dear solo players

danara Member Posts: 129

i would just like to inform you all that self-caring in the corner instead of working on gens are the reason games go on for so long thus making everyone on the team die, as there are still 4 gens up 10 minutes into the game.

rush the gens and learn to handle a chase while injured, it’s not too hard i promise



  • My_Farewell
    My_Farewell Member Posts: 495

    I'm another solo survivor who runs bond + open handed, if i see you guys self caring in a corner i'll lead the killer to you :)

  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    not telling them to play that way at all, just letting people know you will lose over half your games if you play the entire match as a self-care bot.

    some people really can’t stand being injured for longer than 5 seconds. that’s fine though, just waste 32 precious seconds whilst someone else is in a chase.

    like the other person said there’s a time and place for self-care. usually during endgame or whatever scenario, but some people seem to forget that they can do stuff injured once they have the perk

  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    i play for fun, fact of the matter is you really do win by escaping.

    believe me i enjoy getting chased more than anything else survivor side. half the time i’m THAT survivor running the killer for minutes whilst my team are all busy self-caring in the corner. understand now?

  • XAbbasX
    XAbbasX Member Posts: 55

    As i solo player myself

    You are right

    there was a nea with urban invasion just crawling around instead doing gens😂😂😂

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    I agree with this 100%. Not healing just for the sake of "not healing and rushing gens" is sometimes a bad move and an opportunity for the killer to snowball. Not healing should be a calculated risk, a decision made based on the circumstances of the match (how many gens left? Do you have adrenaline? how many survivors left? is it a killer that can get free first hit? is the killer spirit or nurse? are you in a safe spot of the map? are you dead on the next hook? is the killer running sloppy butcher and/or thanatophobia?). Usually self caring is not really worth it.

    I used to bring self care but I realized I don't use it most of the matches. It is a good perk and useful in some situations but still does not justify a perk slot.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450


    If you run Self-Care and no item then you are doing something wrong. Use the item slot for a medkit and run a different perk

    Perk slot value >> item slot value

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    There are people like this in red ranks. Sad.

  • darkcobra
    darkcobra Member Posts: 19

    To be fair at low rank, running self care is a MUST. The protocol at low rank apparently is to unhook and take off for 5 minutes running after the guy who unhooked you until he feels safe enough to heal you when the killer was obviously in a chase during the unhook and it would have been safe to heal right there.

    I run self care JUST to start the healing animation right off the hook (i run object) then the guy unhooking sometimes turns back and heals me right there.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Best when they self-care against Legion, big yikes. I just suicide if I see at least 2 doing this nonsense. Not worth the effort and time trying to win that.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    or ripping the doors open immediately.

    FFS others are lookign for the NOED totem and the killer is NOT EVEN NEAR YOU!

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Always remember taking another survivor off a gen to heal you loses the same amount of gen progression and that's not including the time to find them.

    Not everyone is good at looping or even likes too. Never try and push your way of playing onto others or talk down to them due to it being not how you play. Players are free to play and use what they wish.

    If anything versus a good competent killer those that refuse to heal can be the ones who get those that do killed quicker. It works both ways.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well I run self care but I hate when I unhook someone and he run all the way to a corner and I am chasing him in order to heal them because they don't have self care. I use self care when I know I am at a safe place.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @Thaznar I think the point is about running to the corner in order to use self care

  • oktobmer
    oktobmer Member Posts: 4

    Its literally impossible when your bleeding out of your ass while the killer is frickin going a Million miles per hour and they tunnel you 24/7

    Salts better than pepper.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    As a mainly solo player who usually distracts, I approve.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2019

    I'm a main solo player even if i play SWF sometimes, and 90% of the time i end up to be the last player in the game, and very often in this percentage i can get the exit. Why? Self-caring in a corner. While the others lay on the ground, 'cause handle injuried chase isn't that easy as you state, i still have one chance more to heal them, unhook them etc. while killer is distracted. So, self-care in a corner is good for me. Self-caring in a corner all the life.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I particularly don't run SC because I don't enjoy holding M1 for 32 more seconds, but you do you tbh

    This game ain't competitive enough for me to take it that seriously tbh. Just don't run Bond and you don't tilt every time it happens.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Dear arrogant selfish gen rusher, i've been tunneled all game, finally managed to escape the killer, PLEASE HEAL ME BECAUSE I DONT RUN SELF CARE SINCE IT WAS NERFED INTO THE FLOOR!

