU decided it should be seen as something else!
    Camping is only beneficial to the killer if his strategy is based on getting one kill. Every player has their own goal... (Surprise! Other people play in a way that differs from your way!) I may prefer implementing a strategy that is based on getting x amount of points. Every player has their own strategy and that needs to be kept in mind before trying to argue how the way you play should set the standard for everyone else. Survivors have their own way of implementing a strategy tailored to reach a goal as well. I main as killer but I don't pretend that my perception of a strategy that differs from my own changes its effectiveness for the person using said strategy. But then again I don't nit pick everyone else's experience all because the outcome of a game may or may not have ended in MY favor...

    Really? You're gonna be pedantic? Fine.

    The main difference is that camping only allows Killers to get more points, kills, and slows down the game if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only allows Survivors to gen rush, keep the Killer busy, and avoid capture without actually escaping the chase no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.

    Is that clear enough for you, or are you going to complain about the very obvious things I was referring to when I used the word "benefit"? This is like those trolls asking what is meant by "toxic", when everyone knows full well what it means.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I'm okay with camping but I just wished it's more fun for the receiving end, ya know?
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Nickenzie said:
    I'm okay with camping but I just wished it's more fun for the receiving end, ya know?

    Unless you want rainbows to shoot out of the Killer's ass when you're hooked, I don't see how that's possible. If my team is playing smart, I take pleasure in knowing that I'm probably the only kill that Killer is going to get.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    It’s hilarious that camping of any sort is still being discussed, and that BHVR has to say it over, and over, and over, and over, again. Camping is in no way a bannable offense, and was purposefully designed into the game. It may suck, but it’s not going anywhere. If you die because you are being overly altruistic, that’s on you, not the killer. He’s just captiolizing on game mechanics that you are feeding him with. For more information on the banning system, see dev stream #68.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Orion said

    Really? You're gonna be pedantic? Fine.

    The main difference is that camping only allows Killers to get more points, kills, and slows down the game if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only allows Survivors to gen rush, keep the Killer busy, and avoid capture without actually escaping the chase no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.

    Is that clear enough for you, or are you going to complain about the very obvious things I was referring to when I used the word "benefit"? This is like those trolls asking what is meant by "toxic", when everyone knows full well what it means.

    Damn man I misunderstood what you were trying to say because of the way i read it. That ones on me, and I apologize for the response as a result. When I'm wrong I have no problem admitting it and I apologize for any hard feelings as a result.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    Unless you want rainbows to shoot out of the Killer's ass when you're hooked.

    Please, I wanana see the hag shoot rainbows from her a** while I wait 2 minutes for my sacrifice! :)
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ShesArebel88 said:

    @Orion said

    Really? You're gonna be pedantic? Fine.

    The main difference is that camping only allows Killers to get more points, kills, and slows down the game if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only allows Survivors to gen rush, keep the Killer busy, and avoid capture without actually escaping the chase no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.

    Is that clear enough for you, or are you going to complain about the very obvious things I was referring to when I used the word "benefit"? This is like those trolls asking what is meant by "toxic", when everyone knows full well what it means.

    Damn man I misunderstood what you were trying to say because of the way i read it. That ones on me, and I apologize for the response as a result. When I'm wrong I have no problem admitting it and I apologize for any hard feelings as a result.

    Apology accepted with no hard feelings. Not everyone can admit they were wrong.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Russ76 said:
    EpicFailTryHard said:

     gives the survivor bonus points for tying up the killer.

    I agree. camped survivors should get distraction points, and those points should go up if the killer is actively hitting the hooked survivor as well.

    Can i get points if you tbag in my presence? Double if you tbag and then get hooked and die?

    See how absurd your statement is?

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @chadnati0n said:
    so I’ve noticed a lot of face camping lately while playing the cannibal especially it totally holds the game hostage to camp especially with a chainsaw that has about five swings borrowed time can’t even save them. What if??... and this is a big what if.?? The dying process slows tremendous while the killer is in the vacinity o the hook I’m talking enough time to finish all gens of the killer stays. I only ask this because there’s legit NO way to save this person and still goes the killer time to find another victim before gens are completed. I know killer mains are going to argue well the survivor shouldn’t go down if he doesn’t wanna be camped but it’s inevitable a killer is goin to eventually down some doesn’t matter how good they are. Just some food for thought.

    Stop making threads if you do not even know what "face camping" is.