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    + you can heal each other way faster, if there is someone on your way ^^ but iidc if i am injured, you adapt.

    but yea I hate those selfcare people. Not even because they selfcare. It's more like:

    They doing it the whole game... They consum this perk like every other thing in their reallifes. It's nuts and if thats not enough: Their 32 seconds Full health state means not much to them, they often get easily first hit or they offer a hit just to selfcare for another 32 seconds -_-

    Here is how it should be:

    Hooked, Chasing, Rescuing, Repairing

    here is what it is with excessive selfcare users:

    Hooked, Chasing, Repairing, Selfcaring


    Hooked, Chasing, Rescuing, Selfcaring

    In one scenario people die way faster, in the other one doing gens takes way to long.

    Please guys try out some weeks without selfcare. Ive been inlove with bond. Sounds silly and I never liked this perk before. But in solo qs it's dope. You know so much things, you play way more efficient. i like seeing whats happening it helps making better decisions instead of guessing what is going on right now. Borrowed Time, Decisive, Adrenaline, BL, DH, Spine CHill, Iron Will, Lightweight, Small Game (...) so many good perks, allowing many different playstyles to win a game way more efficient and smarter.

    Selfcare is luxury. If you run it, use it ######### wisely. And dont consume it like your favorite fast food. It's killing :P Like, seriously.

  • vh_
    vh_ Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2019

    Please BHVR, buff Self-Care so we can heal while running 🙏🙏🙏

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    LOL. So now the other player get downed because i self-care when i can? Nope i do gens also, i didn't got my red rank just because i self care. You can get in a lobby with good players and get in a lobby with really bad ones. So, self-care is one more chance to stay alive. I can get Killers don't like this (of course they don't). Generalize is a bad habit, every game is different. Same rules but different.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2019

    LOL. So the main reason why very often the others players in my games get downed is because i do self-care? Maybe a little of their responsibility of not being able to escape the killer? I also do gens, heal, unhook etc. etc. etc. I do my part, i didn't get my red rank just because i self-care in a corner. You can get in a lobby with good players and in a lobby with really bad ones. Every game is different. Same rules but with different results, and there are players you simply can't team up. Generalize is a really bad habit. With self-care i can have one more chance to survive to a really bad game... i can get that killers don't like self-care. Of course they don't. XD

    Post edited by aurum_exe on
  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    it’s not as easy as i stated, that’s true. which is why i said to learn how to handle a chase injured. if many more survivors learn how, the problem of ‘omg, i’m injured! must instantly go to a corner and do nothing but self care for 32 seconds’ wouldn’t be a problem every time you get hit.

    fact of the matter is self-care wastes a lot of valuable time, then it’s always the solo survivors complaining that they’re not on par with SWF, i wonder why? because everyone is running self-care unlike SWF.

    if it’s that much of a problem, just equip other perks that help with survival like iron will, adren, ds etc.

    i don’t even use adren i’ve started running hope and still don’t find any use for self-care.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Danara, self-care is a perk you gain leveling up a character. Developers put it there, not solo players, or me. It is part of the game mechanics. So that means it is usable if it is valuable, and i think it is. In lobbies i often find people that in chat asks for gen rush, but gen rushing doesn't grant you a PIP point at the end of the game. What grants ranking up, is staying alive the longer possibile, making points. I see games where people greedily attack a gen because they wanna exit fast, and fail miserably because a HilliBilly down them all at the very same gen! Time is not the only important part in this game, is just one condition. Do you wanna PIP? Then you have to fight a little more longer.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So instead of just doing YOUR job, and letting them die, you get both of you caught because they're not following your rules?

    THIS is why people hate bond users.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    2 survivors on hook (you are one of them) and killer is chasing 3rd survivor to the other side of the map. And what do you see? 4th survivor Self Caring middle of nowhere and isnt coming to save you.

    "Damm my struggle didnt work" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    games go on long enough even without the use of self-care, the point i am making is that self-care makes it even longer. and just so you know the perk gives you nothing to pip either.

    you can use the perk all you like, after all the developers did put it in the game for a reason. however like that other person said, maybe find the reason you’re always alive at the end of the match is because players like you are so busy self-caring in the corner of the map, instead of working as a team to make sure you escape with more people.

    like i said, the bridge between solo’s and swf is huge and self care is a big cause of that

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192

    What's your steam account? I have leatherface waiting to facecamp you

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I prefer iron will to sc. I used sc for a long time until I realised how much time do I waste healing.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @danara @My_Farewell

    ok that’s cool I’ll just drop every pallet on the map cause I can gl looping with 0 pallets

  • My_Farewell
    My_Farewell Member Posts: 495

    It was a joke and i've never done it in this scenario, but is true that i expect a better playstyle than selfcaring in a corner in red ranks tbh.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    As much as I understand that, I don't want to run around the whole map, chasing the Ash that unhooked me but is scared to heal me for some reason.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    O.o ashy slashy doesn’t wanna catch any blood borne pathogens.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,122

    I agree OP, we should also seek out other survivors so if you do need healed it can be done faster then you can do a gen together, I always take prove thyself for that reason when I play solo. Yet so many claudettes don't play her to help others which makes me roll my eyes.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    There's a differance between healing in a corner, and loitering around. If I'm playing solo and am injured, more than likely I'm going to heal, because I dont have any indication of the current game state outisde of the occasional queue of sombody being injured, or such. I would rather stay on the safe side as opposed to risking being a 1 hit to a killer, then being left on hook by others, atleast by healing I get more play time, and being solo, I care most about my own playtime as opposed to the others, I'll save if it means it benefits me, but if they're being camped, or I think that somebody else will get them, I'll go do a gen or heal. If you were to loiter around however, then that is a problem, because you're not helping the team at all, atleast with healing, you can distract the killer, for that little bit longer.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    As a solo player, I use plunders and ace and pull keys every game to escape.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    No one talks about no healing. We are talking about not selfcaring because it takes much longer. If no one is with you you do gens or idk, cleanse a totem... something helpful to win the game. And if someone next to you you let him heal if he refuses then yea..bad luck but I didnt had these issues in months. I mean it's efficient, 100% faster and instead of self healing the whole time you put pressure on the killer.

    Being temporary injured isnt that problem especially as experienced high rank player.

    It seems that guys always wanna play smart, smarter then the others. But you dont if you heal every single time yourself for 32 seconds or more... Just to get injured 10 seconds later and ´start healing again if the killer stops chasing you it's just awful... So often I could have done one more gen if the guy next to me just came over and help doing this gen. No he selfcared. If he came over I could heal him within 16 seconds and we could do the gen faster. I mean, it's not that efficient but better then the original scenario. Scenaríos were refusing to selfcare and instead doing a objective could have safe at least one other survivor..with many 2nd chance perks maybe 3... but nah they selfcare...just being deleted from the game for such a looong time

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Best killer perk in the game is self care. I only play solo survivor and I can't stand it. I won't play a game with more than one Claudette in the lobby but most of the time, my entire team runs it. They won't even let me heal them off the hook. Absolutely maddening.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2019

    Well the only last thing i can say more, after reading all these posts, is that devs made the perfect game that bring people to argue on stupid stuff. I told in my post that i do all my job possibile to play the game under fair rules. I earned my red rank not because i self-care but also because "i care of other players" 1) yeah i get points in doing it. So what? It's a game ffs! 2) i love to rank (again so what?) and i don't wanna end up my game with some players that like to teabag killers and then ends up hooked in the basement. Every player should do their best to end the game, but the most of the times, they don't. So what? (again). It is because "Self-care" perk? Do you really believe in what you are saying people? Every game is different. Same rules, different conditions. If you can get that, then you'll see that "self-care" is not an issue at all. If you watch players like No0b03, Puppers (all rank 1 survivors), they all self-care in their build, and they win games like 50 in a raw! So? Are they stupids too?

    Post edited by aurum_exe on
  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    I agee. Too many survivors use self-care. Just use bond. You can find other players who will be happy to heal you easily. And they do it faster. Self-care is only good if you are the last player alive with one other survivor on the hook and it's the end game and you can heal yourself before going for the save. But mostly it's just a waste of time.

    I use bond and I see too many players self-caring when they don't need to. It's especially annoying when we have one more gen left and it's not being done because too many survivors are busy self-caring.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I love it when people heal and I'm unlimited Myers. Sure heal won't stop my one hit downs.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    It's less about the perk and more about knowing when to use it. Running to a corner every time you get hurt to self care no matter what even against heavily stacked healing speed debuffs is painful to see people to while you're on the hook or something.

    Of course a lot of people do exactly that so it's understandable the perk itself gets the reputation it does. Personally if I'm gonna run it I tend to squeeze the most utility possible out of it by running it with Botany AND a medkit with lots of charges as well so getting hit isn't a big deal unless I go down.