    Also does penalty to looping feels fine?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The fact that Survivors are legitimately suggesting they should be rewarded (with points) for failure (being hooked and dying) speaks volumes about their entitled nature.

    You are not making the Killer camp you. The Killer made a choice to camp you. You are not entitled to a reward because you failed. This is like giving the Killer points if everyone escaped.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Orion said:
    The fact that Survivors are legitimately suggesting they should be rewarded (with points) for failure (being hooked and dying) speaks volumes about their entitled nature.

    You are not making the Killer camp you. The Killer made a choice to camp you. You are not entitled to a reward because you failed. This is like giving the Killer points if everyone escaped.

    but muh fun

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @chadnati0n said:
    so I’ve noticed a lot of face camping lately while playing the cannibal especially it totally holds the game hostage to camp especially with a chainsaw that has about five swings borrowed time can’t even save them. What if??... and this is a big what if.?? The dying process slows tremendous while the killer is in the vacinity o the hook I’m talking enough time to finish all gens of the killer stays. I only ask this because there’s legit NO way to save this person and still goes the killer time to find another victim before gens are completed. I know killer mains are going to argue well the survivor shouldn’t go down if he doesn’t wanna be camped but it’s inevitable a killer is goin to eventually down some doesn’t matter how good they are. Just some food for thought.

    Omg...are survivors really getting this level of entitled to win now too such a degree they are even trying to turn camping into holding the game hostage now? How much more lower can they go?

    I got to a point in the game where i was camping just to piss them off. Most of the time i got more than the guy on the hook. Most games i got 2-3 even when i camped them all. Survs have this "we are entitled to free escapes" mentality and couple that with an enhanced sense of altruism and you can farm them never leavign the hook.

    I became a toxic killer simply cos i knew how much it pissed them off. They only have themselves to blame using last second flashlight switching and other toxic surv techniques.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Orion said:

    @ShesArebel88 said:

    @Orion said:

    @ShesArebel88 said:
    What's good for the goose is good for the gander... Camping irks survivors in the same way looping irks killers. Yes its a pain but using the strategy on either side has its pros and cons which are up to the player do weigh out for themselves. Complaining because you're the one on the receiving end of either one doesn't change the fact that they are in fact viable. However rage inducing they may to the opposing side. Don't let bias curve your perception.

    The main difference is that camping only benefits Killers if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only benefits Survivors no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.
    Camping is the only counter to hook rushing. Camping is the only proper response when the gates are open and you caught a Survivor. Camping is the only proper response to having 3 Survivors crouching around the hook the instant one of them is hooked. Camping is the only proper response to being followed to the hook by body blockers clicking their flashlights.

    That is a blatantly biased response... Get this through your thick skull: the entire game isn't centered around you getting your way... You can call a pig a cow all day but it doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, the pig doesn't magically change because YOU decided it should be seen as something else!
    Camping is only beneficial to the killer if his strategy is based on getting one kill. Every player has their own goal... (Surprise! Other people play in a way that differs from your way!) I may prefer implementing a strategy that is based on getting x amount of points. Every player has their own strategy and that needs to be kept in mind before trying to argue how the way you play should set the standard for everyone else. Survivors have their own way of implementing a strategy tailored to reach a goal as well. I main as killer but I don't pretend that my perception of a strategy that differs from my own changes its effectiveness for the person using said strategy. But then again I don't nit pick everyone else's experience all because the outcome of a game may or may not have ended in MY favor...

    Really? You're gonna be pedantic? Fine.

    The main difference is that camping only allows Killers to get more points, kills, and slows down the game if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only allows Survivors to gen rush, keep the Killer busy, and avoid capture without actually escaping the chase no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.

    Is that clear enough for you, or are you going to complain about the very obvious things I was referring to when I used the word "benefit"? This is like those trolls asking what is meant by "toxic", when everyone knows full well what it means.

    I misunderstood what you were trying to say because of the way it was worded. That ones on me, and I apologize for the response as a result. When I'm wrong I have no problem admitting it (> @Orion said:

    @ShesArebel88 said:

    @Orion said

    Really? You're gonna be pedantic? Fine.

    The main difference is that camping only allows Killers to get more points, kills, and slows down the game if Survivors feed the Killer, whereas looping only allows Survivors to gen rush, keep the Killer busy, and avoid capture without actually escaping the chase no matter what the Killer does. Get it through your thick heads - camping and looping are not equivalent in any way, shape, or form, because both put all the power in the Survivors' hands.

    Is that clear enough for you, or are you going to complain about the very obvious things I was referring to when I used the word "benefit"? This is like those trolls asking what is meant by "toxic", when everyone knows full well what it means.

    Damn man I misunderstood what you were trying to say because of the way i read it. That ones on me, and I apologize for the response as a result. When I'm wrong I have no problem admitting it and I apologize for any hard feelings as a result.

    Apology accepted with no hard feelings. Not everyone can admit they were wrong.

    I appreciate it! I feel so embarrassed for having gone on a such a tangent 🙈 lol! But admitting when I'm wrong comes easy for me... If you know you're wrong and refuse to admit it, it shows a lack of intelligence imo and shows a lack of respect. Thanks again for accepting my apology 😸

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    edited July 2018

    @Orion said:
    The fact that Survivors are legitimately suggesting they should be rewarded (with points) for failure (being hooked and dying) speaks volumes about their entitled nature.

    You are not making the Killer camp you. The Killer made a choice to camp you. You are not entitled to a reward because you failed. This is like giving the Killer points if everyone escaped.

    👆This guy gets it!
    (Knowing you and I have a shared view on this matter adds to my previously mentioned embarrassment lmao!)

    Post edited by ShesArebel88 on
  • Madhatter920
    Madhatter920 Member Posts: 13

    @m3dicookie said:

    @Madhatter920 said:
    Camping already has a penalty. Gen-rushing. You can fix a minimum of 3 generators in the amount of time it takes someone to fully camp a hook. It sucks for the survivor being camped, but unless they also implement a looping penalty, camping will have to continue.

    you know that looping is part of them game it sucks but it happens what do you want survivors just to run in a straight line and only use the pallet once. i really think in real life you wouldn't be the ones living. a looper always gets caught thanks to bloodlust camping is like their the whole time and nothing really can happen but trading with the person on the hook. you think we ######### and moan about this and that but look at killers they do the samething so we all ######### and moan about perks and SWFs and blah body blocking .

    I want survivors to have skill. Use the pallet to buy time to break line of sight, hide, and then go somewhere else while the killer looks for them or goes off in the wrong direction. That's what I want survivors to do. Not cheese mechanics. Bloodlust is next to worthless. Yes, a killer will eventually catch a looper, but not before at least 3 generators are done. Looping is part of the game, just like hook-camping is. Both are cheesy and ruin the game. However, so long as one exists, the other will as well.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    Camping and holding the game hostage are completely different things. Holding the game hostage involves survivors refusing to leave the match when the gates are powered and opened, often hiding and crouching around the edges of the map.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Love how when people debate these topics, some try to apply "real life" logic to their survivor/killer strategy lmao. If that even applied, think of all the possible things a survivor could use on maps to actually eliminate the killer... in the killer aspect, you could grab and drag 2 survivors lurking around a hooked survivor. Back rubs wouldn't heal having been impailed by a hook, a hatchet to the back/ face, or being gouged/ sliced by a hammer or machete. So please leave real life strategy out of the equation. It in no way applies to the game. So tired of seeing arguments based on such logic on here lol
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Orion said:

    The fact that Survivors are legitimately suggesting they should be rewarded (with points) for failure (being hooked and dying) speaks volumes about their entitled nature.

    You are not making the Killer camp you. The Killer made a choice to camp you. You are not entitled to a reward because you failed. This is like giving the Killer points if everyone escaped.

    Welcome to the product of a "everyone gets a trophy" generation lol
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    so I’ve noticed a lot of face camping lately while playing the cannibal especially it totally holds the game hostage to camp especially with a chainsaw that has about five swings borrowed time can’t even save them. What if??... and this is a big what if.?? The dying process slows tremendous while the killer is in the vacinity o the hook I’m talking enough time to finish all gens of the killer stays. I only ask this because there’s legit NO way to save this person and still goes the killer time to find another victim before gens are completed. I know killer mains are going to argue well the survivor shouldn’t go down if he doesn’t wanna be camped but it’s inevitable a killer is goin to eventually down some doesn’t matter how good they are. Just some food for thought.
    Rank up - camping gets less as killers get better
    Lols 😂 
    no of anything it gets worse and rightly so
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Envees said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @chadnati0n said:
    so I’ve noticed a lot of face camping lately while playing the cannibal especially it totally holds the game hostage to camp especially with a chainsaw that has about five swings borrowed time can’t even save them. What if??... and this is a big what if.?? The dying process slows tremendous while the killer is in the vacinity o the hook I’m talking enough time to finish all gens of the killer stays. I only ask this because there’s legit NO way to save this person and still goes the killer time to find another victim before gens are completed. I know killer mains are going to argue well the survivor shouldn’t go down if he doesn’t wanna be camped but it’s inevitable a killer is goin to eventually down some doesn’t matter how good they are. Just some food for thought.

    Omg...are survivors really getting this level of entitled to win now too such a degree they are even trying to turn camping into holding the game hostage now? How much more lower can they go?

    I got to a point in the game where i was camping just to piss them off. Most of the time i got more than the guy on the hook. Most games i got 2-3 even when i camped them all. Survs have this "we are entitled to free escapes" mentality and couple that with an enhanced sense of altruism and you can farm them never leavign the hook.

    I became a toxic killer simply cos i knew how much it pissed them off. They only have themselves to blame using last second flashlight switching and other toxic surv techniques.

    LMAO This is what happened to me today. I have got 2 last second switches with a SWF team and camped them to death, got 4k and with my offering brutality 100%, BBQ and bps that one of the survivors brought gave me 91k. EZ match. Survivors really deserve these things even if you are a nice killer. I was about to use mori when I saw SWF but then i thought lets not drain the fun and change it to brutality points and this is what I got in turn.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


  • m3dicookie
    m3dicookie Member Posts: 74

    @Madhatter920 said:

    @m3dicookie said:

    @Madhatter920 said:
    Camping already has a penalty. Gen-rushing. You can fix a minimum of 3 generators in the amount of time it takes someone to fully camp a hook. It sucks for the survivor being camped, but unless they also implement a looping penalty, camping will have to continue.

    you know that looping is part of them game it sucks but it happens what do you want survivors just to run in a straight line and only use the pallet once. i really think in real life you wouldn't be the ones living. a looper always gets caught thanks to bloodlust camping is like their the whole time and nothing really can happen but trading with the person on the hook. you think we ######### and moan about this and that but look at killers they do the samething so we all ######### and moan about perks and SWFs and blah body blocking .

    I want survivors to have skill. Use the pallet to buy time to break line of sight, hide, and then go somewhere else while the killer looks for them or goes off in the wrong direction. That's what I want survivors to do. Not cheese mechanics. Bloodlust is next to worthless. Yes, a killer will eventually catch a looper, but not before at least 3 generators are done. Looping is part of the game, just like hook-camping is. Both are cheesy and ruin the game. However, so long as one exists, the other will as well.

    camping is always gonna be there. Chases will be shorter now because no more two SB in one chase so looping will be no be so useful . but i can tell you that camping will still be there because they give killers perks to help camping. and its just so ez to just watch someone die then go find someone new

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @chadnati0n said:
    so I’ve noticed a lot of face camping lately while playing the cannibal especially it totally holds the game hostage to camp especially with a chainsaw that has about five swings borrowed time can’t even save them. What if??... and this is a big what if.?? The dying process slows tremendous while the killer is in the vacinity o the hook I’m talking enough time to finish all gens of the killer stays. I only ask this because there’s legit NO way to save this person and still goes the killer time to find another victim before gens are completed. I know killer mains are going to argue well the survivor shouldn’t go down if he doesn’t wanna be camped but it’s inevitable a killer is goin to eventually down some doesn’t matter how good they are. Just some food for thought.

    Sure soon as we get a Looping penalty other than Bloodlust (Which doesn't help that much vs an experienced looper)

    Something like...if the survivor passes the same pallet too many times while in a chase they start loosing speed like 5%/15%/20%

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @chadnati0n said:
    Lol I play killer aswell never camp mostly get 4ks I know you can get 3 gens done I just don’t think a killer who facecamps with five gens left deserves ANY additional kills simple suggestion is all and I respect al others. I main cannibal btw just an FYI lol. I’m rank one in both and camping tunneling is pretty common believe it or not . And yes toxic survivors deserve it especially flashlight gangsters but pallet looping is one of the main ways to stay alive are they supposed to just waste the pallet first run through??

    Unfortunately the devs disagree with you on this. They want two to die and two to get out. So this means that even if i camp one i should be able to at least get another one or the game is not "balanced". The gens should not all be done by the time the first one dies even if they take all two minutes on the hook.

    I camp just to piss off people like you by the way.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    Yeah let’s not do that. Sometimes camping is the only way to secure a kill.